As Xing Tian said after finishing the third floor mission of the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower yesterday:

The next battle will not become more difficult, but will become easier and easier.

It is precisely because Zhang Yi changed into a 66-star fire attribute **** emperor suit that caused their monster killing efficiency to be greatly improved!

Zhang Yi's injury made Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen feel ashamed.

Originally, it took three days to clear the first floor of the Dragon Emperor Sky Tower, the second floor was nearly four days, and the third floor directly took five days to pass.

And now on the fourth floor, Zhang Yi and the others have spent a day, and the task progress has reached 30%!

With this calculation, it only takes a little over three days to get through the fourth floor!

At the same time, Zhang Yi’s God-level Dragon Clan Hidden Quest [Son of the Chosen] has reached 3/5 progress!

After spending a day on the fourth floor, Xing Tian, ​​Yiqi Juechen and Fatty finally reached level 200!

The Thunder God Emperor Set and the Ice God Emperor Set that have been collected a long time ago are finally put to use!

The ice attribute **** emperor suit has the control effect of attacking freezing and the effect of frostbite damage.

The most important thing is control, which is the only choice of the adjudicator.

So the fat man got a priest's ice attribute **** emperor suit.

And Yiqi Juechen belongs to the Thunder Knight, and the attacks of the lightning system have a great bonus effect on him, so he wears a suit of the Thunder God Emperor.

As for Xing Tian, ​​the best suit for him should be the five-layer shadow-attribute God Emperor suit. That suit has a very high damage bonus to the dark element, which is simply tailor-made for Ghost Swordsmen!

But now, he can only temporarily make do with the Thunder God Emperor suit.

The original girl of the archer, of course, is the wind attribute **** emperor suit that increases the speed for her.

It's just that Zhang Yi and the others are currently scouting the field of the fallen black dragon with wind attributes, and they have not yet collected the suit.

It just so happened that the original girl's level was not even 200, so she had to wait.

Zhang Yi has already used the golden title [Super God Appraiser] in advance to help Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen upgrade the God Emperor suit from 55 stars to 58 stars.

The next enhancement is up to them.

For equipment above 50 stars, it is unrealistic to rely on money to strengthen it, unless it is possible to obtain very rare [God-level Strengthening Stones] (regardless of the equipment level, the equipment enhancement level must be increased by 1 after the equipment is used).

Therefore, Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen had strengthened their suits to level 15 or so.

Then each use the star-rising stone obtained from the reward of the battle of the gods to upgrade the God Emperor suit to about 60 stars.

After completing a wave of strengthening, replace the equipment.

The Thunder God Emperor suit is worn on the body.

Immediately, the purple armor on the two of them exuded bursts of thunder and lightning.

Because the grade is not as high as Zhang Yi.

Their divine emperor set did not have the special effects that Zhang Yi had surrounded by fire dragons.

Only bursts of purple lightning surrounded him.

However, even this lightning special effect is very cool, giving people a very cool feeling!

There is also the ice attribute **** emperor suit on Fatty's body, and the breath of ice emanating from the ice blue robe is also full of aura!

In this scene, the original **** the side was full of envy: "Too handsome! I also want to wear the Emperor's suit!"

Yiqi Juechen glanced at the level 198 mark on the original girl's head and said, "It's coming soon, don't worry."


When hunting down the 208-level degenerate black dragon again, the damage of Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen was greatly increased!

Before that, Xing Tian's maximum damage against the fallen black dragon was no more than 2 billion.

Without counting the tenfold anti-injury damage of his talent, Yiqi Juechen's normal attack damage is only about 1 to 1.5 billion.

And now, the damage of the two has soared to 4-50 billion!

Directly doubled, it has reached the effect before Zhang Yi replaced the Emperor's suit!

This damage is not high for Zhang Yi.

But in fact, it is already very scary!

This is just the hurt side.

Logically, the life growth of warriors and knights is much higher than that of mages.

However, Zhang Yi's blood volume is higher than Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen!

After the two of them put on the God Emperor suit, their blood volume reached about 20 billion, and Zhang Yi's blood volume was as high as 24.5 billion...

Divine emperor sets have different grades and different enhancement grades. This is one reason.

The most important thing is, of course, because the dragon bloodline and the dragon soul master add up to the bonus effect of 100-star full attribute growth!

As a god-level dragon soul master, Zhang Yi is not a simple beast master or a mage.

In addition, the fat man's control ability has also been greatly enhanced.

In the past, only skills had control effects.

After changing into the ice-attribute God Emperor suit, the fat man’s basic attacks all have a freezing effect, and after being strengthened by the judge's profession, it is 100% freezing!

Wherever I touched it, wherever I went, it was a piece of ice and snow.

Very powerful!

With the combat effectiveness of the entire squad greatly increased.

Next, Zhang Yi and the others have already started trying to swarm ten fallen black dragons at once!

The arbiter is mainly Fatty.

He can continuously control 7-8 of the black dragons, making them immobile from beginning to end, just like a living target.

How could the other two or three black dragons beat Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen in the suit of the 60-Star God Emperor?

Facts have proved: In the end, even the ten black dragons went up together, and only those who were crushed by Zhang Yi and others.

This moment makes people feel: The first **** of the streamer city and the three war gods of the dragon race, who once swept the invincible hand of the second-level main city, are back again!

However, Zhang Yi also knew that his state was not invincible.

Open the map, after level 215, yellow dangerous areas and red severely dangerous areas begin to appear.

On the periphery, there is still a black death zone!

Zhang Yi's intensity can only be invincible at this stage.

If you want to be truly invincible, you have to continue to improve your strength!

And Zhang Yi's next goal is to give out an entire set of God Emperor suits for the Warcraft Group.

Dragon Blood Knight, Soul Reaper and Undead Crossbowman, the three little ones are currently only level 198.

When they get through the entire Dragon Emperor Sky Pagoda, they should be able to reach level 200. When that time, they will be given an entire set of God Emperor suits to wear, which is another wave of improvement!

After all, as far as the current stage is concerned, their combat effectiveness is indeed a bit stretched.

Even the most powerful god-level ghost clan Soul Reaper, the average damage can only reach 1.5-2 billion, not to mention the Dragonblood Knights and the undead crossbowmen.

Next, Zhang Yi and the others continued to brush for a while, brushing the progress of the fourth layer task to 35%.

At ten o'clock in the evening, he withdrew to Dawn City.

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