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Chapter 367: The Hidden Big Boss in Extreme Ice City

Extreme ice city.

At the resurrection spring, as forty or fifty consecutive white lights were sprinkled at the same time, a large group of unparalleled players in the world refreshed one after another in the spring.

This spectacular scene also stunned many passersby players who were walking near the Resurrection Spring.

But the unparalleled people in the world who had resurrected from the spring water were all dumbfounded.

"What's the situation? What happened just now?"

"Damn! What kind of power, what kind of ghost hurt, so many of us, a wave of seconds?!"

Just when no one knows why.

Ace Kuangzhan quickly reacted: "Check the battle record! It's clear who attacked us at a glance!"

Under the reminder of Ace Fighting, unparalleled players in the surrounding world opened the battle records one after another, but the results of all the queries were the same:

The other party turned on deep ID hiding!

Unknown power.

Endless panic, scattered among the crowd...

For a long time, someone questioned: "Could it be that Yinuo Qingcheng? The pinnacle emperor mentioned it several times, and said that Yinuo Qingcheng was that Yarou’s boyfriend or something, and that he would come to us. revenge!"


Wushuang War God denied: "This is absolutely impossible for a player's power. We have just encountered an attack by a dragon boss!"

"The dragon flame just now is the best proof!"

"But how do you explain that magician's big move..." Someone questioned it again.

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

No one knows where the terrifying power that just dropped them comes from...

This night, it seemed the same as usual.

Extreme Ice City has already begun to undergo some changes because of someone's arrival.

Until the next morning, the main city chat channel of Extreme Ice City suddenly fryed the pan—

[Ice Feather] (Male, Level 51 three-revolution archer): "Damn! I woke up, what happened? Why is the number one in the top ice city rankings occupied by an anonymous player? !"

[Supreme Xiaoyao] (Male, Level 52, Rank 3 Assassin): "I saw it and it was really...Who is this anonymous player? I looked at the list yesterday. Isn’t there no such person yet? It’s from another master. The city moved here?"

[Supreme Starlight] (Male, Level 51, Rank 3 Magician): "The first place in the list, I rely on! Who is this guy and how terrifying!!"

[Xiao Yu Mian Mian] (female, level 50 three-turn priest): "Let’s come to the extreme ice city! (color

The players in Extreme Ice City boiled overnight.

Because regardless of rank list, wealth list, equipment list or combat power list, the first place in all major lists of the ice city is occupied by the same anonymous player overnight!

Early in the morning.

Just as countless players in Extreme Ice City were still discussing about this unexpected mysterious anonymous player in the chat channel.

In a breakfast shop in the city, the uncle and Han Yarou are eating breakfast.

Just after the team building order was robbed and the people were killed, the uncle and Han Yarou were naturally not as leisurely as the casual players, blowing water in the chat area.

Both of them were in a solemn mood, eating breakfast in silence.

Han Yarou looked at the dialog between Zhang Yi and her, hesitated, and resisted the desire to send a message and turned it off.

Han Yarou dared not contact Zhang Yi since he and his uncle were killed by someone unparalleled in the world the night before.

Because she was afraid that when Zhang Yi asked about this, she didn't know how to answer.

What makes the uncle feel strange is that since Zhang Yi sent a message to ask about the situation of the BOSS the night before, he has not sent a message to ask about the follow-up.

Han Yarou was so depressed, she ate her favorite Xiaolongbao, but she only ate one or two before she ate it.

Of course the uncle could see that she was thinking about Zhang Yi again.

Especially when he was frustrated and sad, he missed Zhang Yi more deeply.

The uncle didn't know how to comfort Han Yarou, because she was afraid that Zhang Yi was worried, so she didn't let herself contact Zhang Yi.

He said: "Eat some, you didn't eat last night, we will go out to practice later."

Han Yarou lowered her head and shook her head.

At this moment, a familiar whisper came from my ear.

"Hey, Xiao Yarou!"

Looking up, I found that the peak emperor was indeed here.

It's not surprising to see Young Master Pinnacle. What is strange is that at this time, behind Young Master Pinnacle, there is also a black-clothed mage man wearing a mask and hat.

Although the other party hides his appearance and hides his ID.

But it can also be distinguished by body shape. Before that, Uncle Han Yarou and others had never seen this person in the pinnacle hall.

Sitting down at the table, Emperor Feng Shao pointed his thumb down at the black-clothed mage who stood silently beside him, and proudly said to both the uncle and Han Yarou: "Look, my newly recognized little brother!"

The uncle glanced at the black-clothed mage, and then at the pinnacle emperor with a smile on his face. He didn't speak, but he felt incredible in his heart.

Young Master Pinnacle, how does it feel like it hadn't happened the night before being killed by the world's peerless, and now, he can still laugh!

At the same time, Han Yarou also glanced at the black mage casually.

However, she stared blankly at this glance, and even stood up.

With clear eyes, quietly staring at the black-clothed mage.

A strange light appeared in his eyes: "Zhang..."

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly heard the black-clothed mage say hello politely: "Hello, my name is Xiaochen, the newcomer who just joined the Peak Hall, I hope the two seniors will take care of you!"

Hearing the voice of the black-clothed mage, the look of expectation in Han Yarou's eyes instantly faded.

This was not Zhang Yi's voice, Han Yarou knew it immediately.

At the same time, in my heart, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself: “It’s just that the figure is a bit like that. How could the dog come to Extreme Ice City at this time? Besides, if he really comes, it’s impossible to hide his identity in front of him. Thinking too much..."


With a polite response to the black mage, Han Yarou sat down again.

The uncle said: "Since I'm here, let's have breakfast together."

The peak emperor is not polite: "Okay, I happen to be a little hungry!"

With that said, the peak emperor looked at the black-clothed mage next to him and said, "Da...Xiaochen, do you have something to eat too?"

"Oh, I'm not eating anymore." The black-clothed mage held his younger brother's attitude and said, "I just ate it, you can eat it."

"That's all right, let's start!"

Several people were eating breakfast, only to see Han Yarou staring blankly at the Xiao Long Bao in front of him, she seemed to be thinking about something in her heart, and she couldn't let her go.

At this moment.

With a "dingdong", Han Yarou received a message from a friend.

After opening the message interface, I was surprised to find that it was actually a message from Zhang Yi!

"It's fine over there. I have to eat on time and go to bed on time. I'll be there soon."

Seeing this news, it was obvious that Han Yarou seemed to cheer up suddenly.

He smiled and replied a message to Zhang Yi: "Well, so are you! Take care of yourself! (cute

After turning off the message, Han Yarou actually happily ate Xiaolongbao...

At the same time, the black-clothed mage standing next to him also silently closed a dialog box quietly opened at his hand.

And the person who is chatting in the dialog box is Han Yarou.

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