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Chapter 1371: Pluto's conspiracy

Some people receive the task of [Devil's Breath] in order to be able to sublet from the restaurant owner Kang Te to the No. 1 restaurant, and then open the shop.

Others simply come for tasks.

After all, the temptation of legendary hidden missions is still quite big!

And the task is clearly marked: In the end, it can only be completed by one person.

Others who do not complete will face punishment.

Therefore, knowing that this task can only be completed by one person in the end.

In order to **** this task, these players broke out in battle outside the city of Shadow Fiend!

There are at least hundreds of players who have received the quest of Breath of the Devil.

Some recipients who had no background, or even small backgrounds or even lone rangers, were killed directly outside the city and eliminated.

Those teams with relatively strong backgrounds and strong family forces are in fierce battle.

Players from all walks of life have fully demonstrated the survival rule of "the weak eat the strong, the strong respect the strong"!

Not long after, another large crowd arrived.

They are the members of the [Fengyun] team.

The current [Fengyun] may have been a high-ranking and resounding high-level family when it was in the Human Overlord City.

But when it came to the first-level main city, Dawn City, it was buried.

At present, the Dawn City team list is only ranked 17th!

In the previous life, Fengyun slowly emerged after opening a store and making money.

When the wind and the wind led the players of Team Wind and Cloud to reach the City of Shadow Fiends, they could not help but sigh when they saw the players outside the city fighting for life and death:

"The devil hasn't killed yet, what are they robbing here?"

On the side, Feng Yun Xiongba said: "It seems that if we want to enter the city, we only have to get in!"

I could faintly hear a roar and neigh from the city, and the wind and the wind knew that: someone must have been fighting with the boss!

He immediately ordered: "The main purpose is to enter the city to get the BOSS. Can you avoid entanglement with other people, and try not to spend it on this meaningless battle."

"Brothers, go!"

With an order, Fengyun's army of players copied the guy and rushed towards the city of Shadow Fiend!

At the same time, the other side.

When countless players went to the City of Shadow Fiend to fight for the Demon King.

Pluto is leading a group of players in the underworld on the way to the absolute wolf woodland!

On the way, the warrior brother Mingjian said: "Boss, if we do this, will we be too wicked?"

"Virtuous?" Pluto disagrees: "Don't forget what the purpose of our underworld is."

"Whoever dares to offend our underworld, we must repay it ten times at all costs!" Pluto said: "Yinuo Qingcheng provokes us, we will let him know what the consequences are."

Ming Jian frowned and said: "But doing this will also cause other players who have nothing to do with us to be implicated."

"Because I heard: The task of Demon King's Breath can be received by multiple people. As long as one person completes it, all other recipients will be punished."

"We did this to avenge Yinuo Qingcheng, but it also caused other players to suffer."

It turned out that Pluto's plan for this trip was to find Kang, who was robbing in the Wolfwood Grove, and then kill Kang!

Because the [Devil's Breath] task, even after it is completed, it must be submitted on Kangte.

If Conte dies, all recipients of this mission will also directly declare the mission failure!

Therefore, Pluto intends to use this method to avenge Zhang Yi and make Zhang Yi's mission fail and be punished!

With Mingjian's voice just fell.

Pluto suddenly looked at Ming Jian with a grim look: "Are you sympathizing with them?"

"It's not sympathy, it just feels like this..." "Puff!"

He hadn't finished talking about the sword, but the king pierced his body with a sharp knife!

As a member of the underworld, Mingjian looked at Pluto with wide eyes, "Boss..."

"We in the underworld do not need your indecisive, compassionate trash." Pluto stared at the underworld viciously and said: "From today, you have been kicked out of the underworld. Get out!"


Puff puff puff!

After a few more stabs, when Ming Jian did not dare to resist, Pluto killed Ming Jian with about one billion damage one by one!


The white light comes on.

The people in the other underworlds around them did not change their faces.

It seems to them that this scene has been so strange!

After killing Dark Sword, Hades shouted: "We in the Underworld, never need emotional waste, do you understand?"

"Understand!" Everyone responded in unison.

Then, Pluto led the crowd to continue rushing to Absolute Wolf Grove.

In a short while, the Thousand-Man Group of the Underworld arrived at Absolute Wolf Woodland.

This is the place where Kante, the owner of No.1 restaurant, often comes to robbery. Here, Kante is bound to be found!

So, Pluto waved his hand and ordered: "Find that NPC and kill it!"

The people behind him obeyed their orders, with swords drawn and rushed towards the Absolute Wolf Woodland.

But at this moment.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

A blue light beam descended from the sky, landed in front of the underworld player, and exploded on the ground.

A cold light stunned at the explosion point, and instantly engulfed dozens of underworld warrior players who were relatively close.


The group of players who were touched by the cold light condensed into ice and turned into ice men standing in place!

This sudden scene made Pluto pale in shock: "There is an ambush!"

The voice just fell.

In front of the woodland, a fat priest who was wearing an ice blue robe exuding bursts of ice, holding a golden mantra book in his left hand, and a fat priest who was controlling the spellcasting in his right hand, walked towards this side. Come on!

This fat priest is no one else, but the arbitrator of Rank 8 of lv201: Fatty!

At the same time, in the dark night, another group of people walked out from the depths of Absolute Wolf Grove.

Among them, the 201-level eighth rank Thunder Knight Yiqi Juechen is led by the 201-level eighth rank ghost swordsman Xing Tian.

Behind him are all Dragon players!

Seeing that these people are all members of the Dragon Clan under the hands of Yinuo Qingcheng.

Pluto was shocked and said: "Why are you here?!"


Standing with a spear, Yiqi Juechen, who was full of thunder and lightning, said, "Of course I am waiting for you."

Pluto was even more shocked: "You already knew I would come?"

"how is this possible!"

In fact, Yiqi Juechen, they are indeed here to wait and see.

Because of this, Zhang Yi sent a message to give Yiqi Juechen the task!

Zhang Yi had predicted that when the Demon King was refreshed, some players who had received the task realized that they could not complete the task. In order to prevent others from completing it, they might kill the NPC Kante, leading to a collective task for everyone. The extreme thing of failure!

Therefore, Zhang Yi confessed to Yiqi Juechen in advance and asked him to lead someone to guard Conte.

Unexpectedly, this guard did not guard other task recipients who had extreme thoughts, but was guarded to the underworld!

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