Level 255, 200-star BOSS, Dark Lord: After Soul Emperor is killed.

Linger has risen by more than 100 levels in a row, from level 1 to level 124!

During this period, a total of three skills were learned.

Primary Aura Light Wave: Unleash a light wave on the enemy, causing 200% magic damage to the enemy, and converting 30% of the damage into recovery to heal yourself or allies.

Primary Reiki Healing: Restores 220% of allies' magic attack power.

Primary Aura Guardian: Increases the defensive power of allies by 225% of their own magic attack power.

As a demon beast of the auxiliary system, the skills controlled by Ling'er are naturally auxiliary skills.

Only aura light waves can attack and assist.

And as primary skills, the coefficients of these skills have reached more than 200%!

You must know that the golden fireball technique of the Apocalypse World Mage has a damage coefficient of only 255%!

As expected of a god-level demon beast with a dual-race **** race and ghost race!

When Linger really grows up, she will definitely be a powerful offensive assistant in the future!

And these skills comprehended above, the consumption is relatively small.

Every ten times it is used, only 1 Aura is consumed!

Because spiritual energy is really difficult to obtain.

In addition to [Aura Recovery], this skill can automatically gain 1 point of Aura every hour.

The probability of obtaining aura by killing monsters is also too low.

After killing more than 100 soul hall messengers before, Linger only got 2 points of aura.

Fortunately, I killed the Soul Emperor just now, and all of a sudden, I gained 50 points of aura!

In addition, only at level 124, Ling'er's attributes are already very high!

2 billion attack power, 1 billion defense, 50 billion blood.

I don't know how many times stronger than when Zhang Yi was level 124.

It is much higher than the attributes of many Rank 8 players with more than 200 levels now!

Moreover, this is when she is not wearing equipment!

At this time, the original girl looked at Linger who was still the same after she had risen to more than 100 levels, and said very curiously: "Wow~ Why is she still so big and small after she has risen so many levels?"

"Is there a possibility that she will be so old in the future?"

As Yiqi Juechen's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi looked at Linger sitting in his palm and said, "No, she will grow up."

"However, it will not grow up with the level, but grow up slowly with time."

Ling'er blinked her big eyes and looked at the body of the Soul Emperor.

It seems a little unbelievable that this big guy was killed by her!

"Go, pick up the spoils."

With that said, several people came to the body of the Soul Emperor.

200-star BOSS explosive equipment is naturally extremely precious.

It's a pity that the 255-level 200-star artifact equipment, no matter how strong it is, can't be used by Zhang Yi and the others at this stage.

However, Zhang Yi discovered something extremely important next to the Soul Emperor's body!

It was a spar that exuded golden light.

Zhang Yi picked it up and took a look.

[Bright Crystal] (Dragon Special Treasure).

Description: With the power of the bright dragon campers, the bright crystals can be evolved into dragon eggs, and the bright dragons can be hatched...

Remarks: This treasure can be dropped with probability by killing monsters by the Bright Dragon camp (it can also be killed by subordinates of Warcraft).

This is priceless good stuff!

Since the moment he got the Dragon King Token, Zhang Yi has figured out the rules for using the Dragon King Token to evolve a giant dragon.

That is: Dragon campers have a probability of killing monsters to drop crystals. Using the crystals and then integrating the exclusive evolution points of dragon campers, they can evolve into dragon eggs.

Put the dragon egg into the dragon domain created by the Dragon King Order, and within three days, the young dragon will hatch.

Adults in seven days can grow into dragons in ten days!

It seems simple, but it's actually as hard as the sky!

One hundred soul hall messengers were killed in front, and a single bright crystal did not explode.

Kill this 255-level 200-star BOSS, which barely exploded 3!

In addition, the [Evolution Point] possessed by the dragon campers is also something that is difficult to obtain.

In addition to having 100 evolution points initially.

The follow-up is to use the dragon reputation to exchange evolution points.

10,000 dragon reputation points can be exchanged for 10 evolution points!

To evolve an ordinary dragon egg, 1 bright crystal and 1 evolution point are required.

After killing the Soul Emperor to get 3 Bright Crystals.

Without saying a word, Zhang Yi immediately took out the Dragon King Token and used the Dragon King Token to create a dragon domain exclusively for Yinuo Qingcheng, a member of the Bright Dragon Clan.

Then consume 3 evolution points to evolve the 3 bright crystals into black-brown dragon eggs the size of a bucket, and put the three dragon eggs into the dragon domain.

Zhang Yi is a little excited and has a sense of accomplishment that he will be able to witness the birth of the dragon he cultivated with his own eyes!

Next, is to wait!

It will take ten days before the dragon egg can completely turn into a giant dragon controlled by Zhang Yi!

So the next goal is very clear.

If Linger wants to level up, take her to level up.

Exactly, by taking Linger to kill monsters to upgrade, collect bright crystals, evolve dragon eggs, and create a dragon group belonging to Zhang Yi!

And the condition of the Dragon King Order to upgrade to the first rank also requires Zhang Yi to cultivate a thousand dragons!

In addition, get 100,000 dragon reputation points.

Upgrading Linger and upgrading Dragon King Order can be done at the same time.

There is still a month before the first-level main city communicates.

It's still early, it should be too late, and before going to Hell City, successfully cultivate a group of dragons!

Thinking like this, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian rode together with Juechen and the others, and evacuated the Soul Palace.

Go to the next map: lv255 City of Angels.

Zhang Yi's goal is precisely the 255-level 210-star BOSS in the City of Angels, known as one of the five strongest bosses in Dawn City in the last life, with a strength superior to [Dark Demon King: Soul Emperor]: [Twelve-Winged Black Angel] : Chi]!

Since Zhang Yi's current strength is strong enough to sweep any map in the Apocalypse Continent.

Naturally, the monsters to be killed are the top ones!


At the end of the day, Zhang Yi will be known as the five strongest bosses in the previous Dawn City, and all of them will be copied!

Let the five brothers meet in heaven.

In addition, large and small also killed at least thirty or forty super BOSS between 150-200 stars!

In just one day, Ling'er was upgraded to level 200!

And Zhang Yi's popularity was pushed to the top of Dawn City again.

Inside and outside the city, before and after meals, the topics discussed by players in Dawn City are almost all about Zhang Yi.

"Have you seen Yinuo Qingcheng today? You may not believe it when you say it, I fucking... I saw him give a 170-star boss a second in the afternoon!"

"I heard that Yinuo Qingcheng swept the major bosses in the high-level wild areas around Dawn City today, killing at least dozens of bosses with more than 100 to 200 stars! Just to bring his daughter to upgrade??"

"Is that the elf the size of a slap? I heard it's a god-level monster!"

"Using 200-star BOSS as feed to upgrade pets? Is this what humans do??"

"I'm going! Yinuo Qingcheng is so perverted!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is simply my male god!"

"Love, love, Yinuo Qingcheng doesn't seem to have a girlfriend by his side! I don't know what kind of girl such a great **** likes? What kind of girl is worthy of Yinuo Qingcheng?"

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