Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1365: Super God level dragon family hidden mission

The fat man awakened the man in his dream.

Indeed, I can just see that the Tianmai Dragon Emperor feels that he has a little more than his strength!

Otherwise it will not escape.

Obviously, it is because it has just been resurrected and its state has not fully recovered.

At this time, Zhang Yi carefully looked at the task panel in front of him, and he saw that there was also a description of this point in it:

[God·Heaven Chosen] (Super-God Dragon Hidden Task):

Difficulty factor: unknown.

Description: The dragon who is the chosen one must have more powerful power in order to be recognized by the dragon and become the recognized son of the dragon.

Ten years ago, the sixth-order Tianmai Dragon Emperor of the Bright Dragon Clan: Yu died in battle in order to help humans fight against the dark dragons and ghosts. Black dragon.

However, after being eroded by the power of the Dark Dragon for a long time, the consciousness of the Heavenly Vein Dragon Emperor gradually blackened. After absorbing the power of the Dark Dragon and resurrecting, it also became a servant of the Dark Dragon.

As the chosen one of the bright dragon race, you need to drive out the darkness and behead the power of the dark dragon race.

The first stage of the task: kill the blackened Tianmai Dragon Emperor, Yu within the specified time.

Task time: 90 days (the total time limit for all tasks in all phases).

Remark 1: This task is divided into three stages in total.

Note 2: Players must complete the first phase of the mission within 14 days, because the Tianmai Dragon Emperor is in a weak state of continuous recovery within 14 days, and the combat power will be greatly reduced. During this period, the first phase of the mission is the least difficult.

See the task panel shared by Zhang Yi.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen were stunned for three seconds.

"This is the first time I saw the hidden mission of the Super God level." Yiqi Juechen said.

The original **** the side asked curiously: "This degree of difficulty is unknown, what does it mean?"

Zhang Yi said angrily: "Only when you encounter an impossible task, will the degree of difficulty appear unknown."

It means that according to the system's judgment, it is impossible for Zhang Yi to complete this task within 90 days!

"Is this absolute?"

With the original voice of the girl just fell.

Zhang Yi said: "Nothing is absolutely not absolute, it's man-made."

"If this is destined, then change your fate against the sky!"

Zhang Yi must complete this task!

Because this is also an opportunity to defeat [Dark Dragon King: Igurno]!

Zhang Yi in the previous life, although he had no chance to come into contact with the Dragon Clan Super God level hidden mission that mortals could never reach.

But he knew: For tasks of this level, the final rewards would definitely contain something very effective against dragons.

If the player is performing a task assigned by the bright dragon, there will be treasures to deal with the dark dragon in the reward.

On the contrary, if the mission is executed by the dark dragon, there will be treasures to deal with the light dragon in the reward.

In the previous life, Zhang Yi and Mu Chen fought together against the nine dragon kings of the dark dragon clan.

In fact, there were a lot of people in this team at the beginning.

It's just that other people died in this journey, and in the end only Zhang Yi, Mu Chen, and Ruoxi were left.

In the previous team, there was a strong dragon bloodline that Mu Chen pulled in. He had completed the super **** level dragon hidden task, and there was a reward, which was the most suitable for dealing with the dragon king of the dark dragon!

That's why Zhang Yi knew this.

The task of [God Chosen] belongs to the former.

That is to say, after the completion of the task, there must be a treasure that can effectively deal with the dark dragon clan in the task reward!

Just now, Zhang Yi couldn't even deal with the sixth-order dragon emperor in a weak state.

What do you use to deal with the seventh-order dark dragon king?

If there is this treasure, the odds of winning the Dark Dragon King in the future will be higher.

Kill the Dark Dragon King, eliminate the black dragon consciousness in Han Yarou's body, and let Han Yarou return to her side.

Zhang Yike has never forgotten what he regarded as the most important thing.

At this time, the original flavor girl continued: "But there is no mention in this mission where the Heavenly Vessel Dragon Sovereign ran away. Next, where should I go to find it?"

Xing Tian said: "Within fourteen days, it is in a weak state. During this period, it will find a place to rest quietly. We can find it as long as we find that place."

There is indeed no prompt for the task.

Zhang Yi said, "Go back to the city and find a way."

So, seven o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yi and the others returned to Dawn City.

Unexpectedly, a wave of unrest occurred again.

Just completed the task of [The Chosen Son], and another super god-level hidden task came out!

In addition, Zhang Yi still had the task of [Devil's Breath] not completed, and had to go to the City of Shadow Demon to complete this task.

Then, there are shops.

Brush the Medicine King Valley to hide the deputy professional medicine emperor.

Go to **** city to suppress the underworld and find the energy materials to build the main city.

Finally, I will come back to create the main city...

There are really too many recent things!

Come one by one.

Next, Zhang Yi intends to brush the City of Shadow Demon first.

Because of this task, 21 days have passed since the start of receiving it.

The total task time is only 30 days, and only 9 days are left!

You have to hurry up and get this task done, and take down the storefront on Shuguang Street!

After all, the task of the Chosen One has a full three months of execution time.

Not so anxious yet.

Besides, Zhang Yi didn't even know where to find the Heavenly Dragon Emperor.

Zhang Yi suddenly thought: Someone is very good at finding people or finding resources to dig resources!

So Zhang Yi called the scavengers over.

"Arako, can you do me a favor?"

The scavenger scratched his head and said, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Does the Tianmai Dragon Emperor know?"

The scavenger nodded: "Anyone who has been to the Dragon Sovereign Sky Pagoda knows that it is the one that once blessed mankind and helped mankind fight against the dark dragons and ghosts."

After Zhang Yi informed the scavengers about the darkening of the Tianmai Dragon Emperor, he said to the scavengers: "It should be looking for a place to hide and recuperate. I need to know where it is hidden. You can help me dig it. Where is it?"

The scavenger thought for a while and said, "No problem, leave it to me!"

Zhang Yi then reminded the scavengers: "The Heavenly Vein Dragon Sovereign has a great reputation in Dawn City, and it should have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As we all know, you should check with the NPCs in the city and see if you can find any clues in them."

"It's best to help me find its place within two weeks."

The scavenger patted his chest and packed the ticket: "No problem!"

"Thanks brother."

Only in this way can we achieve the highest efficiency.

Otherwise, Zhang Yi is going to visit the City of Shadow Demon, while also looking for the Heavenly Dragon Emperor.

There is really not so much time and energy.

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