After killing the fairy sword.

While approaching the BOSS Wukana, Zhang Yi continued to kill the players of the surrounding three major teams.

Only when Zhang Yi was alone, slaughtering the players of Team Three in the defensive camp.

In Moonlight City, following Zhang Yi's orders, the Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xing Tianxia, ​​as well as the scavenger Lin Qian, who were on standby in the city, were anxious one by one without knowing the battle conditions on the other side of the camp.

Several people gathered in a restaurant in the city, waiting for Zhang Yi's return.

"I don't know what's going on with the boss and the others. We are not allowed to help in the past. Only dozens of them can really deal with the Three Great Team?"

The voice just fell as the dragon went to the world.

The immortal dragon said: "Just ask if you don't know."

So, I opened the team channel, and the Dragon Race Immortal sent a message in the past: "Brother at the camp, what's the situation now? What happened to you all night? Nothing happened?"

After a while.

In the team chat channel, there was a reply from an archer from the camp [Long Aotian].

"Too focused on watching the battle, the three big team is about to be destroyed by the captain alone..."

With the news of Long Aotian sent out.

Suddenly, the chat channel exploded.

All of the Dragon Clan members who were diving were all bombed out by this news:

[Long Zhan Cangqi] (Male, member, level 49 second-ranking fighter): "The captain kills the third big team alone? Really!"

[Uncle Long] (Male, member, level 50 second-tier assassin): "Don't watch yourself, start a live broadcast! Show us how the captain abuses food! (color

Considering that the live broadcast can be seen by all players in the city, it may have various effects on the dragons.

So Long Aotian called Zhang Yi on the team channel and asked: "Captain, can I start a live broadcast?"

After a while, Zhang Yi responded: "Yes."

[Uncle Long]: "Isn't the captain fighting the people of the Three Great Team? There is still time to reply?"

[Dragon King] (male, level 49 second-turn archer): "There are so many dishes for the people of the three big team, the captain can type and chat while torturing them, awesome!"

The camp is here.

With Zhang Yi's consent, Long Aotian, the archer stationed outside the light curtain, immediately started the live broadcast.

The live broadcast room named after [Moonlight City No. 1 One Nuo Qingcheng Singles Team Three], once opened, its popularity skyrocketed!

Countless players flocked in, Long Aotian’s live broadcast room, the number of viewers soared to thousands in the blink of an eye!

Obviously, the name "Yinuo Qingcheng" is already well-known in Moonlight City.

Through the live broadcast brought by the perspective of [Long Aotian], on the screen of the live room, across a light curtain, it shows the scene of countless players besieging a dragon boss and fighting a dragon in a camp.

In addition, there is also a human beast master who is killing all quarters and the whole body is constantly lit up in white light!

Such a passionate live broadcast picture, although it looks a little fuzzy because of the distance, it also makes countless players feel a burst of enthusiasm just after entering the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage continued:

[Vanguard] (Male, Level 49 Second Rank Knight): "I'll go! The one who was besieged is really Yinuo Qingcheng?"

[Pink Girl] (female, level 48 second-tier magician): "Jun’s Landing, Temple, Fairy Pavilion, so many people besieged one of them, it’s too shameless! And it’s so shameful to be beaten so badly..."

[Imperial Undefeated] (Male, Level 50 Third Rank Assassin): "The **** of King's Landing deserves to be killed. Today, I suddenly attacked my royal brothers in the wild. I promised that the city was so good, and the **** was shot out for them!"

[Emperor/Return] (Male, Rank 50 Warrior): "Brothers of the imperial family, you were also attacked by King's Landing? King's Landing was in the wild this afternoon and killed dozens of brothers in my King's Palace!"

[Jun’s Landing] (Male, Level 38 second-turn archer): "Shit can be eaten, but you can't talk nonsense. When did labor and capital attack your people?"

[Vanguard]: "Even King's Landing is also in the live broadcast room? It's new. Do you see yourself being abused?"

[Imperial Family Undefeated]: "Rubbish is here, dare to do it or be it?"

[Jun Lin Tian Xia]: "I'm your sister! Why should you be a thing that labor and capital have never done?"

[Jun’s Landing]: "You want to say that I killed your people in the dungeon. I have nothing to say. After all, it was like the Great Brawl. You dare to say that you didn’t kill other players? I got crazy and even killed my own people. Several!"

[Imperial Undefeated]: "..."

[Emperor/Return]: "..."

[Jun’s Landing World]: "But you said that my people in King’s Landing attacked your people this afternoon, I yeah! You are not here to slander my reputation of King’s Landing!"

The news on the barrage, one after another.

But the focus has shifted.

[Sky Lord] (Male, Level 43 Second Rank Beast Master): "Brother, the quality of your picture is too touching, please come closer and go in and broadcast! Otherwise, this is not clear at all!"

[Long Aotian] (Anchor): "Go crazy, except our captain, who would dare to go in? It's a level 60 5-star dragon boss! And now it's in the mutation stage, every second, every second. !"

[Imperial Undefeated]: "5-star dragon boss? It has mutated? I rely on! Where is the brother of the royal family! We...together in front of the screen to cheer on the great **** Yinuo Qingcheng, I wish him as soon as possible to destroy the three major teams and win BOSS!"

Obviously the first reaction of the royal family's undefeated was to team up with teammates to grab the boss, but suddenly realized that this was the boss targeted by Yinuo Qingcheng.

Forget it, after all, Yinuo Qingcheng is more terrifying than the boss, who dares to grab the boss with him.

at the same time.

On the defensive camp, the battle has become fierce.

Kana, the dragon witch, has 20% of his health left.

As for the players of King's Landing Temple and Immortal Pavilion, the total number of remaining players is less than 500.

From the moment Zhang Yi entered the camp, the death rate of the players in Team Three increased almost tenfold!

The Yinuo Qingcheng at the moment is really a more terrifying existence than a level 60 5-star BOSS!

Where else would anyone dare to approach Zhang Yi.

In all directions, the players of the Three Great Team were far away from Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's gaze is focused on the BOSS first.

This bunch of miscellaneous fish is not in a hurry.

The top priority is to kill Wukana and complete the second phase of the task.

And now, Wukana's HP is less than 30%, which has triggered the [System Enhancement] of [Dragon Hunter].

Next, Zhang Yi's damage to Wukana will be increased tenfold.

So, just as Zhang Yi was holding the storm wand and approached Wukana.

A system prompt suddenly spread from the air——

"Ding~ Attention all players: the dark dragon Wukana mutation effect has disappeared, and will enter a weak state that lasts for 5 minutes. In the weak state, Wukana's all attributes are reduced by 30%!"

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