Just at the moment when the system announces the final result of the game.

All the players from the two main cities of Sweeping Shadow City and Streaming City were all stuck.

Because according to their own calculations: The total divine power of Glancing Shadow City is greater than that of Streaming Light City!

"Why... They Stream City became number one?"

"The system has gone wrong! How could it be possible, we are all considered good, our divine power value is greater than them! How can we be second!"

"Damn! Strongly request the system to recalculate!"

Players who were just in the grazing movie city all complained.

The players on the streamer city also thought it was when the system made a mistake.

This time, the system officially announced the final divine power calculation results for all major cities.

The results showed that: Streamer City's total power of 511,500, is indeed greater than the total power of 505,000 of Sweeping Shadow City!

As soon as this result was announced, everyone was shocked!

No one knows how the system calculates this result.

Even Zhang Yi and Qiyue Liuhuo neglected a very important issue.

As a result, this problem was discovered by August Weiyang: "Brother July, you and Zhang Yi have an extra 5% supernatural power bonus for ten consecutive victories!"

August Weiyang awakened the dreamer with a word.

Zhang Yi and July Liuhuo also suddenly remembered: The fifth game is decided, and there is a small egg, that is, when a team wins ten consecutive victories, it will be the final divine calculation result of the fifth game, and an extra 5% will be added. The supernatural power bonus!

Before the system announces the final result, the players in the Streaming City and Glancing Shadow City calculated by themselves, they are all results without this bonus!

How difficult is it to get ten consecutive victories!

In Streaming City, both Zhang Yi and July Liuhuo have won ten consecutive victories, accumulating a 10% supernatural power bonus.

On the other side of Snatching Shadow City, only the squad led by the Lord of the Underworld, won ten consecutive victories, and they only received a 5% bonus.

Calculate this bonus effect on the supernatural power of the fifth game.

The final result is that the streamer city is higher than the glancing shadow city!

Knowing this, all the contestants in the Glimpse Studios smiled with joy just now, and immediately seemed to have suffered a bolt from the blue.

The players on the streamer city side cheered.

The entire streamer city was filled with cheers and shouts of joy, and it was extremely lively.

At this time, Warrior Tianxing didn't forget to taunt the contestants in Glancing Studio again: "Sorry, it seems that you have lost!"

The only left eye of the Lord of the Underworld, cold light: "Better not let me meet you in the first-level main city!"

Having said that, the Lord of the Underworld led the contestants of the plundering film city and left the arena angrily.

At this time, the system will also announce the final record and rewards in the entire star country area—

First place: Terran Streamer City. Reward: The player level of the whole streamer city is increased by 3, with 5 million gold coins! When the average player level of Streamer City reaches 190, all players can enter the first-level main city in advance.

Second place: Mozu Glancing Shadow City. Reward: Raise the level of the player in Sweeping Studio by 2 and get an extra 50% experience of this level and 3 million gold coins! When the average player level reaches 191, all players can enter the first-level main city.

Third place: Terran Overlord City. Reward: The level of players in the city has been increased by 2 with 2 million gold coins! Players with an average level of 192 can enter the first-level main city.

Fourth place: Alien Star City. Reward: Level +1.5, 1.8 million gold coins. With an average level of 193, it enters the first-level main city.

Fifth place: Foreign Race Qingguang City. Reward: Level +1.5, 1.7 million gold coins. With an average level of 194, it enters the first-level main city.

Sixth place: Demon Purgatory City. Reward: Level +1.5, 1.6 million gold coins. With an average level of 195, it enters the first-level main city.

Seventh place: Human Race Chosen City. Reward: Level +1.5, 1.5 million gold coins. With an average level of 196, it enters the first-level main city.

Eighth place: The Dark City of the Demon Race. Reward: Level +1.5, 1.4 million gold coins. With an average level of 197, it enters the first-level main city.

Ninth place: Meteor City, a foreign god. Reward: Level +1.5, 1.2 million gold coins. With an average level of 198, it enters the first-level main city.

Tenth place: Mozu Wilderness City. Reward: Level +1.5, 1 million gold coins. With an average level of 199, it enters the first-level main city.

The 11th-34th place, won the participation award: the player level of the whole city increased by 1 level, and the gold coins were 500,000. There is no qualification to enter the first-level city in advance, and the player must reach level 200 to enter the first-level city.

Suddenly, countless golden lights fell on the major secondary cities.

Whether watching the live broadcast in the city or doing missions outside the city to level up, all players will be rewarded by the battle of the gods, and they will be upgraded by the golden light!

Zhang Yi, who won the championship award, also went straight to level 3, from level 190 to level 193!

And what was announced above is only the participation and ranking award for the battle of the gods.

In addition, as a contestant, you will get extra and more generous rewards!

This reward is also calculated based on ranking.

Shooting in the first place in Stream City, 92 contestants will receive an additional [Championship Gift Pack].

The second runner-up contestant in the Studio City will get the [Runner-up Gift Pack], and so on...

After getting the contestant's gift package, the players couldn't help but immediately open it.

The generous rewards are also exciting for everyone!

Seeing the contestants in Stream City next to them open the [Championship Gift Pack], they all directly received a golden skill, as well as a large number of [primary star rising stone], gold coins, prestige and other rewards.

Zhang Yi also took out the big gift bag from the bag.

Before opening the spree, use the backup skill in the heart of memory [Hundred Times Money] to replace the [Double Sword Flow], and then use the spree.

"Ding~Because of your outstanding performance in this battle of the gods, you have received the lucky blessing: the reward has been tripled!"

It seems that the system is fair.

And then, the things that came out of this big gift bag that got lucky bonuses were simply exciting.

"Ding~Congratulations on obtaining the [Golden Skill] (you can freely select the three non-golden quality skills you have controlled in the list, and directly increase their quality to gold) x3! [Advanced Star Rising Stone] x30! Gold coins x 3 billion ( Has obtained a hundred times the money talent, and three times the reward bonus, a total of 300 times the reward)! Reputation x600w!"

This reward...absolutely!

It is worthwhile for Zhang Yi to play every game so painstakingly in this battle of the gods!

With the battle of the gods, all five games ended successfully.

The system also began to transmit for all participants.

The golden light is shining down one after another.

More than 3,000 players from 34 secondary cities have disappeared in the realm of the gods.

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