Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 805: There is nowhere to find if you break through the iron shoes.

With the soul reaper ending up with 600,000 critical strike damage, the last blood bar above the spider queen's head was emptied.


The spider queen fell to the ground like a huge body like a hill.

at the same time.

A system reminder passed to Zhang Yi's ear:

"Ding ~ You killed the [Giant Spider Queen] (Lv113, A-level elite monster), gained experience points of 2160w, reputation +2000, killing points +10! (have gained 1.2 times the experience value bonus for a single brush

Hearing this prompt, Zhang Yi's heart was shocked.

Forget to team up with Fengxing and them first, and then kill the spider queen!

1.6 times the income has been reduced to 1.2 times... to the effect!

The battle is over.

Zhang Yi was beside the corpse of the Spider Queen, picking up all the spoils.

Among them, the most valuable one is naturally the A-level Elite Monster Illustrated Book.

Putting the spoils in his bag, Zhang Yi came to Fengxing several people.

The spider web that trapped a few people has long since disappeared.

Fengxing and the four of them, watching Zhang Yi single kill the A-level elite monsters, were already shocked.

At this time, Zhang Yi repeated the previous sentence again, and said with a smile: "Are you interested in teaming up for monsters?"

Frozen for a long time.

The four nodded again and again: "Group!"

Before creating the team, Zhang Yi set the rules: "I will take you to upgrade, the loot, and the monster book will all belong to me, and the remaining five to five points."

For this request made by Zhang Yi.

The four only hesitated for a second, and then immediately nodded in agreement.

So Zhang Yi created a team and brought the four people in.

at this time.

The four of them looked behind Zhang Yi and backed back in panic.

Xiaoli, the priest girl in the queue, pointed behind Zhang Yi and said with a trembling voice: "It... it's alive again!"

Zhang Yi turned his head and saw that the spider queen who had just been killed by himself had risen again!

Moreover, its eight eyes all glowed with ice blue cold light...

Zhang Yi just remembered that the last blow of the Spider Queen was the Soul Harvester.

Oh, the character has exploded, and the elite monsters actually triggered the 1% probability of the ghost monster killing privilege!

Engaged in an A-level elite monster as a ghost servant!

Zhang Yi didn't show much performance.

Very calmly walked in front of Fengxing and the others.

Behind, followed by the three little brothers of Dragon Knight Death Crossbow.

Behind is the blue-eyed spider queen.

The Feng Xing people who don’t know what happened, had already weakened their legs in fright, and watched the spider queen who had come back to life, just walked past them...

Walked past?

It is actually following Zhang Yi!

At this moment, Zhang Yi turned his head and said to the four Fengxing who were in a daze: "Kill the monster."


Locking down a normal-level B-level giant spider in front, Zhang Yi ordered the group of monsters to launch an attack.

at the same time.

The spider queen, who had evolved into a ghost servant, was called by the soul reaper and also launched an attack on the giant spider that belonged to her companion.


A beam of purple dead light bombarded the past, directly piercing through the head of the giant spider, and exploded one by one with 120,000 to 30 thousand damage on the top of its head!

There is no suppression effect between monsters and monsters.

Nevertheless, the damage of this elite spider queen is also very sharp.

Use the dead light to repel the giant spider.

The next moment, the spider queen rushed directly to the giant spider.

Two monsters start a close confrontation!

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi and the group of monsters attacked the ordinary giant spider together.

In this scene, I watched the Fengxing Four behind him, and even other nearby players who were farming monsters in the second-level zone.

No one knows why these two monsters fought by themselves.

Soon, the Fengxing Four who came back to their senses also participated in the battle.

After all, elite spiders are better than ordinary spiders.

Even if singled out, the elite spider queen will surely be able to kill the ordinary spider.

Plus there is Zhang Yi and their assistance.

Easily took down the giant spider.

The ghost servants obtained by using the [Ghost Killing Privilege], unless they die early, the longest existence time is 1 hour.

In addition, ghost servants can also get healing and recovery.

Very incredible after accepting the fact that this spider queen is her own "teammate".

The priest girl Xiaoli in the team immediately began to cast spells to treat the wounded spider queen.

Then, Zhang Yi led the Warcraft Group, the Spider Queen, and the Fengxing Four to continue to fight the next monster.

At the same time, the other side.

In Purgatory City.

The Swordsman William, who had just been killed by the Spider Queen and resurrected from the Resurrection Spring, waited angrily for a long time. He didn't see his teammates coming back to be buried with him, making him even more angry.

"You didn't die. Could it be that the Spider King was killed by you?"

"How can it be!"

Swordsman William thought about it, and he didn't think that the four of them could solve an A-level elite monster!

The only possibility.

Was it the Human Beast Master who applied for the team, saved them and killed the Spider Queen?

"Labor and capital are dead, don't think of a good life!"

William the Swordsman planned to go back to Monster Island again, and killed the few guys who didn't save him just now, and gave them some color.

So, I found a few brothers in the team.

Go to Monster Island again and take the second-level area directly.

With the impression just now, he brought a few teammates to a wasteland.

I saw that the four teammates I just saw were indeed teaming up to kill the monsters with the previous Human Beast Master!

Watching the swordman William gritted his teeth.

Next to him, a green-armored warrior man with the ID named [Sword King] followed the gaze of the swordsman William, looking at the five Zhang Yi who hunted giant spiders in the wasteland not far away, and said lightly:

"They just watched you get killed and couldn't save you?"

"Don't worry, brother, let's help you out!"

With that, a few people pretended to kill monsters, and then approached the past carelessly.

As the distance gets closer and closer.

When he saw the face of Zhang Yi, the human black-robed beast master among those people, the Sword King was stunned:

"It's him!"

William the swordsman is a little strange: "Do you know him?"

"This guy, just a few days ago, when Monster Island was just opened, he killed me and the 30-odd brother in the team on the boat! Even the captain died in his hands!"


Ever since he was robbed on the ship that day, he was destroyed by Zhang Yi.

The people in the sword pavilion have been secretly tracking down the identity and trace of the human beast master, Zhang Yi, who killed them.

However, the Purgatory City with 50 million players is too big.

Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This matter is the responsibility of the Sword King.

After searching for so many days and finding nothing, when the Sword King was about to give up, unexpectedly in such a situation, he met Zhang Yi again!

"It's really nowhere to find anything to break through the iron shoes, it's all effortless!"

The sword king was surprised and delighted.

The swordsman William was also a little surprised, saying: "Since we are enemies, then we will kill them even more!"

Thinking of the scene where Zhang Yi killed more than 30 elite members of the sword pavilion with only one monster under his hand that day, the sword king still had a lingering fear.

Said: "Don't act rashly, I'll notify the captain!"

With that said, Sword King immediately opened his friends list.

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