Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 346: Knight's Ultimate: Shield Shadow Kill

I don't know where Zhang Yi's self-confidence comes from, and he can face an enemy who has ten times the talent of anti-wounding level.

But seeing Zhang Yi's firm attitude, it seemed that this battle between him and Yiqi Juechen had to be fought, and the Dragon Clan did not destroy them, so they did not discourage them.

With worried eyes, they looked at Zhang Yi who was about to fight Yiqi Juechen.

Of course, it's not just the dragons who don't destroy them.

No one was optimistic about Zhang Yi in the audience.

Zhang Yi's strength is beyond doubt, Moonlight City singles out invincible.

But on the contrary, Yiqi Juechen's ten times anti-injury, Tianke Zhang Yi.

In the eyes of others, the stronger Zhang Yi is, the more miserable he will die once he fights against Yiqi Juechen.

Under everyone's attention, Yiqi Juechen had already carried a silver spear and slowly stepped towards Zhang Yi.

The 51st rank three knight against the 54th rank three beastmaster.

The strong duel between the first person and the third person on the Moonlight City Sky List attracted many passersby and players around, and some even started a live broadcast.

In the eyes of 90% of the audience, this battle has not yet begun, there is already a result.

On the field, Zhang Yi stood on the spot holding the storm wand, quietly watching Yiqi Juechen approaching in front of him.

Until Yiqi Juechen stepped into the effective range of less than 50 meters, Zhang Yi did not act.

In the eyes of the onlookers, this is also natural, because Zhang Yi only needs to start the battle and the battle is over immediately.

Even if it was only a 3000-point damage, the 30,000 counter-injury received was not something Zhang Yi could afford.

In the face of an enemy who didn't dare to do anything at all, Yiqi Juechen had already seen a lot.

Therefore, Yiqi Juechen did not hesitate. As Zhang Yi got closer and closer, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Zhang Yi!

Qiang Qiang!

The whole body is full of metal texture, and the running is strong and powerful, which can make Zhang Yi feel that a powerful breath is approaching quickly.

Zhang Yi is not in a hurry.

Just waiting for Yiqi Juechen to rush in front of him, and when the "swipe" shot came straight through, he suddenly used Flash to avoid Yiqi Juechen's attack!

Yiqi Juechen, who was defeated by a single shot, re-locked the target and pulled away and continued to approach Zhang Yi, who had moved more than ten meters away.

Relying on his own agility points of up to 1480 points, with super fast movement speed, Zhang Yi kept dodge the attacks of Yiqi Juechen.

From the beginning to the end, it was just to escape, not to fight head-on.

Although this scene was reasonable, it also surprised the surrounding crowd.

"For a long time, even if Yinuo Qingcheng meets Yiqi Juechen, he can only be driven around! I thought he really had any way to deal with Yiqi Juechen!"

"Since he had known this result a long time ago, why did he have to fight? Isn't this a waste of time..."

"But having said that, what kind of speed is Yinuo Qingcheng, is this a mage? This is faster than an assassin!"

In addition to passersby players.

The immortal dragons in the back frowned.

They couldn't understand what Zhang Yi was doing.

In theory, as long as he doesn't attack Yiqi Juechen and can't trigger his anti-injury talent, there will be no danger.

But when he had a chance to escape directly, Zhang Yi didn't choose to escape. He just kept circling around Yiqi Juechen. This move was puzzling.

Zhang Yi seemed to be waiting for something.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes fixed on Yiqi Juechen.

Zhang Yi dodged several consecutive attacks, and Yiqi Juechen finally couldn't help it, and wanted to make a big move.

After a short charge.


With a shield station, a strong light bursts towards the surroundings.

The next moment, within a 30-meter circular radius of Yiqi Juechen's body, a circle of shield shadows was transformed into a circle. Then, countless shield shadows quickly rotated, forming a circular circle around Yiqi Juechen!

Zhang Yi, who was in the magic circle, jumped on his head with more than 500 points of damage every second, at the same time, his feet seemed to be entangled by something, which greatly reduced his movement speed!

Knight's ultimate move: Shield Shadow Kill.

Able to create a magic circle within a radius of 30 meters from the knight's body. After the circle is completely formed, all enemies in the circle cannot leave, and for 8 seconds, it will receive a small amount of continuous damage every second, and the movement speed during the period. Reduce by 50%!

Using the shield to kill Zhang Yi's opportunity.

Yiqi Juechen continued to approach Zhang Yi who was greatly slowed down.

Sure enough, Zhang Yi couldn't avoid Yiqi Juechen's attack this time.


Yiqi Juechen, who was quickly approached, pierced his shoulder with a shot [Flame Spike], causing a 2125 point of damage on the top of his head, and it was burned!

This damage, compared to a knight player, is simply terrifying.

You know, this is still the damage caused by Zhang Yi's [ruler authority] damage reduction.

It can be seen that in addition to being a master of talent, Yiqi Juechen's own strength is also very strong.

Zhang Yi still did not dare to fight back, nor did he summon the Dragon Blood Knight.

Still waiting.

Within the scope of [Shield Shadow Kill], Yiqi Juechen is the boss.

Then several consecutive attacks hit Zhang Yi. As the blood bar on Zhang Yi's head dropped rapidly, the surrounding crowd couldn't stand it anymore.

"It's cold, Yinuo Qingcheng is really not Yiqi Juechen's opponent, only to be beaten!"

"I knew the result a long time ago. He insisted on pretending to be a match. Didn't he just avoid the battle at the beginning and nothing happened? You can't get off the stage now!"


Only when everyone was talking about it, the situation on the court suddenly reversed.

I saw Yiqi Juechen who was chasing Zhang Yi, unconsciously emitting a faint red light that was unobservable if he didn't look carefully!

As for Zhang Yi, it was precisely the chance to stare at Yiqi Juechen's body to shine.

Quickly wave the staff and cast an attack!

The blood volume is locked.




Boom boom boom!

With an extraordinary hand speed, three consecutive skills were thrown on Yiqi Juechen, and on top of his head, he exploded three huge damages that shocked the audience——

-11124 Crit! Freeze!

-13458 Crit!

-11870 crit!

Critical strikes occurred in all three attacks, and in a moment of effort, the full blood bar on Yiqi Juechen's head was hit with only 1 point left!

This was also when Zhang Yi deliberately turned on the [HP Lock] state, so that Yiqi Juechen could retain 1 point of HP and survive, otherwise, at this time, Yiqi Juechen had been killed in seconds.

Except that the damage caused by the explosion is shocking.

What makes others even more incredible is that Zhang Yi's attack did not trigger Yiqi Juechen's tenfold anti-injury talent!

At the same time that Kazuki Juechen's blood volume bottomed out.

The blood bar on Zhang Yi's head hasn't moved at all!

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