Before he could reply to the scavenger's news, Zhang Yi focused his attention on the team channel.

[Dragon Clan Immortal] (Male, Elite, Level 49 Second Rank Warrior): "What's the matter, who did it?"

[Long Xiao Nine Heavens]: "Jun’s Landing! We were doing a task on a 50-level map here, and they suddenly came out!"

[Longxingtianxia] (male, elite, rank 49 second-ranking fighter): "The grandsons of King's Landing, are they afraid of being killed by us in the dungeon? They dare to provoke us, they are looking for death!"

[Long Xing Tianxia]: "Brothers, where were you attacked? Send out a position, let all the rest of the brothers in the team take care of everything, and quickly go over and support!"

[Long Xiao Nine Heavens]: "We are still fighting with them, but there are only 20 or 30 people on our side, at least there are hundreds of them, and our people will be killed by them! [Devil Valley] (Location

At this moment, the scavengers sent a message from the team: "Devil Valley? It's strange, why are the people of King's Landing there, as far as I know, the people of their three major teams, shouldn't all be in [Broken Castle ] Are you leveling over there?"

As the scavengers questioned, Long Xiao Jiutian continued:

"I don't know, the main force of King's Landing is not here, I haven't seen their captain, and a few core people have not seen it. They are all newcomers here. ID has never seen it before, but it flies. Get up! We can't beat them."

At this time, no one cares about the problem of scavengers.

Seeing the position that Long Xiao Jiutian sent out, the rest of the team proceeded to deploy operations.

[Dragon Fight in the Wild] (Male, member, Level 49 Second Rank Assassin): "Brothers wait, hold on, we will go over to support you immediately!"

[Dragon Race Immortal]: "Everyone will enter the Devil Valley for me immediately!"

Because the team's mission requirements are different, in order to carry out the mission, the dragon people have to be torn apart and unable to concentrate.

Obviously this is what gives the people of King's Landing a chance to take advantage of it.

So, nine days after Long Xiao sent the location.

At this moment, the Dragon players who were scattered in multiple wild areas around Moonlight City to do quest leveling, rushed to the location [Devil Valley] sent by Long Xiao Jiutian.

Seeing the news in the team, Zhang Yi suddenly became furious.

I thought I would go to the third team to settle the accounts tonight.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi hadn't started taking any action on this side, and they would be better off first!

It seems that this is forcing Zhang Yi to move forward tonight.

The people of King's Landing are looking for death.

As a result, he is no longer attached to the defensive camp.

Taking advantage of the ten-minute map limit effect has disappeared.

Using the streamer to extinguish, the fire ignited the prairie fire in conjunction with the undead storm and the death storm, and the four group skills simultaneously fell out of the two black dragon fighters in front of them.

The next batch of Black Dragon Warriors will be refreshed immediately.

Before they approached, Zhang Yi immediately evacuated the defensive camp along with the dragon blood knight through the light curtain behind.

Just ran out of the camp and looked back, only to see that the two black dragon warriors were imprisoned at the other end of the light curtain, unable to come out.

One of the archers was an attack from a black dragon warrior and could not penetrate the light curtain.

While exhaling, Zhang Yi tried to wave his staff, and a fireball bombarded him.

Unexpectedly, an attack from the outside could penetrate into it!

Fireball passed through the light curtain and bombarded the black dragon warrior.

Good guy, this is a bonus!

As a result, Zhang Yi stood outside the light curtain and unceremoniously killed the two Black Dragon Warriors who could not fight back and could only be beaten.

Sure enough, after Zhang Yi and the dragon blood knight came out of the defensive camp, they killed the two black dragon warriors.

Next, the black dragon warrior will no longer be refreshed in the camp.

It seems that the refresh mechanism of the black dragon fighters in the defensive camp is indeed related to the number of people entering the camp.

The mission of the garrison camp is a bit perverted. Fortunately, there is no stipulation in the mission. Zhang Yi must kill the 10,000 Black Dragon Warriors by himself.

Therefore, this task can be completed after the Dragon Race members have completed the third revolution.

The top priority is to support the teammates attacked by King's Landing.

After leaving the defensive camp and following the map, Zhang Yi rushed towards the Devil Valley.

On the way, I thought of the news from the previous scavengers.

Zhang Yi sent a message to the scavengers in the past: "Are you sure that the people in the three major teams are all in the broken castle?"

The scavenger quickly returned the message: "It must be and definitely, and this information comes from two minutes ago!"

Seeing the scavenger's reply, Zhang Yi opened the map and looked at it.

I found two places, the Broken Castle and the Devil Valley, one in the east of the city and the other in the west, at least a few dozen miles away from each other!

So, while the people of King's Landing are leveling in the broken castle in the east of the city, they can also disperse their forces, and run all the way to the Devil Valley in the west of the city to attack the people of the Dragon Race?

But the people of King's Landing were broken!

The Demon Valley was not too far away from the defensive camp where Zhang Yi was located. They were all in the same direction of Moonlight City.

So, it took more than ten minutes to get to the level 50 map [Devil Valley].

As the first person to rush to the Devil Valley, when Zhang Yi arrived here, he found that there was no one in the huge valley.

Only one level 50 demon hunter wandered in it.

Zhang Yi was taken aback.

Is the battle over?

According to the specific location sent by Long Xiao Jiutian, I came to a corner of the valley, only to see some potions and strengthening stones scattered on the ground.

These drops are the best proof that a massacre occurred here not long before.

After a while, the scavengers, Lin Qian and others, as well as some members of the Dragon Clan who were preparing to come and support, also came from different directions one after another.

The crowd gathered around these dropped objects, and their hearts were dignified.

"Are we... still coming late?"

As Lin Qian's voice just fell.

The Dragon Clan who was checking the chat history of the team was immortal, and said with a serious expression: "Well, the brother who was just attacked said that the battle just ended a few minutes ago. Thirty-five people in our team were killed, and three of them are gone. Resurrection opportunity."

"The people of King's Landing had already evacuated before we arrived."

"It seems that these things should have been deliberately left behind to provoke us."

I opened the team interface and saw that the number of the team had been reduced to 497, and he gritted his teeth: "The **** of King's Landing are so deceptive!"

"Kill people and run away, they will only bully the less with more, one by one is timid and afraid of death!"

At this time, the Dragon Clan said: "They shouldn't run far around here, brothers, let's go find them for revenge!"

When everyone felt furious, they shouted to get revenge on the Lord.

When everyone had a dispute just now, Zhang Yi, who had always kept silent, suddenly said: "Don't worry, don't act rashly."

Everyone was unbelievable: "Captain, they are all bullying us, do we have to endure it?"

"Although our dragons are few people, they are not scumbags. Brothers have been bullied. We must seek justice for them!"

Every member of the dragon clan present was in anger, wishing to tear the king's place by hand.

And Zhang Yi calmly said: "The Three Great Team has 5,000 people, and it's not our Dragon Clan's 700 people can handle it."

Long Xing Tianxia gritted his teeth and said, "What should I do?"

"I have a way to deal with them, and without a single soldier, I can destroy their three major teams."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, everyone around was pleasantly surprised: "What way?"

Under the attention of everyone.

Zhang Yi confessed to the immortality of the Dragon Race: "You choose 40 people from the team. I need 10 priests and 30 archers."

Everyone is still listening to Zhang Yi's deployment.

But I could hear Zhang Yi's words and he was gone.

The immortal dragon was surprised: "Just... 40 people?"


Zhang Yi said: "Only 40 people are enough to destroy the Temple of King's Landing and the Fairy Pavilion."

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