Zhang Yi, who stopped in the back, stared at the front and held the storm wand tightly in his hand, overflowing with light.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

More than a dozen undead bone dragons quickly chased the dragon blood knight.

Just wait for the group of bone dragons to follow the dragon blood knights and fly into Zhang Yi's effective attack range.

Zhang Yi immediately waved his staff.

Starting a storm of undead, swallow all the dozen bone dragons.

Immediately afterwards, relying on the super fast attack speed brought by more than 1,000 agility, continuous casting spells.

Streamer off!

The fire starts a prairie fire!

Ice and snow!

Three super large-scale group injury skills, covering the entire audience.

I saw that at the same time the silver streamer struck and rolled away among the dragons.

Dozens of flame pillars, ten meters high, rushed up from the ground one after another.

At the same time, a huge icy blue barrier in the air tore through the sky, and then a blizzard fell from it!


Boom boom boom boom!


Purple skull storm.

Silver streamer.

Red flames.

Snowstorm with blue.

Four skills, different brilliance and special effects are gathered together, and they are swept away in the dragon group, and the scene is extremely spectacular!

Under the splendid special effects, there is a decent injury hidden.

In an instant, blood-red damage numbers burst on the heads of those undead bone dragons...



-10574 Crit!

-8438 Crit!


Because the single damage coefficients of different skills are different, the difference in damage caused is also relatively large.

Like the undead storm and the big move ice and snow, both are continuous damage. However, the damage caused by the streamer and the ignited prairie fire are relatively concentrated.

But there is no doubt that the ultimate damage caused by each skill is very fatal.

Therefore, under the explosive attack of the two purple skills and the two orange skills, the blood bars on the heads of the undead bone dragons flew more and more!

After a few seconds, I only waited for the longest time, when the icy and snowy land as the ending stopped.

There was a moment of silence on the court.

Fourteen undead bone dragons full of blood, all the blood bars on their heads were emptied, and they were killed!

Only the traces left after the ground was eroded by flames and snow.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but sighed: The magician's big move is really cool to use!

Immediately afterwards, a series of battle reminders poured into the ears——

"Ding~ You killed the level 55 dark undead bone dragon and gained 11400 experience points!"

"Ding~ You killed the level 55 dark undead bone dragon and gained 11400 experience points!"


The higher the player's level, the more experience required to level up.

Now that he has reached level 52, Zhang Yi, who ranks first in the Moonlight City ranking list, has already reached 5 million points for the experience required to rise to level 53!

Despite this, the 14 undead bone dragons just killed at one time gained nearly 160,000 experience points, which directly increased Zhang Yi's experience bar by 3%!

It's horrible that you can get such a high income by brushing ordinary monsters.

This is because under normal circumstances, when a player swipes ordinary monsters after level 30, the experience bar will hardly move, which is already normal.

Advanced group skills, easy to use is easy to use.

However, the consumption is not generally large.

Among them, the one that consumes the most is [Streamer Off], which requires 420 points of energy to activate.

And Zhang Yi's total energy is only 2840 points.

Just those 4 skills used up half of Zhang Yi's energy!

I took a blue medicine out of the bag and drank it to restore the energy.

Then, he came to the corpse of the group of bone dragons and quickly cleared the battlefield.

The 14 undead bone dragons exploded more than 40 silver coins in total.

In addition, add a level 3 strengthening stone.

The higher the level of monsters, the level of explosive strengthening stones will increase, but the explosion rate will decrease.

Monsters above level 50 have a 1% probability of directly exploding level 3 strengthening stones.

This wave of gains is a bit cool.

Because other players, it may take ten minutes, or even half an hour, to reach Zhang Yi's profit just ten seconds.

It is a pity that although this group brush tactic is highly efficient, it cannot be used continuously.

Because of Zhang Yi's group attack skills, the cooling time is too long.

Especially the big move is icy and snowy, the cooling time is as long as 5 minutes!

After all, the Undead Bone Dragon is a level 55 monster.

It was only when the damage of the four skills was full that they were all killed in seconds.

The undead storm, the streamer extinguishes, the earth fire and the ice and snow are indispensable.

Therefore, it is possible to do a wave of swarms almost every 5 minutes.

Normally, before the Dragon Blood Knight was upgraded to level 50 and equipped with a 4-star dark suit, Zhang Yi would only dare to deal with two to three bone dragons at most at a time.

Zhang Yi's output is of course no problem.

More, I was afraid that the Dragon Blood Knight could not resist the damage.

Therefore, the purpose is to find the Dragon's Breath of the Frost Dragon Emperor.

With the Dragon Blood Knight, while beheading the undead bone dragons encountered along the way, he went deep into the ancient ruins.

Under the high experience gains of the Undead Bone Dragon, Zhang Yi's experience bar has progressed by leaps and bounds.

From morning until noon, the experience bar is full.

Because the experience stacking function was turned on, Zhang Yi did not reach level 53.

Adding all the experience gained to the dragon blood knight's body only makes the dragon blood knight's experience bar reach half.

This hurdle of level 49-50 is really too difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, at this rate, there is no problem in raising the Dragon Blood Knight to level 50 within today.

Under Zhang Yi's explosive output.

Unknowingly, even the [Crazy Output] nightmare-level survival mission with over 10 million damage has been completed.

Won a big turntable opportunity and got a purple fireball book for a lottery!

At the same time, the level of the big turntable has been upgraded to level 4.

So, immediately used this purple fireball technique to cover the blue fireball technique in the skill list.

As a mage career, the shortest cooldown time and the highest skill damage coefficient is a single explosive skill.

The damage of the purple fireball technique, even if it is applied to the beast master, has already reached 175%!

Zhang Yi was really satisfied with the harvest from this big turntable.

So, I ate something casually at noon, and in the afternoon, I continued to brush up.

What's depressing is that after searching for a whole day, almost every corner of the ancient ruins map, Zhang Yi also failed to find the dragon's breath.

The undead bone dragons killed during this period were countless, and none of them had dragon's breath buried in them.

Fortunately, I took advantage of this opportunity to complete the team's mission and added 5 points of experience to the team.

Zhang Yi himself received 250 team contributions.

During this period, even the Dragon Blood Knight had already reached level 50.

It's just that the dark suit in the bag hasn't been strengthened yet, so it's not possible for the Dragonblood Knight to be replaced for the time being.

In a blink of an eye, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Under the super-high energy consumption, the blue potion in the bag was almost used, and Zhang Yi was going to go home and wait for tomorrow to continue to look for the dragon's breath.

Because tonight, Zhang Yi has another task.

Thinking of the action that will be launched tonight.

Zhang Yi opened his friends list, found the scavenger, and sent a message:

"Arako, use your social circle to help me find the position of King Over the World, Mythology, and Fairy Sword."

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