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Chapter 1539: All staff are in place, waiting to be dispatched!

The three lifelines of the Dark Dragon Emperor have been cut off.

The next plan is to take the Dark Dragon Emperor, Iguno!

After coming out from the dark cemetery, the valley of darkness, and the dark abyss, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian, ​​riding Juechen and the others, met in Dawn City.

Just in time for noon.

The group then came to the restaurant for lunch, while storing up their stamina for the final battle of the afternoon.

"How will the battle be fought next?"

As Xing Tian's voice just fell.

The peak emperor patted the table and said: "If you want me to say, our dragon army is dispatched to take the dark dragon emperor's lair and take it down in one fell swoop!"

Taking over the words of the peak emperor, Xiao Qiang, who couldn't be beaten to death, said: "Rude! I think we should take advantage of the dark dragon emperor not to pay attention. Let's sneak into the dark imperial capital and kill it with a sneak attack!"

"Big brother, that's the seventh-order dragon emperor!" King Glory glanced at Xiaoqiang in disbelief: "The seventh-order dragon emperor can be stupid enough to wait for you to attack it?"

At this time, Yiqi Juechen said: "The lifeline was cut off, and the Dark Dragon Emperor must have sensed it. Next, it will definitely take precautions against us."

"Brother Cheng, how do you fight?" King Glory turned to look aside, shaking his water glass in silence, as if he was thinking about something.

For some reason, Zhang Yi had a bad feeling.

But I don't know where this feeling came from.

After a long silence, Zhang Yi put down the water glass and said to everyone at the table, "You guys have a rest after eating, and I'll go out."

After speaking, Zhang Yi got up and left the restaurant alone.

Leaving a puzzled crowd.

"What's wrong with the captain?"

"Is it because the enemy facing this time is too powerful, so the pressure is too great?"

"I'm going to see Brother Cheng!"

King Glory was about to go out, but Yiqi Juechen reached out and stopped him: "Don't go."

"Let him be alone."

outside the restaurant.

Zhang Yi was walking on the street alone, with a heavy expression on his face.

He suddenly raised his right hand and confided to the dragon soul ring he was wearing, "Nana, I have a bad feeling."

"How do you say?" The dragon soul ring flickered, and among them, Viana's voice came.

"I always feel that things are going a little smoothly." Zhang Yi said: "I thought it would not be so easy to cut off the lifeline of the Dark Dragon Emperor, but in the end it was done so easily."

"Do you suspect that this is the trap of the Dark Dragon Emperor?"

Zhang Yi was silent for a while, and said: "The consciousness of the seventh-order Dragon Emperor is comparable to that of other people."

What's more, Zhang Yi had already fought so many times with the Dark Dragon Emperor from the next five years. In the end, because his will remained on Han Yarou, he couldn't completely defeat it, so he thought of killing the current Dark Dragon Emperor. So as to achieve the purpose of destroying the future black dragon consciousness.

Logically, with the intelligence of the Dark Dragon Sovereign, it is impossible for it to guess Zhang Yi's next move, so it should have already informed the current Dark Dragon Sovereign.

That is to say: Dark Dragon Emperor Iguno should already know that Zhang Yi is going to deal with it soon, but why does he still have no strong protection for his three lifelines?

It was as if Zhang Yi was deliberately letting Zhang Yi destroy his lifeline to further lure Zhang Yi to approach it!

Secondly, Han Yarou could not be contacted for the past two days, which made Zhang Yi even more worried about whether something happened.

At this time, Viana said: "This time, neither Jon nor Jon can help you, because the seventh-order dragon emperor is no longer within the reach of us."

"This time, it's up to you."

Zhang Yi nodded: "I know."

After finishing the conversation with Viyana, Zhang Yi's eyes were focused on the token he had just taken out of his bag and given by the ghost king Luo Jia.

"This battle must be fought."

"And, must win."

With that said, Zhang Yi wandered outside the restaurant for a while, until Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others finished their lunch and came out of the restaurant.

"Pass my password and call all the brothers of the Dragon Clan, including those who have not yet cleared the Dawning Camp, put the copy away first, so that everyone is ready to go to the dark imperial capital immediately!"

