Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 390: Difficulty increase: 6-star BOSS


White light flashed.

God Invincible disappeared in the capital of the Imperial Guard.

Zhang Yi, who borrowed a knife to kill, was not punished by the system.

At this moment, Yue Sheng on the side looked at Zhang Yi in surprise, and said, "So you knew it was him who betrayed you..."

However, Zhang Yi smiled and said indifferently: "One more person is missing. After a while, the BOSS will be pushed, and the trophy will be scored five to five for the two of us."

Five to five points!

Yue Sheng couldn't even think about it!

Because without Zhang Yi, obviously she would not even have the chance to complete the mission of [Destroying the Guards] to the third level!

Therefore, as far as Yue Sheng is concerned, it is good to be able to complete the task smoothly and get the task reward. She does not expect to be able to distribute the BOSS loot with Zhang Yi.

Hurriedly said: "No, no need, wait until all the things that will explode belong to you, after all, you are the main force in this BOSS battle."

"Don't say that, Sister Sheng, without you, even with terrain advantages, I can't kill the boss."

"Take the boss down first."

As a result, the two continued to focus on the Blood Devouring God King with only 0.5% of the blood left.

Never thought, at this moment.

Almost all ammunition and food will be exhausted, and the blood-devouring **** king who is on the verge of death, a golden light suddenly bursts out of his body!

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yi frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that something bad was about to happen.

It seems that because of the death of the Chosen, the difficulty of the task is beginning to increase.

Sure enough, while the Blood Devouring God King was shrouded in golden light, he entered an invincible state for a short time.

The system prompt, followed by the ears of Zhang Yi and Yue Sheng—

"Ding~ Please note that the mission difficulty has increased by 30% because the only one in the queue [God Invincible] has died!"

"Ding ~ [Blood Devouring Guard Leader·Blood Devouring God King] will complete the evolution in 10 seconds, please prepare for the surviving players!"

The two stared at the blood-devouring **** king who had been flooded by golden light.

After only 10 seconds, the golden light dissipated.

In sight, the appearance of the Blood Devouring God King seemed to have undergone some changes.

Except that the body size has become larger than before.

On its back, there is an extra transmitter!

"Ding~Due to the increased difficulty of the mission, the star of [Guardian Chief·Blood Devourer] has been upgraded from 5 stars to 6 stars!"

6 stars!

See the system message refreshed in the team channel.

In Extreme Ice City, the black angel powerhouse is supreme and they, as well as the **** invincible who has just been resurrected from the resurrection spring, are all dumbfounded.

Even Zhang Yi and Yue Sheng, who were in the guard capital, were stunned.

Because the mission has reached the final step, in order to avoid the gains from God Invincible, Zhang Yi deliberately saved a little blood from the BOSS and then killed God Invincible.

Also knows that the only consequence of killing God Invincible is that the Blood Devouring God King will be strengthened.

What Zhang Yi never expected was that the enhanced Blood Devouring King had actually been upgraded directly from 5-star quality to 6-star!

I don't know if I should be happy or worried.

The only thing to be thankful for is that after the enhancement, the blood volume of the Blood Devouring God King has not changed in any way, and there is still only 0.5% of the blood left!

However, the overall combat effectiveness has been astonishingly improved.

Just as Zhang Yi and Yue Sheng were still immersed in consternation.

Upgraded to the 6-star Blood Devouring God King, swinging his huge sword, attacked the Dragon Blood Knight in front of him.

The "brush" sword fell down, and was blocked by the dragon blood knight using the demon shield.

The Blood Devouring God King turned his hand with another giant sword to open the shield that the Dragon Blood Knight was blocking in front of him, and then pierced the Dragon Blood Knight's chest with a "puchi" sword.

In the next moment, three consecutive heavy damages jumped from the dragon blood knight's head—

-11254! +4095!

-12469! +4095!

-28488 Crit!

