Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 298: Hunting the Soul Eater

Actually rewarded a set of all 4-star dark suit!

I have to say that this reward was a bit beyond Zhang Yi's expectations.

At the same time, Zhang Yi felt that he didn't waste so much effort to complete this hidden task.

The experience of more than 9 million can make Zhang Yi go directly from 50 to 52.

Epic hidden missions, really awesome!

Judging from the current stage, this 50-level 4-star dark suit has a market value of tens of thousands of gold coins, which is not excessive.

However, Zhang Yi already has two 5-star equipment on his body, and the 4-star storm wand with the [Death Storm] skill added, and he is reluctant to change it now.

So this dark suit chose the knight profession.

Ready to be used by Dragon Blood Knights.

Because it is a seven-piece suit and does not include a shield, it just so happens that the 4-star Demon Shield currently used by the Dragon Blood Knight does not need to be replaced for the time being.

The 4-star knight dark suit, a full set of bonuses, can increase the healing effect received by the wearer by 50%!

With the recovery of the dragon [Holy Light Self-Healing] and [Demon Shield], when the Dragon Blood Knight is equipped with this dark suit, it is simply a super tank that can't be touched by thunder!

However, the current level of the Dragon Blood Knight is not up to the standard.

As a result, the 9 million experience points awarded by the task were all added to the Dragon Blood Knight.

Because the level 49-50 is too big, the dragon blood knight who has swallowed 9 million experience has only risen from level 46 to level 49.

Had to temporarily put the dark suit in the bag.

After leaving Moonlight City.

Following the map, it took more than ten minutes to reach a deserted city not far from Moonlight City: the city of trials.

The front foot has just arrived in the city of trials.

Then I heard an announcement sounded—

"Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yiqi Juechen] for completing the third rank. As the second player in Moonlight City to complete the third rank, he achieved the achievement [professional master] [2] and received rewards: experience value +1500000, gold coins +200 , Reputation +2500!"

Good guy, even Yiqi Juechen has completed his job transfer!

It seems that Zhang Yi has to work harder, because this third rank achievement reward seems to have only three places.

Look around.

At this moment, there are also many players entering and leaving the city of trials.

They are all first-line advanced players who have reached level 50, Moonlight City.

Obviously, the purpose of coming here is to change jobs.

Because the place of trials of the seven major professions, the only common portal is refreshed in this city of trials.

Entering the city of trials, a light curtain was found in the city.

That is the portal to the trial land.

A group of players gathered outside the light curtain.

Before getting close to the past, I heard a lot of discussion from the crowd.

"These three-tier missions are too difficult! How to fight against a level 50 elite monster?"

"Yeah, I tried it last night. After I failed, I waited for 4 hours to cool down. I just tried another one and it failed both times!"

"That elite trial beast is too powerful, I have tried it three times, and I can't beat it at all!"

"It's okay. If it's a big deal, I will try a few more. Anyway, there is no loss in the trial ground, and the difficulty is lower than once. In the end, it will always be completed~"

In the sound of words, Zhang Yi passed through the crowd and stepped into the light curtain.

"Ding, the identity check is complete: Beast Master, the [Beast Master Trial Land] is being teleported, please wait!"

"Ding~Welcome to the exclusive trial site of Beast Master Yinuo Qingcheng. Please kill the trial beast within the specified time! Note: If you die in the trial site, you will not be punished!"

As the system continues to hear two prompt sounds.

After turning his eyes, Zhang Yi found himself in a green jungle.

About a hundred meters away, a four-legged behemoth like a rhinoceros came into view.

Looking left and right, Zhang Yi was overjoyed when he found that there was only one trial beast.

Because I thought that the upgraded version of Rank 3 mission was to hunt two trial beasts at the same time.

From this perspective, this task seems to be less difficult than imagined.

Aware of Zhang Yi's intrusion, the giant beast slowly approached Zhang Yi.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi used the exploration technique to obtain the data of the four-legged behemoth—

【Beastmaster's Third Level Trial Beast·Soul Eating Beast】(Physics Department·Normal Monster):

Level: 50

Talent: Soul Eater (high-quality talent, the attack of the Soul Eater can eclipse the soul of the enemy, so that the enemy will receive 20% more damage from the Soul Eater)

Physical Attack: 2520

Physical defense: 1100

Magical defense: 1010

Health value: 36000

Skills: Soul Eclipse, Soul Hunting Strike...

Description: Living by devouring the soul of the enemy, the soul-eating beast was originally a powerful monster of the demons, but was later captured by the powerful aliens and locked in the trial grounds to provide future generations to challenge and improve their own strength...

Seeing the data of this trial beast, Zhang Yi was even more incredible.

This... is actually just an ordinary monster? ?

You know, even in the normal Rank 3 mission, the target is an elite trial beast!

Just when Zhang Yi was surprised.

Suddenly there was a roar of "houhou" from all directions.

Looking around, I was stunned to see a dozen white lights scattered around, and a dozen soul-eating beasts were refreshed at the same time!

Zhang Yi came to understand now.

Although the target of his own upgraded version of the mission is a normal-level soul-eating beast.

But the difficulty is that there is more than one!

Zhang Yi finally understood why the player who triggered this third-turn opportunity in the last life of Extreme Ice City would eventually lose in this task.

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking like this.

In the surrounding area, a total of 12 level 50 soul-eclipsing beasts that had been spawned had already surrounded Zhang Yi.

While taking out the storm wand.


A white light shattered before, and the Dragon Blood Knight was summoned.

next moment.

Ho Ho Ho!

Accompanied by a roar.

The twelve soul-eating beasts simultaneously launched an assault, and besieged the dragon blood knight who started taunting.

Dragon Blood Shield!

Dragon Emperor's body!

Dark support!

The triple defense skills are activated at the same time.

Holding the demon shield tightly, the dragon blood knight in a defensive posture was instantly swallowed by the dozen soul-eating beasts.

I saw that blood red injuries kept jumping from the dragon blood knight's head—

-2552 Crit!



-251! +1981!

-251! +1981! …

The damage blocked by the demon shield is only a small part.

The damage of these soul-eating beasts, with the bonus of the soul-eating talent, is still very high.

A round of fire, breaking the dragon blood shield, instantly knocked out a quarter of the dragon blood knight's blood!

Fortunately, it is an epic-level dragon blood knight. Just now, he also opened the dark support of the orange skill that increases the damage by 35%.

If it was replaced by someone else, even if it was a level 50 second-rank knight player, I am afraid it would have already been seconded at this moment.

for exchange.

Those soul-eating beasts that launched attacks on the dragon blood knights, under the influence of the dragon blood body, jumped on their heads with more than 6000 points of counter-injury damage!

Relying on the dragon blood knight in front to stabilize the hatred of those soul-eating beasts.


In Zhang Yi's hand, the storm wand overflowed with energy.

Storm of Undead!

Streamer off!

Death storm!

Zi Zi Zi

Boom boom boom!

Three group skills bloom around the dragon blood knight, and in conjunction with the dragon blood knight's anger of dragon blood, cover the whole arena, and instantly engulf all soul-eating beasts.

Then, bursts of high damage jumped from the heads of the group of soul-eating beasts—

-3402 Crit!

-3402 Crit!


-15760 crit!


The blood bars on the heads of those soul-eating beasts fell crazily.

At the same time, there was a violent "roar" in the air...


The scorching flames of the **** dragon swept the audience and swallowed all the soul-eating beasts.

After a few seconds, just wait for the dragon flame to stop.

Around the dragon blood knight, there were only twelve scorched and smoking corpses of soul-eating beasts.

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