Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 382: Level 2: Psychedelic Park

When arriving at the psychedelic park, the system reminder once again sounded from everyone's ears:

"Ding~ The second level has been opened: Psychedelic Park! (Description: In order to break the ice city in one fell swoop in the near future, this time, the Blood Devouring Guards are fully prepared. They will create a powerful force. Weapon resources are buried in the park. Once you decide to attack Extreme Ice City, these resources will be taken out, and these resources can effectively strengthen the Blood-Eater Guards and make them stronger

"Players, please find the resource box buried in the psychedelic park by the Blood Devouring Guards and destroy it! (Total progress 0/100

Look around.

The huge park is like a huge maze.

Countless level 60 humanoid monsters [psychedelic killer] walked through it, guarding the black boxes that can be seen everywhere in the park.

The black box is the resource box.

It is another task that requires division of labor and cooperation.

It can be seen that the players who are performing the second phase of the mission in the psychedelic park are much less than the Black Blood Castle.

It can almost be described by a handful of words.

And from time to time, players will hang up.

It can be seen that the difficulty of this second level is even higher!

As a result, the remaining ten people in the queue began to divide the work.

"Level 60 monsters are not easy to deal with. We are divided into three groups, three people in one group, and the remaining group of four people."

The Supreme Assassin suggested: "It's nothing more than to spend more time on this level and try to avoid casualties. We can't hang up anymore, otherwise, we won't pass the third level."

The proposal of the supreme of the strong has been recognized by everyone.

Therefore, several people in the team, all vying for a while, want to team up with Zhang Yi...

Super-Space Fighter: "Boss, let me be with you! Then I will be responsible for attracting strangers, looking for treasure chests or something, you only need to stand behind and output, and nothing else!"

Shadow Dancer: "Brother, can I be with you? I play high thief, and I can protect you!"

Facing everyone's flattery.

Zhang Yi ignored it, carrying the storm wand, alone, stepping into the psychedelic park.

"You guys make a team, I'll take it alone."

Seeing Zhang Yi leaving behind, everyone fell silent.

"He seems to be angry,"

"It's also to blame our dogs for looking down on people, hey..."

"Okay, let's form a team to do the task, we still have nine people, and it happens to be divided into three groups!"

In the sound of words, a few people began to form a team.

They are represented by God Invincible, Powerful Supreme, and Yue Sheng.

These three people, each with two teammates, entered the psychedelic park.

The resource boxes scattered in every corner of the psychedelic park do not need to be dropped by killing monsters nominally, but every resource box is guarded by a psychedelic killer.

It is equivalent to hunting down those psychedelic killers to get the resource box.

Moreover, there are at least two psychedelic killers stationed near each resource box.

A level 60 psychedelic killer, for other people in the team, even a three-person team is difficult to deal with two at the same time.

God is invincible and they, as a group of three, can barely deal with two psychedelic killers at a time, no more.

So they all start with a resource box where there are only two psychedelic killers garrisoned.

However, when the other three groups of people unite to deal with the psychedelic killer, they have to die.

On Zhang Yi's side, in a state of solitary combat, he has already begun to kill the Quartet.

Level 60 psychedelic killer, assassin type physical monster, 55,000 blood, 4800 attack, typical high attack and crispy skin.

Zhang Yi's fireball technique, freezing technique and aurora technique can knock out more than half of his blood.

If you are lucky, all three are critically hit, you can even drop a psychedelic killer in seconds!

What's more, Zhang Yi, as a beast master, is not really fighting alone.

There was a dragon blood knight in front of him, and those melee psychedelic killers could not pose a threat to Zhang Yi at all.

Under the strong anti-injury action of the [Dragon Blood Body], together with the dragon blood knights who can fight and resist, these psychedelic killers are even more like crispy chicken in front of Zhang Yi.

Boom boom boom!

Several general attacks went on to maimed the remaining psychedelic killer, and the dragon blood knight followed a shot to kill him.

After killing the two psychedelic killers guarding the front of the resource box, Zhang Yi approached the resource box. Zhang Yi knelt down and reached out and touched it. The resource box immediately turned into stars and disappeared.

at the same time.

In the team chat channel, a team message is refreshed——

"Congratulations [**] (information hiding) destroyed resource box x1! Current task progress 1/100!"

Finished the first box.

Zhang Yi continued to lock the next target.

So, the team news one after another.

"Congratulations [**] Damaged resource box x1! Current task progress 2/100!"

"Congratulations [**] Damaged resource box x1! Current task progress 3/100!"

After a series of three identical messages, a different message finally appeared——

"Congratulations [Powerful Supreme] Damaged resource box x1! Current task progress is 4/100!"

The next moment, the refreshed message is Zhang Yi who hides the ID again, and progresses the task to 5/100!

Looking at the frantically refreshing announcement messages in the team channel, it is not only the surviving God Invincible Shadow Dancers and them.

Even those who died in the first level and were still in this squad, who could see the news, felt strange for a while.

[Vanguard]: "Fuck! Who is this hidden ID? Is it the beastmaster in our team?"

[Tiandi]: "Only he is the only one of the 20 people in our team who has hidden information. Who else can be besides him? Good guy, how did you open the box so fast?"

Because he didn't see the second half of the first level, Zhang Yi showed the magnificent scene of hundreds of blood demons in a group of seconds.

So these people who have died are shocked, and it is reasonable.

Inside the psychedelic park.

It only took more than an hour for everyone to divide the work and cooperate, destroying 100 resource boxes, and progressing the task to 100%!

Half of the progress was contributed by Zhang Yi alone.

God is invincible, and the combined efficiency of the three teams of Powerful Supreme and Yue Sheng is comparable to Zhang Yi alone.

In this process, two people were killed again.

Until the second level was passed, there were only 8 survivors in the team.

Due to mission restrictions, players who have died cannot come back to continue the mission.

So next, the final level, success or failure, depends on these eight people.

"Ding~Congratulations to your team for successfully passing the second level! The third level (the final level) has been opened: [Forbidden City]! Please follow the map guide to go to the Forbidden City and perform the task of the final level!"

Evacuate the psychedelic park, a group of people complete the rendezvous, and rush to the ultimate level.

And they were also the first batch of people in Extreme Ice City to get the [Destroy the Guards] task to the third level.

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