With the 40 million players from the second-level main city of the demons [Zhouyingyingcheng] marching into the first-level city.

The first-level main cities [Hell City] and [Fuying City], the number of people began to rise.

Because the two main cities are both the main cities of the demons.

Most of the players from Demon Raiders City are demon identities and will inevitably choose the two main cities to enter first.

In Dawn City, more than five million new players were added overnight!

At present, it is just a glimpse of the Studio City.

After arriving, more and more players will enter the first-level main city.

Before that, Zhang Yi continued to give orders to the Dragon Clan and hurry up to develop.

After opening the first and second floors of the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower in a week, except for the level to be upgraded to 202.

Zhang Yi and the others later collected a set of ice-attribute God Emperor suits!

The priest used it to the fat man who was the adjudicator.

Ice damage is of little use to the fat man who is the main control.

However, the freezing effect of the attack that focuses on the suit is also a powerful control!

Combining Fatty's talent and companion skills can greatly extend the freezing time, which is also a good control technique!

But at present, there are only 198 fat guys, and they have not yet reached the demand for equipping the Emperor's suit.

As for Zhang Yi, the level of 202 can eliminate 100% of the suppression effect of the 210-level shadow monsters in the [Shadow Demon City].

Zhang Yi still planned to go to the City of Shadow Demon after he cleared the Dragon Sovereign Sky Tower.

After all, Zhang Yi's Divine Emperor suit has not yet been obtained, and his strength has barely increased these days.

And just today, Zhang Yi and the others are about to march into the third floor of the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower, which is the domain of the fire attribute degenerate black dragon!

By hunting down the fallen black dragon with the fire attribute, you can drop the fire attribute God Emperor suit!

The ice attribute **** emperor suit and thunder attribute **** emperor suit collected earlier were given to Fatty and Xing Tian respectively.

Next, Zhang Yi can finally start to think about himself!

At this time, Cha Cha Long Huang Tian Pagoda was officially opened to Quan Dawn City!

Because Zhang Yi discovered the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda a week ago, at that time, the system stipulated the authority: only Zhang Yi or players authorized by Zhang Yi could enter the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda within seven days.

Any other players have no right to enter within seven days, unless they wait until seven days later!

And when the Dragon King’s hidden map, the Dragon Sovereign Sky Tower, was announced, it happened to be the day when the Demon Clan Shadow City landed on the first-level main city!

A large number of players from Demon Clan Shadow City arrived in Dawn City just last night.

Early the next morning, an announcement from the whole city fell from the sky—

"Ding~ Attention all players: The hidden dragon map [Dragon Emperor Sky Tower] has been officially opened, and all players are eligible to enter the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower!"

As soon as the announcement came out, Megatron!

In Dawn City, countless players began to march into the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower!

Early in the morning, Zhang Yi used the alchemy technique to flush out his stamina, and then, as usual, came to the Dragon Emperor Tianta with Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others.

Discovery: At this time, outside the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower, there are already crowds of people, full of players!

After hearing the news of the opening of the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower, countless players began to attack the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower, which caused the map to become full!

Many players formed a team, scrambling to squeeze into the sky tower.

Because there is only one entrance to the Dragon Emperor Tian Pagoda.

The players are actually lining up very abide by the rules!

Because of it, most of them are players from Streamer City.

Once in the second-tier main city of Streaming City, everyone had a hard time together.

When I arrived at the first-level main city, I felt like a family in the past, and I also knew how to be modest to each other.

However, just when the players were queuing in an orderly manner to enter the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower.

In the rear, a large group of demon players exuding the atmosphere of demon suddenly rushed into it!

A demon player team of thousands of people came directly to the entrance of the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda, preparing to forcibly enter the Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda.

At this time, in front of the entrance, a humanoid 193-level warrior player said to the group of demons players: "Don't you see that everyone is queuing? Don't you know to go to the back?"

Never thought about it.

The leader of the group of demon players, an assassin man with an ID called [Pluto], with a level of 196 coldly snorted, and said: "Go to find out, when we [Underworld] were in the shadow city, who saw our underworld people? , Isn't it a three-point concession?"

"How old are you? Dare to be rampant in front of our people in the underworld? In the previous battle of the gods, haven't we been abused enough by our number one master in the underworld, the lord of the underworld?"

The words of [Pluto] surprised all the players on the field.

Two months ago, the battle of the gods, the last crucial match, that is, the battle between the Lord of the Underworld in the Shadow City and the Skywalk in the Streamer City, almost all Streamer City players have witnessed.

They saw with their own eyes that the Lord of the Underworld defeated Tianxing, the top master of Streaming City, and won ten consecutive victories.

Although the system was set at that time, all the contestants had their names hidden, and everyone did not know that the person was the master of the underworld.

But according to what [Pluto] said, is that person who they call [Underworld]?

At this time, a group of human players at the entrance of the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower blocked the entrance, pointing to the group of underworld players and shouting: "No matter who you are, when you arrive at the Dawn City of our human race, you must abide by the rules of the human race and line up one by one. Enter, this is the rule!"

The 196-level assassin [Pluto] suddenly a shadow stab, slammed in front of the 193-level human archer player who was talking, and pierced the archer directly with a knife: "I'm arranging you*!"

The voice just fell.

Swipe it!

With the advantage of the assassin's fast attack speed, Pluto stabbed the archer several times.

One by one, as much as five or six billion damages, instantly kill that archer!


The white light comes on.

Around, all players of the race started to get angry.

Several teammates of the dead archer immediately picked up the guy to fight back against Hades.

The Thousand [Underworld] players under Pluto, however, launched a first-hand siege with the momentum of breaking the bamboo, and instantly killed several human players who were trying to resist!

"Those who offend us underworld, die!"

With Pluto shouted loudly.

Around, no player dared to do anything with them.

I don't know why, their aura is very strong, and they are full of murderous aura, which is different from ordinary people.

They are like, not afraid of death!

Seeing the players around, dare not do anything.

Pluto spit out a little triumphantly: "Garbage,"

Then, when the thousands of players leading the underworld were preparing to enter the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower.

Behind him, there was a whisper suddenly: "Do you know what is called, there is no rule to make a circle?"

The sudden sound made Pluto stop.

Looking back, he saw a human beastmaster man wearing a black robe walking slowly in the crowd behind him.

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