To deal with a monster in a small area, the players of the three big team were stunned to take up a posture against the advanced BOSS!

Also drunk...

Of course, this is no wonder they are.

Because the dragon blood knight at the moment is too strong.

It is not too much to say that his strength is comparable to a 5-star BOSS.

Thus, the second round of offense of the Three Great Teams came.

Within the limited space, hundreds of mage shooter players continued to focus fire on the dragon blood knight.

The attack of more than one hundred people once again destroyed a quarter of the dragon blood knight's blood.

After being disabled by the anti-injury, they continued to use wheel tactics and replaced a group of teammates.

Three consecutive attacks.

Seeing that the dragon blood knight's blood volume has fallen to a quarter, as long as one more wave, he can be killed.

After the battle, King's Landing showed a kind of excitement that he was about to kill a level 50 5-star boss: "Brothers, come on, come on again, and he will return to the west!"


Just when the players of Team Three were ready to replace their teammates in the fourth round.

I was stunned to see a dozen consecutive green lights shining above the dragon blood knight's head!

The recovery of three or four thousand points one by one, in an instant, the dragon blood knight with a quarter of the remaining blood was restored to full blood!

Outside the camp, ten senior priest players of the dragon race are casting spells at the same time, focusing their healing on the dragon blood knights.

The triumphant Kings Landing and Shinhwa people who had just seen this scene were stunned for a while.

"They still have the pastor outside? This TM! Hit a chicken!"

A dragon blood knight blocked thousands of players in the Three Great Wars.

It's incredible!

However, I have to admit that there are dragon blood knights guarding the exit, and there are dozens of dragon archers ready to go outside.

The players of Team Three couldn't rush out of the camp at all.

As long as someone dared to approach the light curtain, they would be swallowed by a rain of arrows.

Forced, the players of Team Three retreated back to the camp.

In the case that there are no other exits around, and the Town Portal Scroll cannot be used in the camp.

Next to King's Landing, a young archer said anxiously: "What to do with the captain, how do we get out?"

"We can't get out, do they dare to come in?"

Junlin Tianxia said: "As long as Yinuo Qingcheng dares to come in, we will let him come and go!"

"Let's consume it, see who can consume it!"

From the perspective of King's Landing, the reason why Zhang Yi stayed outside the camp and did not enter was because he did not dare.

Therefore, Junlin Tianxia continued: "Brothers, let's farm monsters and level up! Kill all the black dragon fighters in it. Maybe you can destroy the hidden mission of Yinuo Qingcheng!"

The words of King's Landing seem to remind the fairy sword.

Staring at the panel in front of him, Xian Jian said excitedly: "Look at the introduction on this map!"

"The number of monsters in the defensive camp has been fixed. Only 10,000 Black Dragon Warriors will be refreshed in the entire map!"

"As long as you kill 10,000 black dragon fighters, there will be no more monsters on this map! The mission requirement of Yinuo Qingcheng is definitely to kill these black dragon fighters. If we kill all the black dragon fighters, his mission will not be able to proceed. !"

With the words of the fairy sword just fell.

Around, a group of core members of the Three Great Teams echoed one after another.

"Haha or a few wise captains! That waste wants to trap us here, and use the Black Dragon Warrior to deal with us, so we will use the opportunity he gave to ruin his mission!"

"Cleverness is wronged by cleverness. When Yinuo Qingcheng discovers that his mission has failed, wait to cry, hahaha!"

In the voice.

Myth ordered: "Brothers, pay attention to cooperation, these black dragon warriors are very powerful, everyone should be careful!"

"Kill the black dragon!"

After that, the players of the Three Great Teams, with the idea of ​​avenging Yinuo Qingcheng by destroying the mission, began to cooperate with the hunting of the black dragon soldiers in the camp.

Outside the camp.

Seeing that the players of Team Three no longer charged outside, and Zhang Yi just stood outside without any action.

Among dozens of Dragon Archer players, someone asked: "Captain, should we go in?"

"Being not."

Zhang Yi said, "Wait."

In the sound of words, Zhang Yi's gaze stayed on a task panel in front of him.

I saw that the digital display on the panel had dropped from the original 10,000 to 8,120.

Seeing this number, Zhang Yi couldn't help sighing: "No way, you guys, it's too weak, it's not enough to kill two thousand black dragon fighters in such a long time~"


The other priest player behind him seemed to realize something, and said suspiciously: "Captain, you are using them... to help you do tasks?"

Closing the task panel, Zhang Yi smiled faintly: "Free labor, don't use it for nothing."

It turned out that this was Zhang Yi's original plan!

Deliberately let the dragon people wander around in Moonlight City, exposing their respective positions, making King Landing the world think that Zhang Yi really came to the defensive camp alone to perform that hidden mission tonight.

Lure the people from the three major teams to defend the camp against yourself.

Unexpectedly, they actually dispatched the whole army!

This makes Zhang Yi a little flattered.

Before that, Zhang Yi had already let the group of teammates around him come to the defensive camp ahead of time and lurked.

Then cleverly use the map of the defensive camp to trap the players of the three major teams in the camp and let them help them perform the second phase of the dragon hunter mission.

Of course, before that, Zhang Yi didn't think that he could use the map to deal with the three major teams.

This plan was formed after the discovery of a relatively special map mechanism for the garrison camp.

And Zhang Yi's original plan was to directly slaughter the three major teams tonight.

It now appears that this camp is simply a prison tailor-made for the three major teams!

Ever since, the players of the Three Great Teams were still hunting down the Black Dragon Warriors in the camp, and they were happily killing them one by one.

Under the crazy monster spawning mechanism in the defensive camp.

The number of black dragon fighters has always been in direct proportion to the total number of players in the Three Great Teams.

In this way, the battle lasted more than two hours.

In the camp, finally no longer refresh the black dragon warrior!

On the small map, the total number of black dragon warriors in the defensive camp is displayed, and there are only 1,000 left!

Players of the Three Great Wars killed nine thousand black dragon fighters.

Naturally, this process also suffered heavy losses.

After all, the three big teams are all rank 2 players of level 47-48. They deal with these level 57 black dragon fighters like a son beating his father.

So so far, the number of survivors in the Three Great Teams has gone from the initial 5,000 to only 2,000 dead.

The number of people killed has reached three thousand!

The rest of the people continued to hunt down the black dragon warriors in the camp amidst the heat.

"Brothers work harder. All the remaining Black Dragon Warriors have been killed. Yinuo Qingcheng's wasteful legendary hidden mission is about to fail!"

The battle continued for more than ten minutes.

Until the last black dragon warrior in the camp was beheaded.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar.

In the air, a deep black space-time crack tore through the sky, and the next moment, a huge fire-bathing dragon leaped out of the crack!

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