Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 282: You are killing yourself

The fourth floor of the underground city.

Sky, the League of Legends and the battle to stop the battle, the two thousand players of the three teams, under the killing of the three major teams, suffered heavy casualties.

While madly torturing and killing the players of League of Legends and the end of the war, King's Landing deliberately opened the live broadcast.

To the players in Moonlight City, the process of their three big teams massacring sky, League of Legends, and fighting to stop the war.

In Moonlight City, many players watched the live broadcast opened by King's Landing, and each was shocked.

In the chat area of ​​Moonlight City, the screen was swiped by the people of the Three Great Teams:

[Jun Lin Tian Xia] (male, level 48 second-turn archer): "Yinuo Qingcheng, timid like a rat waste! Watching his brother and friend be killed, he escaped by himself!"

[Mythology] (Male, Level 49 Second Rank Assassin): "Yeah, aren't you great? Why did you run away with your tail clipped? Your League of Legends and the people who fight to stop the battle are about to be killed by us! Look! Reached?"

[Fairy Sword] (Male, level 49 second-tier magician): "The waste is a promise, labor and capital are limited to you to roll back to the dungeon within half an hour, hand over the team building order, and everything that the two BOSS exploded! The dungeon! There are still your people. If you don't come back, they will all die. From now on, you don't want to stay in Moonlight City anymore!"

[Xian Jian]: "There are people with Sky, have you seen it? This is the end of the team with Yinuo Qingcheng!"

However, the news sent by them in the chat of King's Landing World did not blast out Zhang Yi, but instead blasted out a group of diving parties in Moonlight City.

[Break] (Male, Lv48 second rank knight): "Yinuo Qingcheng, is that Human Beastmaster? He took the final blow of the Doomsday Corpse Emperor? (surprised

[Small and white rabbit] (Female, Lv47 Second Rank Magician): "The Corpse Emperor really exploded to build a team order? Now it is on that Human Race Beastmaster, Yinuo Qingcheng? (Daze

[Decisive battle against Shacheng] (Male, Lv48 second-turn assassin): "Why, the dog is King's Landing, and the shrine, a bunch of dog **** in the fairy pavilion, you will only kill people and grab things, a bunch of rubbish!"

[Myth]: "Why, not convinced? This is a world that speaks by ability. If you don't have the ability, don't force it!"

[Mythology]: "Also, let me listen to Yi Nuo Qingcheng. If you are acquainted, hand in the team building order, otherwise you will wait to be banned by our temple in Moonlight City!"

[Xianjian]: "Trash a promise, you will only run away with your tail between your tails? Just in the dungeon, even your brothers and friends ran away, hahaha laughed at me, useless! (Despise) "

Obviously, Mythology and Fairy Sword and the others, the scars have forgotten to hurt.

How arrogant he was in front of Zhang Yi before.

Just when the players of Team Three deliberately taunted and abused Zhang Yi in the chat area of ​​the main city.

Messages about defending Zhang Yi were swiped out.

[The hero is immortal] (Male, Rank 2 soldier of level 48): "If you don’t rely on the large number of people in the trash of your three big team, we are the boss alone, hitting you hundreds of people is just like father beating your son! ( Spit) (spit

[Zhan Tianxia] (Male, Rank 48 second-ranking fighter): "That's right, rubbish, you guys are too embarrassed to push, wait to be cut!"

[Jun’s Landing]: "Oh, you two traitors, now both of you are helping the new master to speak? Just like two pugs, whoever has the meat will go with whom, forgot how I died just now?"

[Jun Lin Tian Xia]: "You just follow the human waste beast master, and wait for death! The end of the enemy with my Jun Lin is a dead end!"

But no matter how ridiculously the people of the Three Great Teams were in the chat area, Zhang Yi just wouldn't come out.

Inside the underground city.

With one knife, a League of Legends fighter player [Hero Return] was smashed to the ground, and stepped on the body of the hero return, and said to the unyielding hero:

"Don't struggle, your boss has given up on you."

"That timid trash, who is hiding in the city and dare not come out, watching you are killed, even dare not put a fart!"

The hero returned, gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "You wait, our boss, he will definitely avenge us!"

"Okay, there is a kind, just call him over!"

As soon as the voice fell, he sealed the throat with a knife, and killed the hero with blood under his feet.

In all directions, Sky, League of Legends, and the players who ended the war with war were almost killed.

There are many passerby players around. Although standing from a passerby perspective, they can't tolerate the behavior of the three major teams, but they don't dare to intervene.

Because now the King's Landing Temple and the Xiange III Battle Team are teaming up, even Sky, who was originally known as the first team of Moonlight City, is not their opponent.

These passerby players, how dare to provoke the three big teams.

Look on the field.

Open the live broadcast state.

"Swish" shot an arrow in front of a player who was fighting to stop the battle, and shook his head: "It's boring to fight with you guys."

As soon as the voice fell, the myth on the side said: "Don't expect that waste will come. If he had the courage, he would not have used the scroll of city return to escape before."

Immortal Sword also laughed: "Yeah, he is powerful alone, and has a fart? Can he beat our Three Great Team, more than 5,000 people?!"

"That's it, labor and capital spent a lot of money to open a live broadcast,"

Seeing that the popularity of my live broadcast room is not low, the number of viewers has reached more than 20,000, and no one actually gave gifts!

King's Landing is also a little embarrassed: "A bunch of stingy people, labor and capital don't need money for live broadcast!"

"It took hundreds of gold coins in just a few tens of minutes. Wipe! Hanging up and hanging up is boring."

With that said, just when King's Landing was about to turn off the live broadcast.

Before the battle, there was a sudden wave of restlessness.

Then, only a shout came from the crowd——

"Yinuo Qingcheng is here!"

Hearing, King’s Landing was an immediate awakening, and immediately terminated the operation of shutting down the live broadcast.

"That waste, finally came?"

"Hahaha! You guys in the live broadcast room, let me see how the labor and management are killing Yinuo Qingcheng!"

After that, he raised a rain of arrows to clear the enemies in the front area.

The myth of King's Landing under Heaven and Xianjian personally ran towards the exit of the fourth floor of the dungeon.

Just arrived near the light curtain, no one was seen, but a large white light lit up in front of him.

A dozen players from the three major teams in the front ascended to heaven at the same time.

Sure enough, he saw a beastmaster man dressed in a black robe and holding a silver streamer staff, standing in front of the light curtain.

Strengthen the special effects of top equipment, corresponding to the golden light and red light in the whole pk mode, the whole body up and down.

The white ID on the top of the head is very eye-catching——

Terran·Lv50 Second Rank Beastmaster·Yinuo Qingcheng!

Finally saw Zhang Yi, and the other party came alone.

King's Landing could not help but smile proudly: "Trash, do you finally dare to come?"

The storm wand was overflowing with silver, and on the right hand holding the storm wand, the dark gold ring [World Destroyer] exuding golden light, a force that seemed to be able to swallow the sky and the earth, was ready to come out.

Zhang Yi stared at the three of King's Landing with cold eyes, and said:

"You are killing yourself."

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