Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1300: The battle of the gods is about to begin!

Lv200 Storm's Nest.

Huge nests are located on the edge of the sea.

In the sand, huge crabs can be seen everywhere, crawling among them.

They are the overlord of the Storm’s Nest: lv200 Storm Cancer!

Zhang Yi was alone, riding a dragon, manipulating a group of warcraft, and swarming storm cancer crabs on the beach.

The explosive damage between 3 and 4 billion makes these 200-level, 18-billion-blood Cancer Crabs vulnerable to a blow in front of Zhang Yi.

Basically, Zhang Yi is a group of dozens of dozens!

Since Han Yarou left.

Zhang Yi is already alone, staying here every night and day, for half a month!

That evening.

Following Zhang Yi's [Dance of Demons Random], the lives of the current batch of Cancer Crabs ended.

After gaining a dozen storm Cancer experience.

A beam of golden light fell on Zhang Yi's head.

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, the current level is 190!"

Zhang Yi sat down on the sand, and then lay down directly on the ground.

This is an unprecedented and extremely relieved feeling.

It was also at this time.

Zhang Yi waited for a long time for a system prompt, and finally fell from the sky.

[Full Service Announcement] (Star Country District): "Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] reaching level 190, as the first player in the Star Country District to reach level 190, complete the achievement [Advanced Player] and get rewards: gold coins + 2000w! Prestige +50w!"

[Full Service Announcement] (Star Country District): "Ding~Attention to all Star Country players: As the level 2 [Yinuo Qingcheng] player of the Terran second-level main city of Streaming City has reached level 190, [War of the Gods] will start soon, Players can learn more in the Battle of the Gods interface!"

In addition to the announcement of upgrade achievements.

The following full-server announcement about the opening of the Battle of the Gods sounded three times in a row, and it immediately resounded across the north and south of the star country area of ​​the Apocalypse World!

In an instant, everyone was boiling over.

The three major races, the chat channels of each second-level main city, started to fry each other——

"What? What did the system say to turn on? What is it called?"

"It's called the disappeared cornea."

"What is the battle of the gods? It sounds like a tall one?"

"Didn't the system say it? You can learn about the situation on the Battle of the Gods interface!"

"Before the opening of the world of Apocalypse, I have learned some information on the official website of Apocalypse. It is said that before the opening of the first-level main city, when a player reaches level 190 in the country, the battle of the gods will start. Player representatives Participate in the main city. If you win, all players in the city will be eligible to enter the first-level main city in advance!"

"Enter the first-level main city ahead of time? So cool! Is there any reward if this battle of the gods is won?"

"I'm going! Is it because I am the only one who has a special focus? Are you all only aware of the battle of the gods, and no one has noticed this Yinuo Qingcheng, has it all been level 190? I'm only level 180, brothers and sisters , The highest level of our Fire Cloud City is only level 182, how did this guy rise to level 190 so quickly?"

"Upstairs, you are not alone."

"Yinuo Qingcheng, it seems that the full server announcement appeared a long time ago. He is a pretty daddy."

The players in the major cities are talking about it.

On Zhang Yi's side, he received a message from an old friend who hadn't contacted him for a long time: the Warring States Period Lu Bu.

"Good guy, it's level 190! Your level was promoted with a catalyst, right?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the list, showing the level of Lu Bu in the Warring States Period: Level 181.

Replied: "I look forward to meeting us in the battle of the gods."

"That's for sure." Warring States Lv Bu said to himself: "It's just a trivial sea election, and I can't be troubled by it."

At this time, Zhang Yi also opened the Battle of the Gods interface and took a look.

After all, the last battle of the gods, for Zhang Yi, eight years have passed since today!

Moreover, in the previous life, Zhang Yi did not have the opportunity to participate in the battle of the gods, and was eliminated in the qualifiers.

Zhang Yi opens the interface.

It is found that what is currently displayed is the registration information of the major cities.

Battle of the Gods, Streaming City Sea Election, all players belonging to Streaming City can participate.

The qualifiers are divided into three rounds.

The first round of the sea elections will begin the day after tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a chance for all players to prepare.

The rules of the first round of the qualifiers are relatively simple and cruel.

After the start of the game, in units of 100,000, all participants will be sent to the battlefield.

Each battlefield has a maximum of 100,000 players.

The rule is to kill.

In the same battlefield, kill more than ten other players to be directly selected.

If the number of kills does not exceed ten people, one thousand people will be selected after the game is ranked according to the number of people.

In other words, the probability of selection in the first round of the sea selection is only one percent.

If all the 40 million players in Stream City participate, 39.6 million people will be eliminated, and only 400,000 people will be selected, and they will enter the second round of audition.

Don't look at the number of eliminations so scary.

You know: who can finally go to participate in the battle of the gods, each second-level main city can only send a maximum of 100 representatives!

And there are only three rounds in total in the qualifiers!

In addition, as long as you participate in this competition, you will get rewards.

Players who are successfully selected for the first round of the sea election will receive a [One Round of Sea Election Gift Pack], which will be able to draw out a grand prize of experience points, gold coins and prestige!

As for the unsuccessful players, they will also receive a participation award and a small amount of experience gold coins and other rewards.

The rules of the first round are like this.

The detailed start time is ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow.

Registration starts now and ends at ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Yi signed up without hesitation.

According to Zhang Yi's memory, in his previous life, he seemed to be eliminated in the second round of qualifiers.

It's a pity, if you work harder, you might be selected for the Ultimate Battle of the Gods Challenge.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly received a private message from a friend.

I opened the message list and found that it was actually a message from Lin Ruo: "Congratulations, please mention level 190, do you have time to come to a celebration banquet I prepared for you?"

Look at the time: six o'clock in the evening.

It happened that Zhang Yi was also a little hungry, so he responded: "Okay, which restaurant is it at? I'll go right away."

After the dialogue was over, Zhang Yi used the city return scroll to return to Streaming City.

Follow Lin Ruo's guidance to a five-star high-end restaurant in the city.

When I arrived at a luxurious private room on the second floor as scheduled, I found that there was only Lin Ruo in the huge private room!

Looking at the empty seats at the table, Zhang Yi asked, "Where are they?"

"Who?" Lin Ruo said with a look of ignorance: "I only invited you."

Just when Zhang Yi felt an inexplicable nervousness.

Lin Ruomu stared at Zhang Yi, and suddenly spoke a word.

"There has always been a problem in my heart. It is said that we were once a pair of lovers?"

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