"Ding~Congratulations on receiving the task [Destroy the Guards]! Since this task is a small team task, 20 people must be in a group, and the task has special restrictions that cannot be formed by players. The system will randomly match your teammates for you! Matching, please wait..."

Follow the system prompts to drop down.

Zhang Yi opened the task interface casually and clicked on the task to take a look:

[Destroy the Imperial Guard] (small team task):

Difficulty of the task: 10100

Description: [Altering King Kanudu] The Blood Devouring Guards Corps underneath the city has already come to the city, and the ice city is about to face distress. Players are asked to find a place to shelter the Blood-Eater Guards according to the task instructions, and destroy the Blood-Eater Guards.

Task progress: It has not been opened yet. After the team is successfully matched, the first phase of the task will be opened (a total of three phases)

Time remaining: unknown

Chosen of the day: Undecided


Good guys!

The difficulty factor of this task is about to catch up with Zhang Yi's legendary dragon hidden task!

In the world of Apocalypse, under normal circumstances, team tasks are divided into three types: small, medium and large.

The number of people is limited to 20, 50 and 100 people.

The corresponding number of people who are chosen by the day is 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Only when Zhang Yi's attention was still focused on this task panel.

A system prompt sound suddenly came from my ears:

"Ding~The match is successful, the system has randomly assigned you to the team for this team task [Exterminate the Guards], and the team chat function has been turned on! The current team size is 19/20, and the remaining one can start the task! And random Choose a Chosen One!"

next moment.

Dingdong Dingdong, several news sounded.

I opened the message list and found that I had forcibly joined a new chat team.

And this team is the chat team temporarily opened for this mission. The current 19 players in it are all teammates of the [Destroy the Guard] mission.

As Zhang Yi joined, in the team chat channel, messages came one after another:

[Super-Space Fighter] (Male, Level 52, Rank 3 fighter) (No. 198 in the Extreme Ice City Warriors List): "Good guy! The 19th good brother is here!"

[Shadow Dancer] (Female, Level 52, Rank 3 Assassin) (No. 340 in the Polar Ice City Assassin List): "Wow, which great **** will come in? Let me guess, I guess it should be a fighting force Top 100 players on the list! Hehe~"

[Strong man, supreme] (male, level 53 three-revolution archer) (No. 9 in the extreme ice city archer list): "Don't be too happy, the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Forget the last one was expelled by us Go out, is the spirit guy who hasn't even entered the top 1,000 in the extreme ice city professional list? Maybe this is another rookie!"

Small team missions show the player's combat power rankings, which is simply too powerful! Make it clear that the low-ranking ones will be disliked.

Unless the ranking is hidden.

Looking at the messages in the chat interface, Zhang Yi opened the team interface and took a look.

Found in addition to myself.

Among the current 18 people, there are actually several top 100 high-end players in the Extreme Ice City professional list!


Even if the rest of the people are not in the top 100, they will all be ranked within 500!

Good guys! The level of this team is quite strong!

Zhang Yi naturally noticed it at a glance.

They can make up such a strong team, they must be "swiped" out.

Because the team mechanism of this team task is randomly assigned by the system, both the Great God and the rookie may be assigned together.

After the weaker people were randomly assigned, they must have been expelled by their teammates and quit the team voluntarily.

As for Zhang Yi, because of the hidden ID and level, most of the information after joining the team is also displayed anonymously.

In the team list, the only information about Zhang Yi displayed is: [Hidden] (Male, Three-turn Beastmaster) (The ranking of combat power is not disclosed)!

When the players in the team noticed that their 19th teammate was a beastmaster who had hidden information, several people couldn't hold back it and exploded.

[God Invincible] (Male, Level 52, Rank 3 Magician) (No. 122 in the Extreme Ice City Mage List): "Damn! Really another scum! Actually came a beast master, the most in the seven major professions of the Apocalypse A discarded profession?"

[Bumblebee] (Male, Level 51 three-turn priest) (No. 91 in the Extreme Ice City priest list): "Don't say that, maybe they are the top ten masters on the Beast Masters list! (squinting smile), boss Don’t hide it, show the information quickly, and open your eyes to these buns to see who dares to look down on you (squinting smile) (squinting smile

[Shadow Dancer]: "Looking forward to..."


No matter what everyone said, the 19th Beastmaster player who came in just didn't show up and didn't display the information.

This moment, can make other people anxious.

[Super-Space Fighter]: "Brother squeak! You are not really a rookie who dare not show up..."

[God invincible]: "Hehe, let me just say it! How could he not dare to show up if he is in the top ten of the beast master list? I think his eight achievements are a rookie who doesn't even have a ranking! What's more, a beast master, even if he has a ranking So what? With all due respect, the number one Beast Master in Extreme Ice City is also a waste! It's not for people, but the profession of Beast Master, which is too wasteful!"

[God invincible]: "It doesn’t matter if the little brother doesn’t dare to speak. Just be conscious and leave the team by yourself. This time we are prepared to win the first pass of this team’s mission with 100% determination. Team is absolutely not allowed. There is any **** in there!"

For a long time, Zhang Yi still did not speak.

God invincible couldn't help it, and turned on the street curse mode inside.

However, no matter how much he abused and ridiculed, Zhang Yi remained indifferent.

Zhang Yi was too lazy to compete with them.

Although I was a little looking forward to it, the information of [No. 1 in the Extreme Ice City Battle Power Ranking, Level 55, Level 3 Beastmaster Yi Nuo Qingcheng] showed what kind of wonderful expressions this group of dogs would look like with the low-ranking guys.

But Zhang Yi still held back.

Because of his identity, it should not be exposed too early.

Naturally, Zhang Yi would not quit the team just because of a few sarcasm from his teammates, because it was too troublesome to change.

Moreover, there are some masters in this team, and Zhang Yi does not want to waste this opportunity to lie down~


Only when Shen Wudi kept cursing in the team chat with a few sharp-mouthed monkey-gill guys in the team.


Another team reminder is refreshed-

"Welcome player [Yue Sheng] (female, 53rd Rank Priest) (5th in the Extreme Ice City Battle Power Ranking) to join the team!"

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