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Chapter 1302: Dragon strong, come back!

Only when Zhang Yi and July Liuhuo entered the city of destruction.

Sure enough, I saw a large group of players besieging a mixed archer **** a street.

The half-blood archer girl under siege is August Weiyang!

And in its surroundings are the Heavenly Family players who were once defeated by the Tiange and Dragons!

Through the god-level exploration technique, Zhang Yi immediately learned: This group of people has killed all the resurrection times of August Weiyang!

Moreover, Weiyang's blood volume in August is fixed at about 10%.

There are two big swords on his neck. As long as the big sword is swung, Weiyang will die permanently in August!

I saw the heads of the two big families of Dragon and Tiange: [Yinuo Qingcheng] and [July Liuhuo] arrived as promised.

Among the hundreds of players in the heaven family.

The leader: The Blade of Heaven, a 179-level assassin man, looked at the two and said: "You are finally here!"

As the super soldier king, he used to be fearless even in the face of the enemy's top killers.

Only after seeing his sister being held hostage, she showed unprecedented fear.

"Don't hurt her, what do you want, I will give it to you!"

The Blade of Heaven stared at the July Flowing Fire and snorted coldly: "I want your life! Will you give it?"

"Half a month ago, in the imperial city, it was you two that made our heaven home destroyed, leaving us homeless and living on the streets, and we have to be like rats crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating!"

"At the beginning, why didn't you just kill us and give us a good time? It caused us to suffer all the torture and humiliation during this period of time!"

The Blade of Heaven and the players of the Heaven family are all in anger.

The two warriors holding August Weiyang, with sharp swords in their hands, even cut through the white jade neck of August Weiyang!

July Liuhuo quickly said: "I'm sorry! I apologize to you!"

"Apologize useful?"

The Blade of Heaven stared at the July Flowing Fire angrily: "If you want your sister to survive, just kneel down for the labor and management, begging for the labor and management!"

August Weiyang's position in July Liuhuo's heart even surpasses that of July Liuhuo himself.

The July Liuhuo just hesitated for a while, and actually planned to kneel down and beg for mercy!

At this time, August Weiyang said with tears: "Brother July, you once told me: A man has gold under his knees, and he kneels to his parents. You must not kneel to the enemy!"

"do not want!"

July Liuhuo was about to kneel down, and was suddenly stopped by Zhang Yi's hand.

Zhang Yi just took a step forward, and scared the players of the Paradise Family, all of them took a step back!

Because they know well the strength of Yinuo Qingcheng, the number one person on the Streaming City Sky Ranking.

As long as he waved his hand, hundreds of them could be wiped out in a flash!

The Blade of Heaven said to Zhang Yi: "Do you want to try whether you cast the spell fast or my brother's sword fast?"

"If you want her to live, you two must change with her!"

A casual smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Yi's mouth.

From this natural performance of just taking a step back, it can be seen that they are not really putting life and death out of the picture.

Since I'm afraid of death, it's easy to handle.

Zhang Yi said lightly: "Kill her, do you think you can leave alive?"

Heaven's Blade was a little panicked as expected, but he was still pretending to be calm: "We have all come to this point, do you think we will still be afraid of death?"

At this moment, Zhang Yi saw: Among the heavenly family crowd, light and shadows that are almost invisible to the naked eye suddenly gradually appeared on the ground!

The attention of the Paradise Family players was all focused on Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo, and no one noticed the lights and shadows at all.

Even the July Flowing Fire here has not even noticed it!

And those lights and shadows seem to be very regular.

Gradually, a heptagon was formed on the ground!

This seven-sided shape was formed around her with August Weiyang as the center!

For Zhang Yi, this seven-sided "enchantment", which is no stranger to Zhang Yi, made Zhang Yi involuntarily show a faint smile.

"Almost forgot, it's time for you to come back."

Players in the Paradise Family saw Zhang Yi still smiling here, all at a loss.

And at this moment.

Boom boom boom...

Around August Weiyang, golden aurora shot out from the foot of the heaven family crowd!

Seven aurora rushed into the sky, connecting in the air to form a seven-sided enchantment.

next moment.


Countless golden aurora shot down from the enchantment above, instantly covering the ground, and being on the body of dozens of heaven family players in the enchantment.

Players who were hit by Aurora fell into a state of vertigo!

And the blood bar on the top of the head, all at a fixed rate of 8% per second!

Mixed with screams one after another.

The heavenly family players outside the enchantment were shocked!

They thought: Zhang Yi was casting a spell.

But Zhang Yi had no chance to cast spells at all, because they had already deliberately kept a safe distance of 50 meters away!

Someone from the periphery noticed that August Weiyang, who was also in the enchantment, was completely unscathed under the baptism of the golden aurora!

From the crowd, there was a shout: "Kill that woman, even if she is dead, she must be backed!"

With that said, the surrounding Magical Archer players of the Heavenly Family all aimed at August Weiyang in the enchantment and started shooting.

Take this opportunity.

Zhang Yi quickly flashed, moving forward a certain distance.

Then rushed to August Weiyang with eight displacements.

Use your body to protect August Weiyang, and block the attacks of the heaven family mage archers around him!

And those players from the Paradise family want to launch the second round of attacks.

Boom boom boom boom!

Golden beams of light fell from the sky and shot in the crowd.

Players hit by the beam are all rooted and cannot perform any actions!

At the same time, a huge barrier appeared on the field, bursts of black air infiltrated from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow rushed into the enchantment.

With a thunder and lightning momentum, piercing and killing in the crowd.

Accompanied by a burst of screams one after another.

The heavenly family players who were in the [Ghost · Array] fell to death one after another with a huge amount of damage ranging from 1.5 to 2 billion!



A strong black sword aura struck the surroundings from the center of the barrier.

Around, all Paradise Family players were overthrown to the ground.

Hundreds of players were killed instantly!

This scene, could not help but let the July flow outside look stunned.

In sight, there was a corpse on the street in front of him that had not had time to trigger the resurrection mechanism.

Only three of them survived.

Except for Zhang Yi and August Weiyang.

there's still one.

It is a demon warrior wearing a black armor, full of black aura, exuding a breath of power!

Under the overall PK mode.

The demon warrior who killed hundreds of players had a line of ID in flashing orange font on his head—

Lv184 Seventh Rank Ghost Swordsman·Xingtian!

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