Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1385: Fengyun Family Invasion

Outside the Tianshu Pavilion, ten thousand senior players of the dragon clan are waiting in battle.

Everyone is anxiously watching the entrance of Tianshu Pavilion ahead.

"Captain, why haven't they come out yet?"

"Is it hanging in there?"

"Can you talk, don't talk if you can't talk! Captain and the others are so strong, how could it be so easy to hang up, I think they found that they didn't need to lead the boss out, and they could take it directly, so they fought inside! "

While everyone was talking about it.


A bright light flashed.

Zhang Yi and Xing Tianyi rode Juechen and they rushed out of the Tianshu Pavilion.

next moment.

hoo hoo hoo!

With a roar.

Countless dark battle dragons flew out from Tianshu Pavilion!

The dragon clan stationed outside was immortal, and with a "wow", he drew his long sword: "Brothers, kill!"

One command.

The dragon players outside picked up the guys one after another, locked the group of black dragons flying out of the Tianshu Pavilion, and launched an attack!

Boom boom boom!

Whoosh whoosh!

Under the long-range bombardment of countless senior magicians and archers, countless orbs and sharp arrows slammed into the dragon group.

Although all the strongest teachers of the dragon clan were present, all the ten thousand players had reached level 200 and rank eight strength.

And most of them were replaced with level 200 equipment.

However, the level of these dark battle dragons is as high as level 212.

The strength is super strong, even the senior members of the Dragon Clan who have completed the eighth rank, it is difficult to deal with them!

A large attack hit the dark dragon, causing hundreds of millions of damages.

Hundreds of dark war dragons whizzed past the crowd.

They sprayed dragon flames at the same time, and the scorching flames joined together, covering the crowd on the land.

Under the heavy damage of up to 2 to 3 billion damages, the dragon players were madly slaughtered.

In the crowd, white light rises and falls one after another!

The strength of the enemy is somewhat beyond imagination.

At this moment, the Dragon Race players did not dare to be careless, and quickly lined up their troops.

A group of knights turned on the energy shield at the same time, covering the audience.

Countless mage shooters fired at the black dragon outside through the energy shield.

Some of the black dragons that were shot down were immediately besieged by warrior assassins who had been waiting on the land for a long time.

With the concerted efforts of tens of thousands of dragon powerhouses, at the cost of more than three-digit sacrifices, they finally succeeded in killing these black dragons!

These black dragons are only supporting roles.

The main event is yet to come.

As the dragons were eliminated, the field fell into a brief silence.

At this moment, accompanied by a roar.

The Tianmai Dragon Emperor, exuding a dark aura, leaped out of the Tianshu Pavilion...

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Monster Mountain.

The main force of the dragon clan is hunting piranhas and collecting materials and resources.

At this time, the King of Glory and Storm Angel, who were responsible for leading the team here, didn't feel a little worried.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Cheng and the others. Did the sixth-order Dragon Emperor win?"

As the King's Glory voice just fell.

The Storm Angel shot a bloodthirsty piranha with one arrow, and said, "Don't worry, with the strength of the captain and the others, there will be no problem."

While the two were talking.

Suddenly a dragon player came to report: "There is a player force entering the Monster Beast Mountains!"

Hearing this, King Glory frowned and said displeasedly: "Don't you know that the Monster Beast Mountains are already our Dragon Clan's territory? Who dares to seize our territory?"

The storm angel waved his hand: "It's okay, the captain told me before that if there are loose people coming in, let them come in. After all, this map is not marked as belonging to our dragon clan."

"As long as there is no threat to our dragon people, we don't have to care about them."

Just at this moment, the dragon assassin player who came to report the letter hurriedly said: "They didn't fight our people openly, but they have provoked monsters from the side to attack our people, and many of our brothers have died under their deliberate provocation. It's gone!"

"What?!" Both King Glory and Storm Angel were shocked.

Near the exit of Monster Beast Mountains.

In addition to the wasteland reclamation team of the Dragon Clan, I saw that a player force from another team entered the Monster Beast Mountains at some point!

They are the players from the [Fengyun] team!

Led by the rank 200 rank eight archer [Fengyun Xiongba], after a large number of Fengyun players entered the Monster Beast Mountains, they also began to spread across the open areas of the mountains, picking blood-leaf flowers and hunting piranhas to collect materials!

Fengyun Xiongba came to the Monster Beast Mountains under the guidance of Hades.

When he came here, he was overjoyed when he found that he could not only pick high-grade medicinal herbs and ingredients on this map at the same time, but also that the success rate of picking was increased tenfold.

"That guy didn't lie to us, what he said was actually true!"

The tyrants who discovered the business opportunities were very pleasantly surprised: "This place, if all the brothers in the team come to collect materials, in less than a week, we can make a lot of money through these advanced materials!"

Therefore, Fengyun Xiongba explained to his subordinates: "Announce this news in the team and let all the brothers in the team attack the Monster Beast Mountains!"

Beside him, a little magician with an ID named [Wind and Clouds] said with some anxiety: "But the Monster Beast Mountains have been occupied by the Dragon Race players, the map is almost saturated, and there is not much land left. If all the brothers in the team come over, only I'm afraid there is no place to collect materials for us..."

Fengyun Xiongba glanced at the dragon clan wasteland reclamation teams scattered all over the mountains in the distance.

He snorted coldly: "Then drive them out!"

"The shop on Dawning Street was robbed by them, and they should give up the Monster Beast Mountain Range as well as repayment for us!"

As a result, Fengyun Xiongba found [Peak Emperor Young Master], who happened to be the elite of the Dragon Clan team who was just opening up wasteland nearby, and put forward a request to Peak Emperor Young Master that "Dragon Clan give up half of the map of the Monster Beast Mountains to Fengyun".

However, he was rejected by Peak Young Master: "Why should I give it to you?"

"The world of Apocalypse has been around for so long. I don't know what territorial rights are? It's not bad to let you in, why do you still want to make progress?"

Fengyun Xiongba didn't argue with Peak Emperor Young Master, just nodded: "Okay, you guys have a seed!"

Then, Fengyun Xiongba retreated.

There was a fierce look in his eyes.

I thought to myself: Since you won’t let me, let’s change the way so that you can’t stay here any longer!

The tyrannical tyrant, who had been deflated at the peak of the emperor, returned to his own domain and ordered thousands of players under his command.

Have them target a Bloodleaf flower at the same time.

Then, everyone collects Blood Leaf Flowers at the same time!

This scene shocked the wasteland reclamation team of the Dragon Clan not far away:

"Don't they know that the way to activate the piranha is to collect the blood leaf flower?"

"Collecting such a large number of blood-leaf flowers will provoke a lot of piranhas at once. It's just killing yourself!"

Even someone in the dragon family kindly reminded the situation, but it was ignored by the other party.

And the next moment, after collecting the blood leaf flowers, all the powerful people quickly evacuated from the Monster Beast Mountain Range!

Immediately afterwards, countless piranhas sprang out from the ground at the same time.

Because of the wind and clouds, all the people evacuated from the Monster Beast Mountains.

Those piranhas locked their hatred on the dragon tribe's wasteland reclamation team.

They are madly approaching the players of the dragon family!

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