"Why don't you go to rest?"

Zhang Yi asked Lin Qian, who was standing behind him.

"It's going to be all night at night."

Lin Qian smiled: "It's okay, you're busy with you, you don't have to worry about me."

"All right……"

The two sat on the side of the street, waiting for Sky's people to come over.

Looking up at the bright starry sky.

Lin Qian suddenly tilted her head, staring at Zhang Yi, and shouted: "Brother Zhang Yi."

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Yi turned around and looked at Lin Qian, who looked like stars.

With her hands on her chin, Lin Qian looked at Zhang Yi quietly.

After a long time, just smiled and said, "It's okay."

"I really like this feeling, staying with you, Zhang Yi, is comfortable and comfortable."

As he said, Lin Qian continued to cast her gaze on the starry sky: "If I can put my head on your shoulder at this time, it will be fine."

Zhang Yi hasn't spoken yet.

Lin Qian chuckled and said, "Just kidding, it scares you! You don't think I really like you, do you?"

"We have only known each other for a few days now, how could I be so casual and like you!"

Zhang Yi sighed: "It's not just fine."

Lin Qian frowned, "What do you mean by exhaling, being liked by me, is it so scary?"

"No, no," Zhang Yi said, "That's an honor."


Lin Qian smiled and said: "If I can, I want to stay by your side, Brother Zhang Yi, because I like this feeling!"

Zhang Yi changed the subject and asked, "When are you going to return to the main city of the demons?"

"I don't know, after a while~" Lin Qian's expression was a little tangled, it seemed that she didn't want to return to the demons.

Zhang Yi said: "After a while, how about I go to the Demon Race with you?"

"Really?" Lin Qian said with joy: "You are not allowed to lie to me!"

"Well, I'm going to the Demon Race to collect prestige."

Lin Qian grinned and said, "That's great!"

With that said, Lin Qian pretended to be arrogant and said to Zhang Yi: "Don't worry, when you get to the Mozu side, I will cover you, Brother Zhang Yi!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "Thanks for your care."

While chatting with Lin Qian, Sky, the Lord God, Sky, and the King rushed over with a few Sky players.

Zhang Yi got up and patted his butt, and greeted the main **** who came to him: "Here."

Obviously, with the 10 Demon Orders bought from Zhang Yi this morning, after spending a day in the Demon Suppression Tower, I have tasted the sweetness of Sky and Lord God.

With the high experience gains of the hidden map town magic tower higher than the ordinary map, the level of sky and the main **** has reached level 46!

The several players behind him were obviously all cleaning the town magic tower with him today.

Each level is very high.

The main **** went straight to the subject and said: "Do you really still have 30 devil orders on your body?"


Apart from anything else, the main **** is straightforward: "It's still at the price in the morning, 12,000 gold coins, I want them all!"

As one of the three top teams in Moonlight City in the future, Sky's economic strength is indeed very strong.

Seeing that the other party was so decisive, Zhang Yi was also unambiguous, and offered his own terms: "You can sell all these demon orders to you, but I want you to do me a favor."


Only when Zhang Yi said that he wanted to use the power of Sky to help deter the players of the League of Legends and the Battle of the Legends, but it was rejected by the Lord God!

And he didn't give any explanation for this.

Zhang Yi could see that he was disdainful of helping himself, the Level 43 little mage.

In fact, Zhang Yi had already planned for this step.

It doesn't matter if Sky's people are unwilling to help, because he has already contacted the other two.

It just felt that if Sky came forward to help, it would be more stable.

After all, today's Sky is a big family with more than 3,000 people!

Throughout the entire Moonlight City, there are only a handful of teams with more than 1,000 people.

Most of them are small forces with hundreds or even dozens of people.

Faced with such a result, Zhang Yi chose to accept it silently.

Because of this, it would seem too cautious to cancel the Fumo Order transaction, not to mention that they had helped themselves twice before.

In addition, Sky’s people are already bidding very high.

Therefore, Zhang Yi traded all the 30 Yuan Fumo Order to Sky and the Lord God.

"Ding~ The transaction is successful, you get 12,000 gold coins!"

After finishing the transaction, Zhang Yi was going to check out the auction house without saying goodbye to Sky's people.

12,000 gold coins, excluding the 5,000 owed to the scavengers, plus the remaining in the bag, there is also 8,000!

It is more than enough to upgrade the talent of the Dragonblood Knight, and then put a dark suit on himself.

Just as Zhang Yi rushed to the auction house, Lin Qian followed.

"Brother Zhang Yi."

"Do you want people from Sky to help you?"

Zhang Yi said helplessly: "But people are unwilling to help this, and I can't help it."

Hearing that, Lin Qian smiled: "If I can persuade them to do you a favor, are there any rewards?"

"If you can help me persuade them, I will unconditionally agree to any of your requests." Zhang Yi glanced at Lin Qian and said casually.

He naturally didn't take Lin Qian's words seriously.

But Lin Qian believed it to be true: "Well, this is what you said! Don't shame!"

Zhang Yi shrugged and entered the auction house.

The time is exactly seven o'clock.

The auction house in Moonlight City was crowded with people and it was very lively.

Many players are carefully choosing the equipment, skill books, or strengthening stones they need.

There are also players who will auction off the equipment they don’t want in the wild during the day.

Zhang Yi locked [Warcraft Contract] and searched by category.

Suddenly, as many as 10,000 contracts came into view!

Among them, more than 9.9% are ordinary-level contracts, and only a very small part of high-quality contracts.

The prices of these two types of contracts are also very different.

The average price of the former is 3 gold coins.

For the latter, the lowest price is 500 gold!

From the time Zhang Yi opened the service to the present, he has never exploded a high-quality Warcraft contract.

It is indeed worth the price.

Therefore, Zhang Yi spent more than 4,000 gold coins to acquire 1,500 ordinary-level Warcraft contract books!

All swallowed by the Dragon Blood Knight.

"Ding~Congratulations to your Warcraft [Dragon Blood Knight] talent [Dragon Blood Body], the quality has been upgraded to epic level! The current quality has reached the highest level, and it cannot be improved!"

Open the status bar of the Dragon Blood Knight and look at the talent:

[Dragon Blood Body] (Epic Talent): When the Dragon Blood Knight launches an attack or receives an attack, it will additionally damage the enemy by 15% of its maximum health.

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