Boom boom boom!

As the fire-bathing trial in Zhang Yi's hands kept waving, the fire dragons strengthened by the fire-bathing dragon soul kept bombarding the elite dark battle dragon under the elite dragon knight in front.

One after another, a huge amount of damage between 15000-2000 billion, madly swallowing the blood of the elite dragon.

The elite dragon knight raised his bow and arrow, and was preparing to cooperate with the dragon under his seat to launch a counterattack.

The fifth-order Dragon Emperor Babu under Zhang Yi's seat was the first to attack.

A dragon flame from "roar" directly engulfed the elite dragon knight!

Then, under the gaze of tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, Zhang Yi rode a dragon and passed through the scorching flames. The entire screen was a blazing fire. The sound is constantly stimulating every audience.

After a few seconds, the flame finally disappeared, and the line of sight returned to a clear time.

I don't know when the perspective shifted to behind the elite dragon knight!

At this time, the elite dragon knight who had just been doused with dragon flames had no idea that Zhang Yi was behind him.

So, assembled a group of monsters.

Zhang Yi cooperated with the undead crossbowman, the soul reaper and the dragon blood knight, and at the same time raided the elite dragon knight from the rear.

Brush brush brush brush!

Boom boom boom!

Under the joint attack with the Warcraft Group, the damage was as high as trillions, and the blood bar of the dragon knight and the dragon was swallowed up to the limit.

Super powerful attack, the audience in the live broadcast room was so excited!

It's like the person who rides the fifth-order Dragon Emperor and kills a full-level giant dragon with a super artifact in his hand is just like himself!

Zhang Yi successfully put the hearts of every audience into the battlefield!

Together with the Warcraft Group, Zhang Yi quickly crippled the elite dragon knight.

Riding a minibus, after some dealing with it.

Kill him in no time!

After the elite dragon knight died in battle.

Zhang Yi's goal continued to be locked on the rest of the surrounding dark dragon knights.

At the same time, on the other side, players from the three major families also began to attack the city!

Above the city wall, there are still many dark dragon clan garrison troops.

Just as the knights of the three major families were holding their shields and approaching the city wall first, countless sharp arrows were shot from above the city wall!

Whoosh whoosh!

Under the strong fire of the arrow rain, large groups of knights were shot from a long distance before they approached the city wall, turning into white light and disappearing on the field.

Above the city wall, there are countless dark knights of level 255 standing impressively!

However, the counterattack of the three major families could be blocked by them using the city wall and resolved.

In addition, when those archers were taking advantage of their condescension to shoot the three major clan players frantically, there were hundreds of giant dragons standing on top, constantly breathing dragon flames, to burn the players outside the city.

After being strengthened by the dragon flame, the sharp arrow evolved into a rocket and shot in the crowd.

A large piece of damage has been upgraded to 30-40 billion, quickly reaping the lives of players from the three major families.

Looking at the fierce battle ahead, the casualties were heavy.

After the formation, the captain of the Fengyun family, Fengyun Rising immediately ordered: "The mage shooter first withdraws the attack range, don't die!"

"The knights assist the warriors and the assassins to advance, first break through the city gate, and let the assassins rush to it!"

Below the city wall, it is true that almost every tens of meters, there is a closed city gate about seven or eight meters high and four or five meters wide.

Under the command of a comeback.

The mage shooter players in the front row retreated one after another.

Switch between warriors and assassins players.

And under the protection of the knights, they approached the city gate smoothly!

Just as he was about to break through the city gate, the closed city gate suddenly opened.

Countless level 255 dark knights with spears and shields rushed out of the city!

At the forefront, the first group of warrior players were caught off guard, and they were killed and returned with heavy losses!

Fengyun Rising gritted his teeth and shouted: "Strike! Enter the city!"


With shouts of killing, the warrior knights of the Fengyun family frantically pressed towards the city gate.

Elsewhere, players from the Dragon Clan and Resurrection were also attacking the city gate.

Only by breaking the city gate can we completely break through this city wall!

However, the attack of the group of dragon knights was too ferocious.

Coupled with the blocking of the archers above the city wall, the people on the land not only moved slowly, but also suffered extremely heavy casualties!

Listening to the screams from the front line, I saw that the brothers in the team were all killed by the long spears of the group of dragon knights.

Fengyun Tianqi, who was also killing the enemy in the front row, looked up at the archer above the city wall who kept shooting arrows, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Yes, there is some kind of don't let me go into the city, or I will have to hack you to death! "

The voice just fell.


Accompanied by a dragon roar, a scorching dragon flame leaked from the air and directly bombarded the dragon knight outside the city gate.

A large piece of damage in the trillions, the dragon knights are retreating!

Everyone looked up, only to see a 217-level first-order Fire Dragon Emperor, who was assisting the Fengyun family to attack the city together!

In the air, Zhang Yi rode the Fire-bathing Dragon Emperor and leaped over the crowd.

A fierce dragon flame knocked over several archers above the city wall.

Seeing this, Fengyun shouted again: "Brothers, go into the city in one go!"

The players of the Fengyun family stepped up their offensive, and cooperated with a first-order dragon emperor that Zhang Yi deliberately dispatched, and finally successfully broke through the city gate!

Just at the moment when the dragon knight outside the city was killed and the city gate was breached.

In the rear, countless soldiers and assassins of the Fengyun family rushed into the city frantically!

Then follow the stairway on both sides of the city gate and climb to the post above the city wall.

At the same time, there were several other city gates next to it, which were also breached.

Players from the three major families drove in along the city gate!

After rushing to the top of the city wall, they directly fought with those archers who only put dark arrows on the city wall.

Seeing the enemy rushing up, those archers also switched from long-range to melee.

Some of the knights put down their bows and arrows, took off the long swords on their backs, and charged straight!

At the back, some knights continued to maintain their archer stance for long-range shooting assistance.

The melee capabilities of these archers are not weak.

After switching the long swords, a close-range fight, combined with the shooting of the archers behind, killed all the dozens of warrior players of the Fengyun family who rushed to the city wall!

never thought.

A large group of assassins from the Second Resurrection Team, at some unknown time, climbed the wall from the other side of the city gate, and then turned on the stealth technique to quietly approach the archer knights in the back row here.

Reed reed!

The group of resurrected assassins swarmed up and threw the archer knights to the ground, holding their daggers, and attacking them frantically.

Here, the soldiers of the Fengyun family took this opportunity to continue to attack.

The people of the two major families joined forces to form a front and back attack, and finally eliminated the enemies in this area on the city wall!

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