Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 312: King's Landing Attack

For this scroll, Zhang Yi's attitude is bound to win.

Don't ask why, ask is rich and willful!

Zhang Yi's total assets now reach 56,000 gold!

Buy a [Blood Kill] with 2000 gold coins without hesitation.

The fly in the ointment is that you have to wait more than eleven hours before you can get this scroll.

The Dragon Blood Knight is ready here.

Then I went to the pharmacy and bought a large pack of high-grade potions according to the 9:1 ratio of blue potions to red potions.

Dragon blood knights who have the ability to regenerate blood rarely use red potions.

As a back row output, Zhang Yi, under the protection of the Dragon Blood Knight, even less need the red potion.

In contrast, the consumption rate of the blue potion is simply fast.

Seeing the full pack of potions, Zhang Yi felt satisfied.

These potions should be enough to deal with tonight's battle.

After everything was prepared, it was only seven o'clock in the evening.

Therefore, Zhang Yi sent a message to the scavengers: "Watch King's Landing, they have returned to the city, tell me right away."

"Good brother, I have made a few little brothers in the group stare at King's Landing secretly. Currently, the members of their three major teams are still leveling at the Broken Castle."

Seeing the news that the scavengers came back, Zhang Yi asked, "Is it reliable, those few people?"

"Don't worry, brother!" The scavenger said: "My brothers in the scavenger group are not unreliable!"

"Well, afterwards, they will each have 1,000 gold coins, and I will pay for it."

"I go!"

The scavenger was stunned: "Brother, your handwriting is too big! (color

"Don't worry, you also have a share."

Zhang Yi then replied: "You double."

Because the action tonight will be carried out according to Zhang Yi's plan.

After killing the three big teams, their five thousand players, even if they only explode 10 gold coins on average, their total income can reach 50,000!

Then everyone exploded one or two pieces of equipment.

Zhang Yi is about to usher in the biggest harvest in history!

Tonight is not only the day when the Three Great Teams fell, but also the day when the Dragon Clan ascended!

Taking advantage of the fact that the people from the Three Great Wars were still outside leveling and did not come back, the action tonight could not be carried out for the time being.

Zhang Yi went to a restaurant in the city and had dinner.

By chance, I ran into someone from SKY in the restaurant!

The rank 51 warrior sky, the main god, and the rank 51 magician sky, and the king.

As a result, Zhang Yi naturally came to a table with them.

"Brother Qingcheng, how is the legendary Dragon Clan hidden mission going on?"

While eating, the Lord God used the [Dragon Hunter] as a guide to open the chatterbox with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "It's only the first day today. It's estimated that it will take a few days to get it done."

The main **** nodded, and then said: "The legendary hidden mission, I am afraid that it will not be difficult to complete. If you need it, you can tell me that we can assist you in the mission."

When it was over, the Lord God added another sentence: "It's free."

"Thank you brother." Zhang Yi said, "I have the Dragon Clan for help, it's okay."

"That's fine, I wish you an early completion of the task, and then your strength soars!"

After a pause, the main **** changed the subject.

Suddenly asked Zhang Yi: "By the way, have you been attacked by King's Landing?"

Zhang Yi was taken aback: "Are you assaulted by them too?"

"Also... it seems that you really are like us."

The Lord God clenched his brows and said: "My next group of brothers was sneaked and destroyed by a group of hundreds of people in King's Land when they were training in the field today."

Then, in the process of chatting with the main god, Zhang Yi only found out.

It turned out that it was not only the dragons under his own that were attacked!

SKY, the Hall of Fame, and the rising [Royal Family] and [Emperor’s Palace], the top first-line teams of these Moonlight City platoons, have all been attacked by King’s Landing today.

And each suffered heavy losses.

King’s Landing’s assailants, specially selected teams to practice on a small scale in the wild, and teams with few people as the target to carry out sneak attacks!

In the voice.

sky, the king said in surprise: "What do the people of King's Landing want to do to avenge the society?"

"Still want to prove to us that even if their King's Landing is destroyed once in the dungeon, their current strength is still above our families?"

"Don't you think about the consequences? If you attack us now, we are not afraid that we will unite to encircle and suppress them, so that they will have no place in Moonlight City in the future."

Of course, to Zhang Yi, it doesn't matter what the people of King's Landing think.

Because tonight, they will pay the price for what they have done.

After dinner, Sky's people said goodbye to Zhang Yi and left first.

Zhang Yi was left alone, staying in the restaurant, quietly waiting for something.

Until eight o'clock in the evening.

With a "dingdong", I finally waited for news from the scavengers:

"Brother, they are back!"

Seeing the message from the scavengers, Zhang Yi immediately responded with a message: "Have everyone returned?"


The scavenger then sent a message: "My friends over there told me that they only returned part of them first, and some were still leveling there."

"okay, I get it."

With that said, Zhang Yi opened the team channel and sent a message in it.

"Brothers, ready to act."


In Moonlight City, players are bustling with hustle and bustle.

At this time, players with the [Dragon Race] team logo on their heads can be seen everywhere.

In groups of three or five, they wandered aimlessly through the streets and alleys of Moonlight City in the form of shopping.

Moreover, they seem to have deliberately displayed the team logo.

Currently, only SKY and Dragons are officially named teams in Moonlight City.

These two teams are also the existence that countless individual players in Moonlight City are yearning for.

However, due to the limitation of the number of teams, the two teams have not yet fully accommodated their own players, and the rest of the scattered players are only onlookers.

In a corner of the city, Zhang Yi and the Dragon Clan are immortal, as well as the three of Long Xing Tianxia, ​​marching on the street.

Above the heads of the three, the team logos of [Dragon Captain] and [Dragon Elite] are very conspicuous.

Seeing Zhang Yi walking on the street and countless casual players around, I was envious.

Passerby: "Look, the great **** of Yi Nuo Qingcheng! The dragon captain and two dragon elites are also here! Moonlight City has millions of players, and there are only a few hundred people who currently have a team!"

Passerby B: "Yes, I really envy them. I also want to join the dragon clan. If it doesn't work, SKY is also possible. I also want to pretend to be..."

Passerby C: "The team created by the great **** Yi Nuo Qingcheng, where will you see us rookie chickens? It will take at least a week before the team is officially popular. Let's wait~"

Passerby: "A week? You think too much, at least half a month!"

Just when a crowd of passersby players were talking about it.

In the crowd, there happened to be a few [Junlin] players who had hidden the ID above their heads, and they also noticed Zhang Yi and the others walking on the road.

They are mixed in the crowd, thinking that they will not be spotted.

As everyone knows, even if the ID is hidden, their identities have long been spotted by Zhang Yi when the [God-Level Detecting Technique] is continuously turned on.

So, when passing in front of those few King's Landing players.

Zhang Yi pretended not to see them.

Deliberately said to the two of the Dragon Clan Immortal and Longxing Tianxia: "You will stay in the city tonight, you don't need to go out with me."

The voice just fell.

Long Xingtian asked, "But boss, that hidden task is so difficult, can you handle it alone?"

"Your level is too low, it will be a hindrance if you go."

"Uh, I'm heartbroken, boss..."

"Don't worry, it's okay, I can do it alone."

Just wait for Zhang Yi and the others to pass in front of them.

The few King's Landing players looked at each other.

"Let’s notify the captain!"

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