After learning from the scavengers that the blackened Tianmai Dragon Emperor: Yu's exact hiding place and the location of the key to unlock the Tianshu Pavilion, Zhang Yi did not rush to find the key immediately.

Instead, he first found a secluded place in the city and quietly began refining medicine.

B-level pharmacist, who can refine C-level pharmacy with a guaranteed bottom line, has a 10% chance to successfully refine B-level pharmacy.

The grade of the refined medicine is not only related to the grade of the refining pharmacist, but also to the grade of the material.

The above probability is when a Grade B pharmacist uses Grade B medicinal materials to refine medicine.

If you use A-grade materials, there is a 100% probability of refining a B-grade potion, and a 1% probability of refining a A-grade potion.

Zhang Yi carried the AB grade medicinal materials all over his body and began to refine the medicine.

A series of system prompts kept ringing.

"Ding~ Consume the B-grade medicinal material Blood Leaf Flower, and the medicine was successfully refined. Congratulations on obtaining [B-grade Berserk Potion] x1! Proficiency x10!"

"Ding~ Consume the B-grade medicinal material, Blood Leaf Flower, and successfully refine the medicine, congratulations on obtaining the [C-grade Life Potion] x1! Proficiency x1!"

"Ding~ Consume the A-grade medicinal material Blood Leaf Flower, and the medicine was successfully refined. Congratulations, you have obtained [A-grade defensive medicine] x1! Proficiency x10..."

Grade B alchemist, with a maximum stamina of 500 points, can use advanced stamina potions up to ten times a day.

Zhang Yi didn't stop until a total of 3,500 stamina points were cleared.

In the end, 3,500 bottles of potions were obtained, including 2,800 bottles of Grade C, 600 bottles of Grade B, and 100 bottles of Grade A!

In addition, pharmacist proficiency has also increased by 11,000.

Zhang Yi put all these medicines into the warehouse.

Looking at the remaining 8% fatigue, it seems that the task of finding the key to [Black Dragon's Den] can only be placed on tomorrow, or later tonight.

The time is fixed at eight o'clock in the evening.

Before going to the hotel to rest, Zhang Yi came to Shuguang Street to see how the store's renovation progress was.

Halfway through the road, Xing Tian suddenly sent a message: "The prey has been locked."


At first Zhang Yi didn't react to what Xing Tian said.

He suddenly remembered: When he just came back from the Monster Beast Mountains, Xing Tian casually said that he would go out to "hunt" and asked Zhang Yi if he was interested.

In the end, Zhang Yi refused!

Zhang Yi also understood what Xing Tian meant by hunting, so he asked, "Do you need help?"

"No." Xing Tian replied, "I can solve it by myself, just tell you."

"Okay." Zhang Yi said, "Then take care of your own safety."

After all, Zhang Yi closed the dialog box directly.

He really doesn't have to worry about Xingtian.

After all, with Xingtian's strength, the group of "prey" locked by him can only be prey.

Zhang Yi continued on his way.

As a result, as soon as I came to Shuguang Street, I saw that the huge street was full of people and it was very lively!

The busier the better.

This is the scene Zhang Yi wants to see the most!

As a result, Zhang Yi also entered the lively Dawn Street.

At the same time, outside Dawn City.

Night fell, and darkness enveloped the earth.

In the east of the city, in a level 201 map [Ferocious Beasts], a group of players are teaming up to hunt and kill beasts to level up.

These players are all demons, and the IDs above their heads all have a common feature, that is, they start with the word "Ming".

They are the people of the underworld!

A line of hundreds of people scattered across the map.

Among them, the rank 200 rank eight assassin Pluto stabbed a **** beast with a knife and used the corpse touch technique, but the hair was not touched.

Ming Yue, the archer's younger brother on the side, knew that Pluto was still holding grudges for the fact that he was killed by Zhang Yi when he failed to hold Kang Te in the Wolf's Woodland last night.

Then he persuaded Hades: "Boss, don't worry, let's bear it, the captain of the underworld has already said that when Yinuo Qingcheng and the others go to Hell City, he will definitely clean up Yinuo Qingcheng himself!"

"No matter how powerful Yinuo Qingcheng is, it can't be our captain's opponent. Our captain can easily kill Yinuo Qingcheng by changing the space of his domain skills!"

"Can you bear it?" Pluto stared at the moon in anger: "Anyway, labor and capital can't bear it!"

Mingyue said: "I heard that the quest of the Devil's Breath was finally completed for the people of the Fengyun team. Their people took advantage of our opportunity to lure Yinuo Qingcheng over and secretly took down the Devil."

"In the end, it also led to the failure of Yinuo Qingcheng's mission and was punished."

Pluto's words finally gave Pluto a hint of comfort in his heart: "Hmph, just such a little punishment is not enough! If you promise to conquer the city, I will definitely make you regret being my enemy!"

As Hades finished speaking.

In all directions, suddenly a dark aura invaded!

This breath is different from the night.

It is also mixed with a strong murderous aura, and the breath of death, people can deeply perceive, as if some powerful enemy is approaching!

Hades was the first to react: "Something is approaching!"

After all, I looked around, and I really saw: under the moonlight, in the darkness in front of the position, a man dressed in black armor and holding a long sword in his hand exuded an aura of darkness and death. The demon warriors walked slowly towards this side!

With his demeanor, the powerful aura emanating from his body instantly filled the underworld players here.

"This guy... Who is it? Such a strong aura!"

The archer Mingyue seemed to suddenly recognize the other party: "That warrior of the dragon family!"

Hearing "Dragon Race", the surrounding underworld players picked up guys in an instant.

And Pluto also recognized it.

Seeing that the other party was alone, Pluto, who was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, stared fiercely at the black armored warrior who was approaching.

And this demon warrior exuding a strong murderous aura is the rank 202 rank eight ghost swordsman: Xingtian!

At a position fifty meters away from the player in the underworld, Xing Tian stopped.

Through the dark heavy metal helmet, he stared coldly at the underworld players in the front position.

did not speak.

He raised his long sword and pointed at the Pluto in the crowd.

Pluto, who was facing off against him, didn't take it seriously, but instead laughed: "Is it because I destroyed your boss's mission last night, so you are coming to take revenge on me now?"

Xing Tian remained silent.

Hades also considered Xing Tian to acquiesce, and laughed again: "Can one person dare to be a hero?"

"Brothers, give it to me! Give me the head!"

With the order of Hades.

Behind him, hundreds of players in the underworld took the guy and swarmed towards Xingtian.

Xing Tian held a long sword in his hand and pointed directly at Hades: "Remember, this is the last warning to you."

Say it.

Wearing a 60-star shadow attribute **** emperor suit, release [Ghost Array].

With the body of a level 202 rank eight ghost swordsman, he rushed into the enemy line.

Accompanied by a burst of screams one after another.

After a minute.

Xingtian passed through the ghost formation.

With a moment of silence.

next moment.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless white lights rose into the sky behind him, illuminating the night!

Xing Tian turned his back to the white light, holding a blood-stained sword, stepping into the darkness...

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