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Chapter 1622: Find the ancient ruins of the Warring States Period

The sudden "the other party has read it" made Zhang Yi's heart tremble suddenly!

After a while, the other party replied with a message that puzzled Zhang Yi: "Is this ring a token of the dragon clan?"

Strange, why did Han Yarou suddenly ask this question?

When Weiana gave the dragon soul ring to Zhang Yi, didn't she also give her the dragon soul ring in her hand in front of Han Yarou, saying that it was convenient for Han Yarou to contact Zhang Yi?

Suddenly, Zhang Yi seemed to realize something, and replied through the dragon soul ring: "You are not Xiaoya."

"It seems that the owner of this ring is really important to you!" Inside the Dragon Soul Ring, came the other party's reply: "You actually know her so well, you can tell from just one piece of news that I'm not her. ?"

Seeing that the other party admitted that she was really not Xiaoya, Zhang Yi could not help frowning slightly and said, "Who are you, and why is the Dragon Soul Ring in your hands?"

"Answer my question first." The dragon soul ring flickered, and the other party's news came: "Is this ring a token of the dragon clan? What is your identity with the owner of this ring? Dragon clan blood?"

"I am a dragon blood."

The other party obviously didn't know Zhang Yi's identity, so when he didn't know who the other party was, Zhang Yi did not reveal his identity as a member of the Bright Dragon Clan.

After all, the Dragon Soul Ring can only be used for daily contact, and there is no user information on it.

In the chat records, Han Yarou will only call Zhang Yi "Zhang Yi".

Even if the whole world knows: Yinuo Qingcheng is a member of the bright dragon camp.

But knowing that Yinuo Qingcheng is Zhang Yi's person, but not many.

When the other party heard Zhang Yi's identity as a dragon blood person, he became obviously very excited: "Are you really a dragon blood person? Yo Xi Yo Xi! It can be considered that I have found an authentic dragon blood person!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: "Why is the ring in your hand? Tell me where Xiaoya is."

"Da baa, da baa yo~" The other party replied to the message: "If you want to know where the owner of this ring is, come to the Demon Clan Hell City to find me! I will wait for you in Hell City!"

Depend on!

Could this guy be a wretched pervert?

Obviously, the other party will not tell Zhang Yi any useful information if he continues to ask, he will only be there... Zhang Yi can't wait to punch this monster to death!

So next, Zhang Yi could only wait to find the answer to Han Yarou's disappearance after he went to Hell City.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhang Yi discovered an interesting thing:

The underworld is in **** city, the extremely valuable super **** realm is in **** city, and now even Han Yarou's dragon soul ring has appeared in **** city!

Invisibly, it seems that everything is driving Zhang Yi.

"It seems that it is time to go to Hell City!"

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so, suddenly, with a "ding" sound, a message came from the [family crowd]:

[Ruochen] (Devil's Hell City, lv215 Rank 8 Archer): "Brothers... I can't seem to hold it anymore, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to meet you again, I'm here to tell everyone in advance, sorry... Wait... There will be a chance to meet again in the next life.”

[Juggernaut]: "???Drinking fake wine? Or sleeping on the keyboard? What about talking in your sleep?"

[Huang Wuji]: "What do you mean? What's wrong with you?"

[Butterfly Dance]: "The people from the underworld are chasing us too closely. Since returning from Dawn City a week ago, the Xingchen Palace has been completely killed by the underworld, and we are about to be cornered..."

[Juggernaut]: "What? These **** in the underworld! Dare to bully my sister Lin Qian! Bah! Dare to bully my brother in Xingchen Palace, have you asked me about the sword pavilion?"

[Warring States, Lu Bu]: "This **** first-level main city is forming a battle, we can't go there now, otherwise I will be the first to go to Hell City to support you!"

[Juggernaut]: "Yeah, if I can get past, I'll go and rub the Lord of the Underworld on the ground right now! It's really annoying!!"

[sky, lord god]: "@Ruochen, there are still 24 days until the first-level main city communicates with each other. Can you hold on to this period of time?"

[Ruochen]: "I just told you that I couldn't hold it any longer. If this trend continues, I'm afraid it won't take ten days before the Xingchen Palace will perish."

In the face of Ruochen's help, everyone was helpless.

Sword Saint, Huang Wuji, Lord God, Lu Bu. Even if they had 10,000 hearts that wanted to support the Xingchen Temple, they were directly blocked by the formation of the first-level main city.

See these messages in the group.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, as if he suddenly thought of something.

Immediately open the friend list and send a private message to Lin Qian: "Let's see if you can find a map of the ancient Warring States relics with terracotta warriors and horses around Hell City, and tell me immediately after you find them."

This is Zhang Yi's last killer move.

Although desperate, this is the only way to save the Hall of Stars!

Otherwise, after more than 20 days, the first-level main city will communicate with each other, I am afraid it will be like what Ruochen said: their Star Palace is really gone!

Until then, what did Zhang Yi and the others do in the past, collect the corpses for Ruochen, Lin Qian, and the people in Xingchen Hall?

After receiving Zhang Yi's news, Lin Qian obviously did not understand: "Brother Zhang Yi, why are you looking for this relic?"

In order to avoid causing panic prematurely, Zhang Yi did not explain that much for the time being, but said to Lin Qian: "Forget about the rest, do as I say, this is the only way to save your Star Palace."

Lin Qian didn't have any doubts about Zhang Yi, and immediately said, "Okay, I'll tell my brother right away!"

Closing the dialog box, Zhang Yi sighed, "No way, this is the only way."

at the same time.

Demon clan **** city.

Only after Lin Qian conveyed what Zhang Yi said to Ruochen.

The Xingchen Hall and the generals on the side said suspiciously: "What are you looking for in this ancient Warring States relic? Could it be that there are hidden opportunities in that relic that can help us fight the underworld?"

"But, Yinuo Qingcheng is on the side of Dawn City, how does he know the map layout of Hell City?"

Ruochen, who was in a desperate situation and had no other way out, like Lin Qian, chose to trust Zhang Yi: "There is no other way but to be a dead horse and a living horse doctor."

Having said that, Ruochen, as the captain of the Xingchen Palace, immediately ordered: "Go ahead and divide all the members of the team into three queues, and the first team will find the ruins mentioned by Yinuo Qingcheng. The second team and the third team are responsible for dispersing the underworld. Don't let the underworld control our actions!"

"Also, let those brothers who have more chances of resurrection go to the second team and the third team. When confronting the underworld, try to reduce the casualties of the team."

The Star Palace battle general ordered: "Yes!"

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