Before coming to the Lightning Forest with Zhang Yi to help Zhang Yi hunt down the lord monster Thunderbolt King, Ruoxi specifically confessed:

After the lord was killed, all the spoils went to Zhang Yi, and he could not seek any compensation.

This can also be regarded as a reward for Zhang Yi's success in helping the royal family to guard the race last night.

Therefore, the royal genius doctor and the other three royal players did not even get close to the corpse of the Thunder Bat King. They greeted Zhang Yi and then left directly.

Zhang Yi's side.

In addition to a sss-level picture book.

In addition, more than 30 ss-level illustrated books have been obtained!

Combined with Zhang Yi's two days ago when he was cleaning the Lightning Forest, he occasionally encountered ss-level lightning bats and killed more than 20 ss-level illustrated books that they had accumulated. Just 50 of them can be collected to submit tasks.

Of course, there is one more important thing: the monster core.

It was something like a black stone, mission props, used to submit the [Release the Light] mission.

So, after cleaning up the spoils, Zhang Yi went to the beach, found the monster merchant, submitted the task, and received a large amount of experience rewards, as well as an optional 12-star hunter equipment.

Zhang Yi chose the mage's clothes and prepared them for himself.

[Release the Light] This task requires Zhang Yi to hunt down three designated powerful monsters.

With the first one being solved.

The second goal also appeared:

Lv128sss-level lord monster, Silvermoon Wolf King!

The difficulty has increased again!

Although the target is still the Lord Monster, compared to the Thunder Bat King, the level has increased by 3!

The three levels of promotion cannot be underestimated.

Through the countless top players in Purgatory City at this stage, they can barely deal with monsters of level 120-122, but are afraid to enter the field of monsters above level 123:

After level 100, how big is the gap between each level of the monster.

The time is exactly eight o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Yi rode the minibus to the hiding place of the Silver Moon Wolf King: lv128 Yinyue Ridge.

In Silver Moon Ridge, there are countless 128-level s-level giant wolf monsters: Silver Moon Wolf.

The mechanism for refreshing the Silver Moon Wolf King, like the Thunder Bat King, also requires the task performer to kill a large number of Silver Moon wolves to refresh the Wolf King.

Compared with the Thunder Bat, it has been improved by 3 levels at once!

For Zhang Yi with a 13-star weapon and a 13-star ring in hand, there is no problem in challenging the Level 128 Silver Moon Wolf.

But the World of Warcraft, it seems a little more than minded and insufficient.

The Warcraft Group can kill the Silver Moon Wolf.

It is not efficient.

Because the 12-star hunters on them are not complete.

In order to maximize the efficiency of spawning monsters.

Zhang Yi decided: first go to the lower level S-level monsters, wait for himself and the 12-star hunters in the whole body of the beast group, and then come to the Silver Moon Ridge.

As a result, Zhang Yi returned to the Level 125 Lightning Forest.

At this stage, with Zhang Yi's fighting power with the Warcraft Group, the 125 thunder bat is the best prey.

Huang Wuji and the others still don't have the ability to farm level 125 monsters.

Even if Zhang Yi can take them to brush, the final core loot monster illustration book is evenly divided, which is not good for the development of both sides.

High-end families such as Royal Jiange have a particularly great pursuit of high-star hunter equipment.

Monster illustrations are especially important to them.

Therefore, Zhang Yi finally contacted the Hunshi Demon King and called in several thugs from the first family of the Demon Clan.

Including the 112-level Hunshi Demon King.

Four players from the first family of demons immediately rushed to the lightning forest.

The third-line team with only two thousand people, the player from the first family of Mozu, has an overall strength that is very hip.

When they deal with the 125-level s-level lightning bats, they simply hit the rocks with their eggs.

Therefore, Zhang Yi was completely in the form of taking them to lie down, in a team of five, in the lightning forest.

The task of killing monsters is left to Zhang Yi alone.

The Hunshi Devil and the others are all responsible for picking up the spoils.

Moreover, all the illustrated books are given to Zhang Yi!

For the Hunshi Devil and the others, it is very satisfying to get the rich experience of level 125 monsters. They don't expect to share the spoils with Zhang Yi.

In this way, a five-person team can achieve 1.6 times the income.

Target yourself and the whole set of 12-star hunters of the Warcraft Group.

As long as the fatigue level is enough and the energy is enough, Zhang Yi and the people from the first demon clan will brush up day and night.

If the teammates have insufficient energy, they will be replaced.

For the next few days, this was repeated every day.

And at the same time Zhang Yi was frantically brushing Lightning Forest.

On the Qingmingyu side, he also led the Sun Moon Teacher players and went all out to perform the [Release the Darkness] mission.

Although both are the ultimate hidden missions of Monster Island.

But in fact, the task on Qingmingyu is much simpler than Zhang Yi's.

After all, the [Release the Darkness] mission is the 125-level 13-star BOSS nine-headed phoenix, Hermora.

The launcher of the mission [Release the Light] performed by Zhang Yi is the 130-level 15-star dual system BOSS, the king of monsters, Heras!

There is no comparison between the two.

Time passed day by day.

It took Zhang Yi five days to finally gather the four 12-star hunter complete sets of knight, archer, assassin, and mage!

During this period of time, Zhang Yi himself remained at level 118.

However, the Dragon Blood Knight, the Undead Crossbowman and the Soul Reaper have all been upgraded from level 115 to level 118!

Even if it is a Warcraft, the first-line players in Purgatory City must be level two or three!

Changed into the 115-level 12-star hunter suit for the Warcraft Group. In addition to the weapon ring, the rest of the body was also replaced with the 12-star hunter.

The strength of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group has once again been greatly improved.

Next, you can finally enter Silver Moon Ridge!

Continue to carry out the task of releasing the light.

at the same time.

When Zhang Yi was about to move from the 125-level area to the 128-level area.

The first-line players in Purgatory City are conquering Monster Island, and finally step by step, from the 121-122 level area to the 124-125 level area.

So, when the first-line players in Purgatory City began to team up to enter the level 125 monsters.

Zhang Yi started to swipe the 128-level Silver Moon Wolf.

With a 12-star full set of hunters that reduces the suppression effect by 100%, Zhang Yi and the group of monsters will no longer be affected by any suppression from s, or even ss-level monsters.

Coupled with the top-level enhanced 12-star equipment strong bonus, the current strength of Zhang Yi and the Warcraft Group can almost directly sweep the 128-level monster zone!

A group of silver moon wolves were harvested by Zhang Yi and the group of monsters.

Facts have proved that Zhang Yi's efforts in the previous five days were not in vain.

It took two days before Zhang Yicai brushed out the Thunder Bat King in the Lightning Forest.

On Yinyueling's side, Zhang Yi only brushed the Silvermoon Wolf for one day, and he reached the progress and brought out the ultimate boss:

Lv128 Silvermoon Wolf King (Physics Department, sss-level lord monster)!

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