The dragon blood knight with the remaining half blood was directly knocked out of the blood bar on his head, and there was even no chance for Yue Sheng to cast a spell.

In the next second, he fell to his knees with a "puff", turning into a little starlight and disappearing.

"Ding~ It's a pity that your monster [Dragon Blood Knight] died in battle!"

The system's fighting prompts were like thunderous ears, and Zhang Yi didn't react until he saw the dragon blood knight disappear in front of his eyes.

After solving the dragon blood knight.

The transmitter behind the Blood Devouring God King blasted out a blue flame with a loud "boom", hitting the ground directly.

Boosted by the powerful flames, the blood-devouring **** king's feet gradually separated from the ground and soared!


Seeing the Blood Devouring God King use the upgraded launcher as a "wing", directly scraping up towards the top of the building, Zhang Yi's heart suddenly sank.

Because the Blood Devouring King can fly, it shows that this terrain advantage is useless.

Moreover, the first target of the Blood Devouring God King was Yue Sheng.

After flying to the top of the building, he did not sit down, but continued to fly towards Yue Sheng!

"Sister Sheng, be careful!"

With a soft drink, Zhang Yi immediately cast a spell, with Yuesheng as the center of the circle, and after selecting her as the target of protection, he releases [Earth Fire Liaoyuan] and [Ice Heaven and Snow].

Boom boom boom!


Taking advantage of the knock-up effect of the Earth Fire to hinder the advancement of the Blood Devouring God King, taking advantage of the opportunity of the big move to slow it down in the ice and snow, Yue Sheng immediately flashed and escaped from the Blood Devouring God King's hatred range.

After upgrading to a 6-star BOSS, the defensive power of the Blood Devourer becomes higher.

Zhang Yi's attack power of 4550 points, combined with the orange quality, has a damage coefficient of 115%, can only cause less than 4000 points of damage to the King of Blood!

After the rising star, the blood limit of the Blood Devouring King directly rose from 15.9 million to 24 million, and the percentage of remaining blood remained unchanged at 0.5%.

As a result, the specific value of its remaining HP has risen from 80,000 to 120,000!

Being bombarded by Zhang Yi and the hatred of the Blood Devouring God King, he immediately locked onto Zhang Yi.

"Life and death human beings, you are looking for death!"

All the resentment accumulated in the heart after being devastated by Zhang Yi and the others for several hours was vented.

The Blood Devouring God King directly faced Zhang Yi's attack and approached quickly.

Use [Seal of Seal] to release the enchantment around Zhang Yi, so that Zhang Yi, who is in the enchantment, can not use the flash, rush into the enchantment, and use a close sword to open the method that Zhang Yi is blocking in front of him. With a stick, he turned Zhang Yi to the ground with a sword.

Two attacks, under the 40% damage reduction effect of [Ruler Authority], caused 8254 and 9987 damage, instantly knocking out two-thirds of Zhang Yi's vitality!

Fortunately, the Dark Ruler is protected by this enhanced top 5-star armor, otherwise Zhang Yi at this moment has been killed in seconds.

However, even if Bing Bing survived with one-third of his qi and blood, the current situation was not optimistic.

Because the Sealing Sword summoned by the Blood Devouring God King had already bound Zhang Yi inside.

The barrier greatly restrained Zhang Yi's actions, and all his movements were invalidated.

During this process, Zhang Yi was still attacking the Blood Devouring God King.

Seeing the Blood Devouring God King with only 0.2% of the remaining HP, swinging two Aurora Great Swords towards Zhang Yi.

Suddenly, a beam of "wow" golden light fell from the top of Zhang Yi's head.

Immediately afterwards, a system reminder came to my ears.

"Ding~ You are affected by the player [Yuesheng]’s [Death Contract] skill. You will enter an invincible state (immune to all control and damage) for 10 seconds, and all the damage you have received during this period will be accumulated Get up and transfer 100% to the player [Yuesheng] after the [Death Contract] ends!"

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