Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1002: Samsung, the king is here!

Ten million walking!

In Thriller Paradise, what made the players of the God of War team unexpected was that the candle dragon they were still discussing just appeared in front of them!

Therefore, they did not ask why Zhulong came here.

Before the candle dragon started any action, the captain of War God Cyclonus directly ordered: "Enclose him!"

A large number of God of War players gushed out of the garden and immediately surrounded the candle dragon group!

At this time, the deputy captain [War God Wushuang] said to the God of War Cyclonus: "Captain, inform the Dragon Race, ten million!"

The God of War Cyclonus stopped the God of War Wushuang, and said: "The Dragon Clan said that they found the Candle Dragon and told them that there was 10 million."

"If we help them catch the candle dragon alive, and then **** them to them personally, the bounty will be doubled directly."

God of War Wushuang laughed: "Sure enough, **** is still hot!"

Therefore, God of War Wushuang gave up his plan to inform the Dragon Clan.

Said to Zhulong: "Good boy, Zhulong, do you know your current worth?"

"Didn't you see the Dragon Clan's reward? You dare to come out for a stroll!"

Zhulong raised his head, looked at the God of War Wushuang coldly through the fully enclosed metal helmet, and said, "Ten million, can you afford it?"

The players of the God of War each looked at each other.

"This guy is really arrogant!"

"The Dragon Race is offering a reward of tens of millions of levels. It seems that he is still the number one person on our Streaming City Demon Race ranking list. This guy is not simple in strength. Please be careful!"

"Go, live but not die!"

Following the order of the God of War Cyclonus.

In the rear, a large group of senior players from the God of War group rushed towards the candle dragon!

Look at the candle dragon.

Don’t hurry, hold the two swords firmly, turn on the [Dark Body], and release the control-free skills at the same time.

Get into the crowd with super fast speed, single-handedly!

As the number one in the Sky Ranking of the Demon Race in Streaming City, the Candle Dragon, who was even stronger than Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen, was not so easy to deal with.

Swipe it!

The figure of the candle dragon shuttled through the crowd like a ghost.

Double swords flurry.

Tens of millions of injuries hit the crowd!

In an instant, the players of the God of War team were cut to the ground one after another!

The candle dragon only maimed them, but did not kill them.

"Damn! This guy is so strong!"

"Yes, our God of War team is the ninth high-level team of the Streaming City team. There are so many people who can't help him. Don't mix in Streaming City in the future!"

The players of God of War, led by God of War Cyclonus, launched a strong counterattack.

After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and no matter how strong the strength of the candle dragon is, it is not enough to reach the point where one is worth a thousand.

After all, the enemies he is facing now are extraordinary, not those little ones, but advanced players of the first-line level in Streaming City!

Under the siege of the players of the God of War, the Candle Dragon was quickly defeated.

A large group of people surrounded the candle dragon.

At this time, the deputy captain, the archer War God Wushuang pointed to the candle dragon with one-fifth of the remaining blood in the encirclement circle, disdainfully said:

"You dare to go straight ahead, do you think you are invincible?"

However, Zhulong did not rush, but smiled indifferently: "This kind of combat power is really good."

"Do you know why I am looking for you?"

Just when everyone didn't understand what Zhulong was talking about.

Zhulong continued: "It is precisely because you are strong enough that after such a body becomes a ghost servant, the combat effectiveness is bound to be very strong."

God of War Wushuang looked dumbfounded: "What is a ghost servant?"

The voice just fell.


There was a low and weird cry.

At the same time, in all directions, I was plunged into the darkness of invisible darkness!

"What...what's going on?!"

Under an inexplicable threat, the players of the God of War team fell into panic.

next moment.

A dark shadow appeared in the crowd.


A scream tore through the darkness.

After all, it is the ninth high-ranking family in Streaming City.

Through the Skeleton King quest rewards, and yesterday's Skeleton King BOSS battle.

Many people in the God of War have received 25 Starfire Skeleton Suits.

Those players who have a full set of 25-star fire skull suits immediately turn on the [Flame Body] skill, which is only available in the 25-star or higher suit, and use the blazing fire on their bodies to illuminate the night.


As the night is lit by fire.

What appeared in the sight of everyone was a monster wearing silver armor, riding a skeletal war horse, holding a dark sword flashing with thunder and lightning, and with cold eyes in his eyes!

Through the appearance of this monster, compared with the description of the rewards released by the dragon clan, someone recognized the identity of this monster: "Ghost King!"

Lv160 Samsung Ghost King: Buye!

Everyone has not had time to take a closer look at the appearance of this ghost king.

The ghost king Buye roared:

"Ats, all surrender to this king!"

Stop talking.

Lift the ghost sword and use the sword against the sky to release thunder and lightning.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, countless red lightning fell from the sky, bombarding the crowd in a mess.

Those of the God of War players who were struck by the lightning jumped up one after another with huge amounts of damage as high as 30 million!

The ghost king Bouye, who has risen from one star to three stars, combined with the power of the ghost sword, now the damage has been exploded!

Except for the Cavaliers, there is no other professional player with more than 100 million HP.

More than 30 million injuries hit the audience, causing them to be devastated instantly!

Under the continuous bombardment of lightning, hundreds of God of War players were killed within a large area of ​​the Ghost King's body!

They fell to the ground and the bodies were not refreshed.

Immediately afterwards, Buye holding the ghost sword once used by the top seven-star ghost king Xilu of the ghost family, riding a skeleton war horse, killing all quarters in the crowd, no one can stop!

One by one more than 30 million damages, harvest the audience!

At the same time, the candle dragon also cooperated with the ghost king to maimed the players of the God of War, and then handed it over to the ghost king to kill.

Because only the ghost king can activate the ghost killing privilege and turn the dead into ghost servants!

Seeing more and more brothers fall under the beheading of the ghost king, and their counterattack is not a big threat to the Samsung ghost king Buye.

Only then did God of War Cyclonus begin to panic a little.

Quickly confessed to the people around him: "Quickly...tell the dragons!"

Never thought, the voice just fell.

Floating in the air, a group of "fires" flew toward here at extreme speed!

It turned out that when the Candle Dragon arrived at the Thriller Paradise, there were already players in the God of War, and before the God of War Cyclonus issued an order not to notify the dragon, the news was notified to the dragon.

So at this time, that group of fire is Babu.

Zhang Yi and the others are already here!

Upon seeing this, the candle dragon, who was killing all quarters in the crowd, frowned slightly: "They came so quickly."

After that, Zhulong said to the ghost king: "You first withdraw, and I will break."


Bu Ye, who pierced the body of a God of War player with a sword, said disapprovingly: "I have received the true biography of Lord Shilu, and I have also been assisted by the ghost sword."

"Now, what is there to fear?"

Looking up at the fire dragon Babu flying in the air, Buye's sharp eyes glowing with cold light burst into a chill:

"I want that dragon to be my mount!"

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