It's still eight o'clock in the morning.

Countless players went out from the city in groups, ready to go to the field to do missions and leveling.

Mixed in the crowd, Zhang Yi, who was alone, took more than ten minutes to reach his destination.

Looking around, I saw that it was a time-space crack emerging in the ruins of a city.

And that crack is the entrance of [Alienation Space Station].

It can be seen that at this moment, many players are entering the space station through that space-time crack.

Obviously, they are all players who have received the challenge task of [Prove Yourself], so under the limit of the task, everyone is alone.

While following other players around him, as he approached the crack in time and space, the voices of some players nearby unintentionally passed into Zhang Yi's ears.

Player A: "Why is this challenging task so difficult? I have done it three times and I have not succeeded!"

Player B: "Even if this challenge task is completed, what will happen? It is said that the team task that will be activated later is more difficult. In the first two days, the top 100 players in the top 100 of the ice city rankings led the team, and even the first stage of the task Can't make it through!"

Player C: "Then what are you doing with this task?"

"My pleasure……"

The task of that team is indeed extremely difficult. According to the memory of the previous life, from now on, it will take at least two more weeks before the first team has completed the task and won the only prize.

Of course, that was the last life.

In this life, Zhang Yi will change the history of Extreme Ice City.

With many players, stepping into the cracks of time and space.


There was a short blank in front of me.

As soon as he turned his eyes, Zhang Yi found that he had come to a city full of technology, as if from the top city of the future!

At the same time, a system reminder came to my ears:

"Ding~You have entered the map [Alienation Space Station]. Please note: Players cannot form a team on this map, and your damage and support cannot be applied to other players. The attacks of other players will not be effective on the monsters locked by you! "

Looking around, in the bustling city, there are players who are performing challenging tasks everywhere, and everyone is fighting alone, without exception.

In addition, what can be seen in the city is a robot-like monster with a black armor, a blue light shield in the left hand and a red lightsaber in the right hand, and a strong metallic texture all over it.

On the heads of those monsters, all marked with a line of red ID——

Level 62 Predator (Physics Department·Common Monster)!

In the streets and alleys of the city, along with the screams of killing pigs one after another, only one white light appeared one after another from different directions.

Many players couldn't beat the predator in singles, and died tragically in the hands of the predator.

Despite being an ordinary monster, the predator's level has reached level 62!

At this stage, the average level of players in Extreme Ice City is only 50.

These players in the city were only level 51 and 52, and it was only natural that they were slammed by predators with a gap of up to 10 levels.

Unless it is the kind of top-notch player who is well-known on the Extreme Ice City combat power list.

Although the mission time is 10 hours, there is no room for negligence.

Therefore, Zhang Yi just took out the storm wand and prepared to open it.

It was seen that another Level 51 Assassin player in front of the street was killed by a predator cutting off his left arm with a lightsaber. In a hysterical scream, it turned into a beam of white light and floated away.

The scene full of deterrence had no effect on Zhang Yi, and even made him feel a little excited.

Because before that, the highest that Zhang Yi had killed was only a level 60 white eagle.

The 62-level predator refreshed Zhang Yi's challenge.

The target is locked on the predator who was maimed by the assassin player just now, and while approaching the past, the god-level exploration technique is activated——

[Predator] (Physics Department·Common Monster):

Level: 62

Talent: Alienation (rare talent, when the predator is in an alienation space station, increase its own damage by 30% and 30% immunity)

Physical Attack: 3970

Material defense: 1900

Magic Defense: 1740

Health value: 66800

Skills: laser, aurora...

Description: Under the order of the [Alien King Kanudu], the alien advance force unit [Predator Legion] was ordered to station in the Alienization Space Station, waiting for [Blood Devouring Guards] to begin operations, together to extremely ice the human race The city launches an invasion...

With the bonus of the rare talent [Alienation], the predator in the Alienation Space Station is simply invincible!

It's no wonder that these fifty-one and two-tier three players, in front of the predator, are just like crispy chicken!

The predator touched them, casually it was three or four thousand points of normal attack damage, five or six thousand points of skill damage.

And their attacks on the predator generally caused two or three thousand damage, which was insignificant for the predator with more than 60,000 blood.

At the expense of the assassin player.

The predator closest to Zhang Yi has only half of his blood left.

When he saw Zhang Yi, the beast master, wearing a black robe like a shroud, approaching the predator alone, several casual players sneered from the surrounding area.

"The Beast Master also dare to come in and single out the predator of level 62? This kid, I'm afraid it's not floating!"

"It's really looking for death, it's just that the most useless beastmaster of the apocalypse, his equipment looks so trash, I guess he will not survive 5 seconds in front of the predator!"

"Haha buddy, you overestimate him too much, I think he can live at most 3 seconds!"

When everyone was talking about it.

Zhang Yi, who had gradually stepped into the attack range, lifted the storm wand, aimed at the remnant blood predator in front of him, and launched an attack without hesitation.

With an extraordinary astonishing hand speed, three consecutive skills were thrown at the predator.




Boom boom boom!

The red and blue magic ball, and the silver aurora, bombarded the predator at the same time, instantly exploding three damages that shocked the audience on top of his head——


-14320 Crit!

-16878 Crit!

The predator’s [alienation] talent made Zhang Yi only play 70% of his strength.

This kind of damage still caused the remaining half of the blood bar on the head to be emptied directly, and the predator was killed on the spot.

"Ding ~ You killed the 62nd [Predator] and gained 17280 experience points! (Rank list, leapfrog, team bonus 44%

With the income of an ordinary monster, Zhang Yi, who needs 5 million experience to upgrade from level 54 to level 55, has experienced a small increase in the trend visible to the naked eye!

at the same time.

The players around who were still laughing at Zhang Yi just now were dumbfounded when they saw nearly 20,000 damage exploded from the head of the predator.

While they were shocked, Zhang Yi had already picked up the 10 silver coins exploded by the predator and locked on the next target.


To be precise, the next three goals are locked.

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