A thousand years ago, when the ghost race was rampant and was about to become the overlord of the Apocalypse Continent, it was suddenly punished by the [Lord God].

Most of the ghost clan members were sealed in the ghost clan main city.

In addition, a small number of ghost kings and pets were sealed in unknown areas outside the city.

Just like the ghost king Luo Jia, Zhang Yi unintentionally released it from the [Mushen Lake] at that time.

And later in the last life, the seven-star ghost pet found by the Lord of the Underworld - Hell Ghost Snake: Higliel!

In my impression, it was in the place of [Ghost Underworld] that the lord of the underworld found the sealed ghost pet Higliel, and then after a series of riotous operations, the seal on his body was lifted and he was released.

Therefore, if you don't want to use Longjing to reveal your position, the only way that Ghost King Luojia can unwittingly open the seal of the ghost clan's main city is to revive the seven-star ghost pet!

In this way, the seal of the main city can be lifted directly through the seven-star ghost pet, and there is no need to devour the dragon crystal to upgrade to the seven-star ghost king, and then lift the seal!

So, Zhang Yi told Viana the urgent news through the Dragon Soul Ring.

Jon immediately conveyed a message to Yiqi Juechen through the [Dragon Clan Voice Transmission Order] that was handed over to Yiqi Juechen: "Ghost Underworld, come quickly."

at the same time.

Outside the city of dawn, Yiqi Juechen, who was still tracking down the clues of the ghost king Luojia with a group of players from the dragon clan, seemed to feel something.

Take out the dragon voice transmission order from the bag, and immediately, Jon's voice came out through the sound transmission order!

Yiqi Juechen immediately opened the map and searched for [Ghost Underworld].

Sure enough, I found this place in the east of Dawn City!

Discovery: That's a level 225 map!

For the past week, the people of the Dragon Clan have been searching for the trace of the ghost king Luo Jia, while waiting for news from Jon.

Now that I finally waited for this news, even the Dragon Clan Immortal Dragon Traveling World and the others were excited when they saw the movement of the Dragon Clan's voice transmission order:

"How is it, any news from Jon?"

"Ghost Underworld." Yiqi Juechen said, "Call the brothers and go to the Ghost Underworld immediately!"

Having said that, Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian, Fatty and the others, went directly to the Ghost Underworld.

However, the immortal dragon clan and the dragon travel the world, they called people to go in the team.

Following the guidance of the map, Yiqi Juechen and Xingtian, as well as a core group of 100 people from the Dragon Clan, arrived at their destination first.

Just arrived at the entrance of the [Ghost Underworld] map.

There was a roar of dragons in the air.

Looking up, I saw that it was Jon the Dragon Warrior, and the Dragon Soul Master Weiana, riding the sixth-order Dawn Dragon Emperor and the Ice and Snow Dragon Emperor respectively, rushing over!

The two sat down on the giant dragon, and they completed the meeting with Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen.

Yiqi Juechen hurriedly asked Jon: "Senior, did the ghost king Luo Jia use Dragon Crystal here?"

"No." Jon's answer was confusing.

"Then you let us come here..."

"It's what Zhang Yi meant." Wei Yana on the side said, "Zhang Yi asked us to come here, saying that there may be secrets about the ghosts buried here."

Yiqi Juechen nodded thoughtfully.

If it is what Zhang Yi meant, then there is no need to doubt it.

Because in their eyes, Zhang Yi was born with the ability of a prophet, and he can always know some secrets that others don't know.

So, nothing more was said.

Xing Tian and Yiqi Juechen, as well as Jon and Viana, all walked towards the ghostly underworld.

What comes into view is a dark door that seems to lead to hell!

Bursts of darkness mixed with the breath of death continued to pour out of the door.

And what can be seen inside the door is a thick fog of black fog, as if countless monsters and ghosts are in this invisible thick fog, people standing at the door, there is a kind of creepy feeling!

According to the description above the map.

A thousand years ago, the ghost army came to the world through the gate of **** and brought disaster to the people.

Later, for some unknown reason, a force from the gods descended from the sky, stunned the gate of hell, and sealed all those ghosts in the ghost underworld!

Ordinary players may be in a state of confusion about this map description.

I am afraid that only Zhang Yi understands: the power that sealed the gate of **** inexplicably a thousand years ago actually came from the Lord God!

And the main **** was not to seal the gate of **** at that time, but just to seal the [Seven-Star Ghost Pet: Siglier] hiding in the ghost underworld!

Therefore, the ghost underworld was sealed together.

Speaking of the thousand-year seal that fell from the sky, those ghosts, you have to thank the ghost beast Siglier...

In addition, according to the description on the map, this is a map with only 225 levels.

For Xingtian and Yiqi Juechen, whose current level has reached between 215-220, the map itself does not pose any threat.

But the really huge threat comes from other forces lurking in this map!

Therefore, everyone did not dare to be careless, and while approaching the gate of hell, they picked up their weapons and prepared to fight at any time.

Dozens of high-ranking knights from the Dragon Clan were the first to bear the brunt. They formed a line of defense, clenched their shields, and approached the gate of hell.

The others in the back followed closely.

Soon, the knights in the front row had already stepped into the thick fog.

Others were temporarily waiting outside.

It was not until Xingtian received a safety message from a knight who entered, that he entered the thick fog with the others.

After passing through the gates of hell.

Everyone arrived at a place that looked like an underworld!

At the foot is a long bridge more than ten meters wide.

And under this bridge, there is a bottom twenty or thirty meters deep, and there are gloomy human skeletons everywhere!

In all directions, there is a cold aura that makes people feel inexplicable fear.

The group of dragon knights continued to take the lead, and everyone walked along the long bridge.

It was peaceful along the way, and I didn't see a single monster.

And this is the strangest thing.

"Why is there not a single wild monster in this map?"

The storm angel looked at the map description and pondered: "It doesn't say on the map, this is a safe area, what about the ghost messenger inside?"

As the storm angel's voice just fell.

Xing Tian suddenly "squeaked" and drew his sword and stood up: "Here it is."

Look around.

In front of the line of sight, floating in the air, you can see several ghost knights in armor, riding a ghost horse, holding a spear, and leaping towards this side!

Above their heads, a line of blood-red IDs floated on each of them—

lv225 ghost messenger (physics department, ordinary monster)!

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