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Chapter 833: The whole army strikes: the altar of the night god

With the help of the royal family and Jiange, Zhang Yi was less anxious.

The next step is to wait for news from Hellas.

During this period, Zhang Yi, together with the royal family and the people from the sword pavilion, were scouring the monster island.

At present, there are only a handful of sss-level illustrated books in the entire Purgatory City.

Those players who have worked so hard to get a picture book are the first to think of it, are to use it to exchange 13-star hunter equipment.

No one would think about collecting three of them and then redeeming them for a demi-artifact [Moon Disk] that can only function at night.

The Moon's Divine Disk can only highlight its strength when it is combined with the other two Divine Disks to form a super divine instrument, the Sun, Moon and Astrolabe.

So Zhang Yi don't worry, the Moon God Disk will be snatched by others.

One day, fleeting.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, when everything was silent.

Received the call of 【Nine-headed Phoenix, Hermora】.

A few core members of Qingming Yushang and Sunyuejiao quietly came to the southern outskirts of Purgatory City, an empty canyon in a remote location, where they saw a nine-headed phoenix.

In order to avoid causing any movement, the nine-headed phoenix has deliberately concealed the flames on his body.

The huge body sits quietly in the canyon, waiting for them to arrive on the Qingming rain.

The deterrence of the 13-star sss-level BOSS made the several Sun-Moon-teaching players who followed the Qingming Rain tremble.

Only on Qingming rain, do not panic.

Because it was Hermora he saved, and now he has reached a deal with Hermora, Hermora needs help from Qingming Rain to open the barrier.

On Qingmingyu asked, "Have all four circles closed?"

"Three of them have been closed."

Qingming Yu was suspicious: "I said before that when the altar is closed for the last step, I need my help. Then what are you asking me to do now?"

Hermora's nine long heads hung high in the sky, looking down on the Qingming rain, and said in a deep voice:

"Tian Ge reminded me."

"Someone is rescuing Heras, the king of monsters. The most critical step in rescuing Heras is to kill me and use the core in my body to release him from the King's Glacier."

Hearing, Qingming Yu was startled for a while.

He knew: If nothing else, the bright side of the ultimate mission of Monster Island should be Yinuo Qingcheng.

Because before, according to the people under them, they saw Yinuo Qingcheng go to the Monster Fortress, and then followed in to let Qingming Yu trigger the dark side mission on Hermora.

With the conditions of a promise, it is naturally not difficult to find and trigger the task of the bright side.

Hermora continued:

"The human who assisted Heras is now looking for me. The Night God Altar is powerful. Once I enter the altar and start closing the altar, the altar will release energy. At that time, Heras can sense through the energy. The location of the altar. It takes time to close the altar. I cannot close the altar in a short time."

There was silence on Qingming Rain and said: "You mean, the person who is rescuing Heras will come to stop us from closing the altar."

Qingmingyu immediately contacted the royal family and heroes to confirm.

Sure enough, I learned from the royal hero: Yinuo Qingcheng has contacted the royal family and Jiange, so that the two of them are on standby at any time.

As long as the nine-headed phoenix enters the altar of the night god, they will cooperate with Zhang Yi, and the whole army will attack the altar of the night **** to kill the nine-headed phoenix!

No, you can't let Yinuo Qingcheng kill the nine-headed phoenix!

Because the idea on Qingmingyu was to use the nine-headed phoenix to summon the dark dragon's sixth-order fallen dragon king Tiange, and use the power of the sixth-order dragon king to kill Zhang Yi.

No matter how strong Zhang Yi is, it is bound to be impossible to beat a Tier 6 dragon emperor.

Don't say Zhang Yi can't, even the royal family and Jiange can't!

Since the last time Zhang Yi helped the royal family hold the ring in the God of War, crushing the Seven Star Lantern, the captain of the first family of Purgatory City [Seven Star Hall], made the royal family's reputation soar.

After that, there have been many master players joining the royal family, and the royal family quickly grew into the first family of Purgatory City within a few days!

Now he is in charge of 120,000 elite divisions!

The total number of royal family and Jiange has reached 180,000.

Even if the Sun-Moon Religion united the royal family with 30,000 "rebels", there would be only 50,000, and it would not be able to rival the rest of the royal family, and the sword pavilion.

Admiral Qingmingyu placed hope on Hermora:

"No accident, you will be attacked by more than 100,000 humans. Is there any way to distract them? I mean, when you close the altar."

Hermora said: "Now my abilities have been completely restored and I can drive the monster army. In the name of the monster god, I launch the monster army to stop them."


Qingmingyu said: "At that time, I will fully cooperate with you, and I will definitely help you close the altar!"

"I hope that when the time comes, you will not forget the agreement between us."

Hermora said solemnly: "Don't worry, with the power of the sixth-order dragon king, destroying Purgatory City can only be done at your fingertips. What's more, you said that you want to kill a human being."

"Wait for my news, at the latest, tomorrow night will be ready to march on the altar of the night god."

After speaking, the nine-headed phoenix spread its wings and soared from the canyon.

Before I knew it, it was the 12th day when Zhang Yi received the task of [Release the Light].

There are only 4 days left until the time limit of the task, including today.

Zhang Yi was a little worried at first.

During the day, Huang Wuji and the others evacuated from Monster Island because of insufficient energy. Zhang Yi was alone in the first-level area of ​​Monster Island, and he randomly found a picture and brushed it for a day.

Until six o'clock in the evening.

Hellas finally sent a message to Zhang Yi through the monster invitation letter:

"Hermora has entered the Altar of the Night God, I have sensed the location of the Altar of the Night God, he is closing the altar, hurry up and stop him!"

Receive this message.

Zhang Yi immediately opened the map and saw that there was a guide from the monster king Helath on the map: a bright spot appeared in the west of Purgatory City!

The specific location is a hidden map that has never appeared on the map before: lv125 [Night God Altar]!

Without further ado, Zhang Yi immediately sent a message to Ruoxi and Sword Saint:

"Ready to act!"

"Received!" Ruoxi and Juggernaut replied almost at the same time.


On the team channel of the Royal Family and Jiange, three team emergency announcements immediately appeared:

"Within three minutes, everyone will gather in the west!"

"Within three minutes, everyone will gather in the west of the city!!"

"Within three minutes, everyone will gather in the west of the city!!!"

emegency notice.

At this moment, regardless of whether they are in the wild to level up monsters, perform tasks, or scavenge monster islands, players of the royal family and sword pavilions are using the scroll of city return.

Countless white lights symbolizing returning to the city lit up from various wild areas around Purgatory City.

The 120,000 army of the royal family and the 60,000 army of the sword pavilion all returned to Purgatory within a minute.

Then, within three minutes, the confluence was completed in the west of the city!

Afterwards, under the leadership of the Sword Sage Emperor Wuji, the two big clans totaled 180,000 players and rushed to 【Night God Altar】...

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