Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1330: Lord of the Underworld

The final match of the Battle of the Gods [Decisive Victory], went faster.

In less than half an hour, basically the participating teams in major cities are about to end ten games.

On the streamer city side, the last remaining chance to play was the team that Tianxing was in.

And precisely, Tian Xing sent a message to July Liuhuo, saying: Their opponent in the last game is from the underworld of the grazing shadow city!

At present, Streamer City and Glimpse Studios have the same record, with a win-loss ratio of 145:54, and both have their last chance to play.

It just happened to be the last chance to compete, so that the last participating team from both sides was matched together!

See this news.

In July, Liuhuo immediately opened the live broadcast room and locked [Tian Xing].

Following the perspective of Tianxing, I came to an arena, and I saw that the five opponents facing each other were all players from Glancing Studios!

At this moment, even Zhang Yi became nervous.

Because this is an important game!

Streamer City vs. Glimpse Studios, the victory or defeat of this game can directly determine the champion and runner-up of [Decision Victory]!

Even, it can directly determine the champion and runner-up of the battle of the gods!

Because so far, the divine power gap between Streaming City and Sweeping Shadow City is not big.

In addition to the supernatural power of the fifth game [decisive victory], the final ranking can be calculated.

Therefore, whoever can become the first place in [Decisive Victory] in Streaming City or Glancing Shadow City is the champion of the battle of the gods!

Realize this.

July Liuhuo sent a message to Tianxing: "Are you sure?"

"This game, you can't lose, you must win!"

Tian Xing did not return to the July Flowing Fire.

But from the situation, it can be seen that:

There are only four people on Tianxing's side, and five of their opponents!

And one of them is a one-eyed warrior man with a mask on his left eye and only one eye on his right-the leader of the underworld: the lord of the underworld!

Through the system query, the team led by the Lord of the Underworld has won nine consecutive victories!

Their strength is very powerful!

This time, I met an opponent.

At this time, July Liuhuo turned to look at Zhang Yi: "It feels like you know the underworld well."

"Do you think we have a chance of winning?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "No."

This reply shocked everyone on the court.

Because Zhang Yi's answer was absolutely absolute, leaving no room for it!

That is to say with certainty: Tian Xing will definitely be defeated by the hands of the underworld!

On the side, Knight Tianqi said, "I don't think it is necessary."

"They have won nine consecutive victories, just because they didn't meet a real opponent in the previous nine games."

"This time, I believe Tianxing, we will definitely win!"

Zhang Yi said to Qiyue Liuhuo: "Remind Tianxing, let him pay attention to the space transformation ability of the Lord of the Underworld."

"Space conversion?" July Liuhuo was a little puzzled.

Zhang Yi went on to say: "I can use space to change my position, which can be understood as a flash. Now there is no time. I will explain to you when the game is over."

Hearing, July Liuhuo brought Zhang Yi's reminder to Tianxing.

Then, everyone's attention was focused on this last battle!

On the ring.

On Tianxing's side, in addition to his own 10th-level fighters, the other three are a priest, a mage, and an assassin.

And there are five contestants on the other side of Glancing Studios.

It is the lord of the underworld warrior of level 10, and there are four more archers!

This lineup is extremely extreme, relying solely on explosive output!

The face of the one-eyed warrior Lord of the Underworld revealed confidence.

The four archers behind him are even more hostile.

Before the battle began, the Lord of the Underworld suddenly spoke: "I finally met your streamer city."

"It's a pity, it doesn't seem like I have a very strong opponent."

Facing the provocation of the Lord of the Underworld.

Tianxing held a long sword in his hand and shouted: "You will regret saying this!"

Soon, the countdown in the center of the ring returned to zero.

Game start!


Holding a long sword, Tian Xing launched a charge together with his assassin teammates.

On the other hand, as the only warrior in the team, the lord of the underworld stood motionless.

The four archers behind them drew their bows and arrows, locked Tian Xing and another assassin, and started shooting.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows flew in.

Tianxing relies on the extreme position to dodge attacks.

But that assassin doesn't have this kind of high-intensity body skills.

His invisibility technique was directly broken by random arrows, and then he tried to move away from the attack.

But there is still nothing to do with the fierce shooting of the opponent's four archers!

Even though half of the attacks were evaded, the remaining half were maimed.

The damage of the four archers on the other side was very high!

All God of War levels have reached level 10!

After the battle, the priest in the team hurriedly cast spells to heal the assassin's teammates.

But the recovered blood volume was quickly knocked out by the opponent's four archers!

How can a priest's treatment keep up with the consumption of four archers!

Soon, the assassins under Tianxing were killed.

In exchange, the mage teammate behind Tianxing cast a spell to maimed an opponent's archer, and then Tianxing released a sword light from a long distance, and also took the opponent's archer away!

At the same time, Tianxing also managed to get close to the past.

His target is the opponent's archer.


The sky walk like a tiger rushed to the other three archers.

The long sword in his hand was swung to accurately capture their position and launch an attack.

All the attacks were accurately hit, and none failed!

As a result, all three archers of the opposing team were quickly maimed!

With a spell bombardment from the mages in the back formation, it was so easy to kill the other three archers!

In a blink of an eye, only the Lord of the Underworld was left on the ring.

On the Tianxing side, it was only at the expense of an assassin to replace the other's four archers!

This result is something that no one expected.

Outside the field, August Weiyang, who was watching the game through the live broadcast room, couldn't help but said with some joy: "In this way, the people who looted the Studio City are not so good! How did such strength win the previous nine consecutive victories?"

"Or, our uncle Tianxing is too strong?"

The voice just fell.

Just when everyone felt that Streamer City was already in their hands.

Zhang Yi on the side said, "No."

"The real battle has just begun."

Continue to look at the field.

Under the treatment of the priest's teammates, Tian Xing's blood volume has been restored to full value.

The remaining teammates of the mage and priest are all in full condition.

Next, their 3v1, in the eyes of Tianxing, they are already in their hands: "I said, I will make you regret saying that sentence."

On the field, the only one-eyed warrior [Lord of the Underworld] smiled indifferently: "Really? Do you think it is over?"

"The battle has just begun."

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