At this moment, only Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, who came in a hurry, felt incredible.

The Dragon Clan hurriedly explained: "We have just been watching, but they didn't know when they came over with the invisibility technique, and we didn't have time to notice..."

"My responsibility!" The Dragon Clan blames itself indeterminately.

Xing Tian frowned and said, "There are still so many missing fish."

It turned out that when fighting outside the forest just now, Pluto took advantage of the chaos and took a few assassins out of the battle, and then drove the assassin's proud skill: invisibility, and sneaked into the absolute wolf woodland!

Without the Dragon Clan being immortal and they were not aware of the situation, the Pluto held Conte in a hostage!

The NPCs in the first-level main city are all flesh and blood, and they are also greedy for life and fear of death.

At this time, the kidnapped Kangte looked terrified and hurriedly said to the Pluto who kidnapped him behind him: "Don't...Don't kill me! As long as you let me go, I will give you gold coins, no matter how much you want, I will give you! "

"An NPC, why is there so much nonsense, shut up the labor and management!"

Seeing that Pluto could not beg for mercy, Kangte then shouted to the dragon players here: "Save me! Save me! If you can save me, I will give you money! I have money!"

"You want the storefront in Shuguang Street, I will give it to you too! I will do what I say! As long as you are willing to save me!"

Xing Tianjian pointed at Pluto, all over his body, murderously overflowing: "Let him go, otherwise, you should know the consequences."

Pluto laughed, "Do you think I played with you?"

It was seen that the fat man raised his right hand and prepared to cast a spell.

Pluto immediately tightened the dagger in his hand and said, "I want to try it. Are you faster or my knife faster?"

"As soon as this NPC dies, your captain's mission has failed!"

Hearing this, the fat man really didn't dare to cast a spell.

His speed is indeed not as fast as Pluto, unless it is instant.

However, professions such as mage priests do not have instant skills at all except for flash.

Besides, Pluto deliberately exceeded the safety range of 50 meters away from Fatty's position.

Even if there is an instant skill, it can't immediately affect Pluto.

Players can be resurrected if they are dead, but if NPCs are dead, they can no longer come alive!

Xing Tian didn't talk nonsense, put down his long sword, looked at Pluto blankly, and said, "Let's talk about it, what are the conditions."

Pluto snorted coldly: "That's the attitude?"

"You guys who killed me just now, didn't you kill me well?"

"It's pretty cool, but I haven't enjoyed it yet." Xing Tian said, "You are too few, so remember to bring more people here next time."

"You!" Xing Tian said, making Pluto very angry.

After a pause, Pluto said: "I won't talk nonsense with you."

"Call your Captain, Yi Nuo Qingcheng! Otherwise, I will kill him."

Seeing that Pluto is not eating hard and soft, this kind of person is pressed into anxiousness, I am afraid he really killed Conte with a single blow!

The task of Kangte is related to the future prospects of the dragon clan.

Must not be ruined in the hands of Pluto!

Therefore, Xing Tian temporarily compromised and said: "Okay, I will call our boss over."

The two sides held a stalemate for a while.

Only a long ming can be heard.

In the distance, a giant dragon leaped forward!

After a while, Zhang Yi rode a minibus and sat down beside Xingtian and the others.

Following Zhang Yi jumped off the dragon's back.

A breath of king radiated from Zhang Yi.

Forcing the Pluto who was more than sixty meters away and the several underworld assassins behind him, they all received a strong sense of oppression!

Pluto has already seen how strong this Human Beast Master is now.

However, with the hostage in hand, Pluto at this time is not afraid of Zhang Yi at all.

The dagger in his hand was close to Conte's neck.

Pluto said to Zhang Yi: "You are finally here!"

Zhang Yi said without expression, calmly, "Well, I'll give you a chance."

"Within ten seconds, let go."

To be honest, Pluto was indeed shocked by the aura emanating from Zhang Yi.

However, he is not afraid: "You figure out your current position!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi started the countdown to himself: "9."

"As soon as this guy dies, your mission will fail!"




Pluto panicked a little: "...what do you want to do?"

"Do you think you are faster than me? I only need to use a knife and this person will die!"

"This operation, I can end it before you cast it!"

When he finished speaking, Zhang Yi had already counted to 5.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly stopped counting.

He opened his mouth and said: "You talk too much, as a punishment, reduce your time by 5 seconds."

The voice just fell.


Zhang Yi suddenly launched a flash and disappeared in place, entering an effective range in the blink of an eye.

The staff that I didn't know when to lift up in his hand had finished casting the spell.


A fire dragon descended from the sky and swallowed Pluto.

Up to 14.8 billion damage, instantly kills Hades!

Pluto looked at Zhang Yi dumbfounded. At the moment he died, he didn't even want to understand how Zhang Yi was so fast!


The white light comes on.

With Pluto being killed.

Behind him, several other underworld assassins drew their swords and stabbed Conte one after another.

However, Zhang Yi's hand speed was almost out of the sky.

Boom boom boom boom!

Rising Dragon Extinction and Aurora Art in one go.

Combining multiple attacks, transformed into several fire dragons, killing all six underworld assassins on the court in an instant!

In an instant, only the **** Conte was left on the court.

There were also several NPC guards who looked shocked behind.

Even the dragon clan in the rear was immortal and they were shocked.

Because in this situation, they thought that even Zhang Yi would be helpless.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi acted so decisively and directly, and lost the people in the underworld in seconds!

Threatening Zhang Yi? nonexistent.

Comparing with Zhang Yi's hand speed is even more desperate.

When Zhang Yi came to Absolute Wolf Grove, he was also superimposed with more than two hundred layers of God-level Speed ​​Dragon Soul buff.

And Zhang Yi is born with a 240% attack speed bonus effect, plus the 100% final speed bonus of the Extreme Dragon Soul, directly doubled to 480%!

At 4.8 times faster than normal hand speed.

In Zhang Yi's hands, even large-scale group skills that require 1-2 seconds of guidance time are all instant!

So just now, Zhang Yi instantly flashed the fireball technique, so that Pluto had no chance to react, and directly killed him in seconds!

"Handsome Brother Cheng!"

The King of Glory behind couldn’t help clapping his hands and said: "It’s a good second! It’s too hateful! Just seeing Pluto’s villainous face is disgusting! At this moment, it is estimated that he is looking dumbfounded in the Resurrection Spring, hahaha !"

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes behind him.

Zhang Yi looked back and saw that Kangte, who was rescued, had been riding a horse and hurriedly fled with a few guards!

Seeing this scene, the storm angel couldn't help but pour out: "This guy, I didn't even thank you for saving him, just ran away!"

Xing Tian hurriedly summoned a dark horse from the mount space, and rode the horse to chase him up: "I will **** him back to the city safely!"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen came to Zhang Yi's side and said: "Negligence, this time it is mine."

"It's okay." Zhang Yi didn't care.

Yiqi Juechen continued: "You go back quickly, don't let the boss be robbed by others."

"Yeah." Zhang Yi nodded.

And just when Zhang Yi was about to go back to the City of Shadow Demon.

Suddenly, a system prompt that suddenly shocked Zhang Yi's heart came to his ears—

"Ding~Congratulations on teaming up with other players to kill [Devil: Wupa] (212-level 55-star BOSS), experience value x 520 billion..."

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, the current level is 205..."

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