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Chapter 1016: Super King G: Blood Banquet!

Sure enough, with this ethereal voice appeared.

The three three-star ghost kings seemed to be shocked by some kind of strong awe, and they were full of awe at this voice!

On the streets and alleys, the low-level ghost servants heard the voices, and they bowed their heads and dared not make any movement!

It seems that the source of this voice is the biggest overlord of Junlin City!

However, he only listened to his voice, but did not see him.

Zhulong looked around, but did not find the speaker.

He responded to the floating air: "I can let you out, but you have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions?" The low voice appeared again in the air.

Zhulong said bluntly: "I want a Ghost King Order! Besides, after you go out, you will all listen to my orders."

It is very unlikely that there will be a ghost king order on the three-star ghost king, because only the top strong ghost clan are eligible to have the ghost king order.

This ghost king who has yet to show up must be of higher grade than these three three-star ghost kings.

Moreover, as the overlord of the city lord level of King's Landing City, it has a great possibility of possessing the Ghost King Token!

The request made by the dragon dragon made the three brothers of the ghost king Jiwa immediately confront him with their swords: "Ghost King Order, is it something that you and other mortals can covet?"

"How can ghost tribes like Er and other mortals be able to lead?"

Their actions just show: their leader indeed possesses a Ghost King Order!

At this time, the voice floating in the air was very calm, and said, "What can you do to lift the seal of the Lord God?"

Unexpectedly, Zhulong actually put his own conditions first: "I need to get the Ghost King Order first."

This time, Zhulong learned to be clever.

What you need must be obtained first.

Only then can the negotiations with the ghost clan continue.

Finally, the voice couldn't hold back his breath: "This is in the domain of this king. If you want to die here, it's easy to turn your back on."

But Zhulong smiled indifferently: "Since I have come to Junlin City, do you think I will still be afraid of death?"

"It seems that you have come prepared!"

"I'm here to save you." Zhulong said.

"Give this king a reason." The voice floating in the air responded.

Zhulong said: "It is not just your pursuit to rule the world of Apocalypse."

"I also want to be the overlord of Apocalypse, but this process requires your assistance. What do you think of this reason?"

"very good!"

The voice just fell.

On Zhulong's side, he suddenly received a system prompt:

"Ding~You got the gift of [Ghost King: Blood Banquet]: Get [Ghost King Order] +1!"

It turns out that this super ghost king who controls Junlin City behind the scenes is called Blood Banquet!

Being able to have three three-star ghost king-level servants, this blood feast, I'm afraid it's unusual!

When Zhulong opened his backpack, he saw a token exuding black energy, lying quietly in the bag.

Ghost King Order! And it's Samsung quality!

Zhulong is overjoyed.

Ghost Clan Super Artifact: Three Star Ghost King Order, which can make the holder get 45% damage bonus and 15% damage-free effect.

If this effect is applied to the ghost blood or the ghost camp, it will be doubled!

That is: 90% damage bonus, and 30% damage reduction!

As for the Blood Banquet of the Ghost King, it did not worry that the Ghost King Ling would actually be taken away by the Candle Dragon.

Just being trapped in Junlin City for too long, the unexpected candle dragon made it feel a glimmer of hope.

It is willing to take a gamble, the big deal is that even if it loses, killing the human being, the Candle Dragon, can regain the Ghost King Order!

It needs to see: what the human being who claims to be able to break the seal of the Lord God wants to do to get them out of the shackles of Junlin City!

Of course, after going through Buye, Zhulong will no longer easily believe in the ghost tribe.

His purpose is only for the King of Ghosts!

Because the ghost tribe, although roughly the same as the dragon tribe, wants to join the ghost tribe camp, the premise is that they must obtain the ghost tribe bloodline, and then through upgrading the blood line, further obtain the qualifications to join the ghost tribe camp.

And now, the candle dragon has got the blood of the ghost race.

However, it was discovered that the bloodline of the ghost clan was upgraded, not the same as the bloodline of the dragon clan!

To upgrade the dragon bloodline, prestige is consumed.

But to upgrade the bloodline of the ghost clan, it requires a ghost king order!

Those of ghost bloodline need to merge a piece of ghost king order to achieve the purpose of activating the bloodline upgrade function!

Regardless of the level of the ghost king order absorbed, as long as it is the ghost king order.

And after absorbing the Ghost King Order, those of the ghost clan lineage will enjoy the bonus effect of the Ghost King Order forever, and can continue to upgrade the Ghost King Order.

It's just that the ghost king order that has been absorbed can no longer be extracted, even if the ghost bloodline dies, it can't!

That's right, the current purpose of the candle dragon is to enter the ghost clan camp!

Because only after joining the ghost clan camp can you be eligible to become a ghost emperor!

Without the identity of the ghost family, even if the candle dragon knew how to become the secret of the ghost emperor, he could not become the ghost emperor!

Of course, Zhulong didn't know exactly how to become a ghost emperor.

At the beginning [Dark Dragon King: Yi Gu Nuo] only told Zhulong: the prerequisite for becoming a ghost king is to join the ghost clan camp!

Zhulong thought: After joining the ghost clan camp first, then slowly explore the secret of the ghost emperor.

One day, he must become the ghost emperor, and then lead the ghost clan to become the strongest of the apocalypse!

After getting the three-star Ghost King Token from [Ghost King: Blood Banquet], Candle Dragon did not hesitate, and directly and quietly integrated the Ghost King Token into his body!

Then, a system prompt that only Candle Dragon could hear echoed in his ears:

"Ding~The bloodline upgrade function has been activated. Please upgrade the bloodline according to your needs. When the bloodline level of the ghost clan reaches level 10, you will be eligible to join the ghost clan camp!"

At this time, the Ghost King Blood Banquet did not know that its Ghost King Order had been permanently swallowed by the Candle Dragon and could not be retrieved.

It asked the candle dragon: "The Ghost King's order has been given to you. Next, how do you lift the seal of the Lord God for Junlin City?"

Zhulong hesitated.

Blurted out: "To be honest, I don't know."

The voice just fell.

Within the city of King's Landing, there was a moment of silence.

"Dare to play the **** banquet, the guy who knows nothing about life and death!"

The next moment, the three ghost king brothers copied the guy and approached towards the candle dragon...

Kunlun Mountains.

As soon as they entered the city wall, Zhang Yi and the others, who were attacked by the poisonous fog, obtained the [Fog Expelling Gem] by killing the foggy dragon to temporarily eliminate the threat of the poisonous fog.

However, a fog-repellent gem with only one hour effective time can treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

In order to completely eradicate the threat of poisonous fog, Zhang Yi and the others came to the top of the mountain and found the guy releasing poisonous fog:

Level 166 30-star BOSS: Dragon King of the Mist!

Never mind that Streamer City has already experienced the 33-star BOSS attack, and finally managed to overcome the difficulties.

That was the 40 million players in the city dispatched, coupled with the assistance of other main city players, and finally the Skeleton King was killed under the control of Fatty.

The candle dragon also spent a huge price in the ghost world, and at the cost of more than two thousand 170-level puppet sword wolves, killed the 170-level 30-star BOSS Hellfire Dragon!

This shows how powerful the 30-star BOSS is!

Fortunately, Zhang Yi and the others have a powerful assistant——

Adjudicator: Fat Dun'er!

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