The old man was born in a poor family.

Dortmund, located in the Ruhr area of ​​North Rhine-Westphalia in western Germany, is the seventh largest city in Germany.

It is also an important industrial city.

Dortmund is an important steel and coal base, beer brewing center and water and land transportation hub in Germany.

So most of the people living in this city are working class people related to these industries.

As industrial people, they have their own characteristics.

Every morning, the streets are filled with people rushing to major factories.

At the same time, there are various newsstands and breakfast stalls near various factories and mines, doing business with these workers.

Dawson is a newsstand owner.

His daily job is to place the newspapers in a prominent position in his newsstand after they are delivered in the morning.

Then wait for people who pass by here in the morning to buy one.

This morning, he still placed the piles of newspapers delivered by the deliveryman on the display board of his newsstand one by one as usual.

As a football fan, he naturally placed the newspapers about football in the most prominent position.

As a 59-year-old man, after doing all this, he felt a little tired.

So he took out a copy of "Ruhr Sports News" from a pile of newspapers, and then lay comfortably on his recliner and read the newspaper leisurely.

This is also the happiest time of his day.

Lying on the recliner, drinking tea, and reading his favorite football news.

This is simply a kind of enjoyment.

Dawson first took a look at the news on the front page.

As expected, it was a report on the game between Dortmund and Chemnitz, a third-tier team in Germany, which had just ended.

In the end, Dortmund, who played mostly as substitutes, easily defeated Chemnitz, a team in the German third division, with a score of 3-0 away from home and directly advanced to the next round.

Dawson was not surprised by this result.

Although most of the players sent by Dortmund were substitutes.

But the strength was not comparable to Chemnitz, which was in the middle of the German third division.

The score of 3-0 was probably because Dortmund let the water go.

Otherwise, it would have been a massacre.

Dawson did not watch this game yesterday.

Because he thought there was really nothing to see.

Seeing the result of the game today, it was almost the same as he expected.

This made Dawson shake his head.

"As a low-level team, it is really difficult to perform in the German Cup."

Dawson said to himself.

And what he said was true.

Because this is also determined by the competition system of the German Cup.

Because in the first round, the 18 Bundesliga teams and the top 14 Bundesliga teams will be divided into one group, while the remaining 4 Bundesliga relegated teams, 4 Bundesliga promoted teams and other 24 Bundesliga 3 and amateur teams will be divided into another group.

The two groups will draw lots to fight each other.

In other words, as a low-level Bundesliga 3 team, it is certain to encounter a Bundesliga or Bundesliga 2 team in the first round.

In this case, few Bundesliga 3 teams can make it past the first round.

And even if you make it past the first round, the remaining rounds will be divided into groups according to strength.

In other words, if a Bundesliga 3 team wants to advance, it must defeat the strong opponents of the Bundesliga or Bundesliga 2.

This is really no chance for the weak Bundesliga 3 team.

Generally, by the second round, basically all the Bundesliga 3 teams will be wiped out.

By the third round, there are only a few Bundesliga 2 teams left.

Not to mention the fourth round.

So it's really nothing to see Dortmund eliminate a third-tier team.

It's just that Dortmund is the only Bundesliga team in this city, so whenever they have a game, they are usually the headlines on the front page of sports newspapers.

After taking a quick look at the headlines, Dawson continued to read on.

Then a news headline appeared in front of him.

[The biggest dark horse in this round of the German Cup appears! Dortmund U23 beat the Bundesliga powerhouse Munich 1860 3-1 at home! The young Chinese player scored two goals and made a great contribution! ]

Seeing this headline, Dawson immediately became excited.

"Oh my God! Dortmund U23 actually won the game. This is really a pleasant surprise! But who is this young Chinese player?"

Dawson was completely

Curious, I hurried to read on.

This is a report from a reporter named Karl.

In the report, he detailed the details of the match between Dortmund U23 and Munich 1860 in the first round of the German Cup yesterday.

In the process, he repeatedly mentioned a name: YI LIN.

From the first goal of Dortmund U23, how did the opponent assist his teammates to score.

And after the team got into trouble, how did he turn the tide and score a goal in the first and second half.

Finally helped the team win the final victory with a score of 3 to 1.

After reading the whole report, it feels like the young Chinese player named Lin is like a god descending from heaven.

He is invincible on the court and unstoppable.

After reading the whole report, Dawson felt a little unsatisfied.

At the same time, he became very interested in the Chinese player Lin Yi who created an impressive record.

Fortunately, at the end of the report, Carl also introduced Lin Yi's personal situation.

When Dawson saw that the player was only 17 years old, he couldn't help but sit up straight.

"Are you sure? Why is this genius still in the U23? Klopp should recruit him to the first team."

Dawson muttered to himself.

As a die-hard fan of Dortmund, Dawson certainly hopes that his team can have more fresh blood.

So that the team will become stronger and stronger.

In his opinion, Lin Yi is undoubtedly such fresh blood.

"Dawson! Give me a copy of the Westfalen Post! Is there any news worth reading today?"

While Dawson was stunned, a voice came from outside the newsstand.

Dawson looked up and saw that it was his old customer Gulden.

Gulden is an engineer at a nearby steel plant. He basically comes to him to buy newspapers every morning.

"Gulden, my old friend. I saw an interesting news today. You can read it later. This is the newspaper you want."

Dawson casually took out a copy of the Westfalen Post and handed it over.

"Oh, what interesting news?"

Gulden asked curiously while taking the newspaper.

"Look at the newspaper, it should be on it."

Dawson said mysteriously.

Gulden was even more curious when he saw that the other party was keeping him in suspense. He couldn't wait to read the newspaper.

What made him depressed was that after he read the whole newspaper over and over again, he couldn't help but be more confused.

"Old Dawson, are you kidding me? There is no interesting news in this. You don't mean that Dortmund's victory over a third-tier underdog team is also interesting news?"

"Huh? You didn't see it? Is this news only reported by the Ruhr Sports News?"

Thinking of this, Dawson picked up a copy of the Westfalen Post from the side.

After a few glances, he did not see any reports about the Dortmund U23 match.

Then he looked for several other newspapers, but none of them had detailed reports about the match.

Only the Dortmund Express mentioned it, saying that Dortmund U23 defeated Munich 1860 3-1 at home.

There were no other reports.

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