Following Zhang Yi's order, the Dragon Clan Immortal agreed: "Yes!"

Realizing the next battle is no small matter.

All dragon players who are about to participate in this afternoon's battle have begun to prepare for the battle in an all-round way!

At the same time, the excitement and excitement were also scattered in the crowd.

Because this time, what we are about to face is one of the top nine dragon emperors of the dark dragon race in the world of Apocalypse!

For many players, even if they just see the seventh-order Dragon Emperor, even if they die, it is worth it!

What's more, if you can follow Zhang Yi and kill the seventh-order Dragon Emperor.

This record is enough for everyone involved in today's operation to blow for a lifetime!


In the process of preparing for the battle, various voices of expectation, excitement, and tension were also heard in the crowd.

"I heard that this afternoon, the captain is going to take us to fight the seventh-order dragon emperor of the dark dragon race! Is it true?"

"Nonsense, it must be true! The blood of darkness that we destroyed in the dark abyss this morning is the lifeblood of the Dark Dragon Emperor!"

"Damn it! The seventh-order dark dragon emperor! Just to see one side, let me die is worth it!"

"It's a bit promising, brothers, if you can kill the seventh-order Dragon Emperor, this record will be used to tease the girl, and it will be accurate!"

"Good guy! It made my blood boil for a while!"

"Hurry up and prepare for the battle, we'll be leaving soon!"

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the army of 300,000 dragons gathered outside the north gate of Dawn City, with a great momentum!

And just when Zhang Yi was about to lead an army of 300,000 dragons and officially march into the dark imperial capital.

Inside the city, a huge force of players surged out!

Looking around, I found that it was actually a member of the [Fengyun] family!

Rank 211 Rank 8 Warrior Fengyun Resurrection, and Vice Captain Fengyun, Knight Fengyun Apocalypse, Mage Fengyun Discoloration, and other officials of Fengyun Family, all assembled and came to Zhang Yi's side.

"Brother Yinuo Qingcheng, you are going to go to the seventh-order Dragon Emperor, and you don't tell me, it's not kind!"

Zhang Yi looked at the resurgence of the situation that he had not been in contact with for a long time, and asked, "How did you know that I was going to go to the seventh-order Dragon Emperor?"

"Isn't this a household name already?" The knight on the side of the apocalypse said, "Now everyone in the city is discussing this matter!"

Open the Dawning City chat channel and take a look, I really don't know if I don't watch it, I'm startled when I see it!

Really, I don't know who spread the news.

At this moment, all over the city, the 200 million players in Dawn City are all discussing the news about "Yinuo Qingcheng is about to lead the dragon clan to fight the seventh-order top dragon emperor of the dark dragon clan"!

At this time, the resurgence of the situation said to Zhang Yi: "This battle is not so easy, right? Are you ready?"

Don't wait for Zhang Yi to speak.

Fengyun Rising continued: "Anyway, my Fengyun family's 300,000 brothers are ready, don't mind, add one of us?"

Zhang Yi was a little surprised: "Are you going to help me fight this battle?"

"Aren't we allies?" Fengyun Zaiqi smiled and said, "Although we haven't had much contact during this time, our friendship has not disappeared, right?"

Zhang Yi nodded, grateful: "Thanks."

The voice just fell.


An ice dragon leaped through the air.

A familiar voice came from an alien black-robed beastmaster sitting on the back of a dragon:

"Senior, and me!"

In Dawn City.





Storm, the resurrected.

Millions of heroes from the two major families, with magnificent momentum, took generous and powerful steps, and walked in an orderly manner outside the city!

"Fengyun, 300,000 troops have been assembled!"

"The resurrection team is assembled!"

"The second team of the resurrected is assembled!"

"The three resurrection teams are assembled!"

"One million brothers of the resurrected have all arrived!"

Listen to the information reported by the subordinates.

As the leaders of these two great families, the rise of the situation, and Yi Ye Liaozhou, looked at Zhang Yi, and said in unison:

"The resurrected (Fengyun) are all in place, waiting to be dispatched!"

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