Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 840: Jiuxing Ancient Underground City


Streamer City.

In the early morning, a resounding city-wide announcement spread in the air:

"Ding~ Attention all players: Streamer City Super Treasure Dungeon Map [Ancient Dungeon] Nine-Star Difficulty will be opened at 9 o'clock this morning, please participate in all players who have cleared the 8-Star Difficulty Dungeon on time!"

"The top three teams in this nine-star difficulty dungeon can get the ultimate reward of [Ancient Dungeon]. Please do your best!"

Following the announcement.

Streamer City players, a burst of enthusiasm.

Ever since the Super Treasure dungeon map of Streaming City [Ancient Dungeon] was opened to the present, one month has passed and the difficulty has gradually increased, and now it finally ushered in the last nine-star difficulty dungeon!

And countless players have lost in the first few levels, and very few can break into the nine-star difficulty.

According to system statistics.

The total number of players in Streamer City is 42 million.

More than 50% of the players, the progress of the [Ancient Dungeon] dungeon has reached four to five stars difficulty.

Only 10 million people have overcome six-star difficulty or above.

Three million for the seven-star difficulty of conquering progress.

Eight-star difficulty, one million.

Complete the level with eight-star difficulty, and players who can participate in today's nine-star difficulty [Ancient Dungeon], there are only 100,000 players in the entire streamer city!

The ancient dungeon of Jiuxing difficulty is based on a group of hundred people.

In other words, the maximum number of teams participating in today's dungeon is 1,000!

To stand out from a thousand teams and get into the top three is not easy said than done.

But for the dragon people, they must win the top three today!

Because they have all the way to the nine-star difficulty, in order to win the top three of the [Ancient Dungeon] dungeon, and get the reward of the team upgrade order.

The team upgrade order can directly upgrade a team to level 10 and can accommodate up to 300,000 players!

Eight in the morning.

In a restaurant in Stream City, the core members of the Dragon race gathered here to start the [Ancient Dungeon] dungeon strategy meeting.

Participants include King Glory, Storm Angel, Uncle, Han Yarou, Pinnacle Emperor Young, Dragon Clan Immortal, Long Xing Tianxia, ​​and Original Girl, Undead Xiaoqiang, Fatty and Scavengers.

Of course, there is also the leader of [Yueli], who is currently the second top priest in the streamer city human priest list!

These people, their level remained between 114-115, ranking among the first-line players in Streaming City.

Except for Yueli.

The royal family, the storm family, the brotherhood, and the undead group have all merged into the dragon family.

At present, the Dragon Clan of the 7th-level clan, with 20,000 members, has reached the upper limit.

The Dragon Clan was established very early, but it was a pity that Zhang Yi had not had time to manage the team before that.

Otherwise, the Dragons can easily enter the first-line team.

The crowd sat around the table.

The 114th-level archer [Storm Angel], who has now joined the Dragon Clan and became the elite of the Dragon Clan, said: "After statistics, our Dragon Clan has a total of 5,000 people who have reached the Jiuxing difficulty in the dungeon."

"Good guy!"

The 114th-level warrior pinnacle emperor said excitedly: "Streaming City is eligible to participate in the Nine-Star difficulty dungeon. There are only 100,000 people in total, and our dragon clan accounts for one-twentieth!"

"Speak out, who dares to believe that our Dragon Clan is just a second-tier team ranked 110th in Streaming City?"

"Thanks to the team leader who allowed us to collect the [Zhen Country Ring] (special equipment, which increases the damage of the wearer to the dungeon dungeon monsters by 30%, valid for 24 hours). On the dungeon dungeon, the town country ring gave us extremely Great help, we can have such a high pass rate."

With the 114-level assassin scavenger's voice just fell.

The Deputy Captain of the Dragon Race, the 115th-level warrior Long Xing Tianxia said: "Today participating in the 9-star difficulty dungeon must be all the high-end families of Streaming City, the top powerhouses, even if we have five thousand people who can participate in the dungeon, we should not be careless. ."

At this time, the scavengers known as "Little Smart" brought an important message: "The ancient dungeon of Nine Star Difficulty will reduce the effective time of [Zhen Country Ring] from 24 hours to 3 hours. We need to concentrate all the deposits in the team. The rest of the town country ring will be brought by the brothers who attacked the Jiuxing Dungeon today."

After a pause, the 115th-level warrior Dragon Clan, who is also the Dragon Clan's deputy captain, said:

"Today's last level of the dungeon, the competition must be cruel, and killing is indispensable."

"We must pay special attention to [Night March], [Apocalyptic Soldiers], and [Avengers]. They stared at us very closely when they were in the seven or eight star dungeons. 80% of them already know that we have restrained dungeons. Props, so today, they estimate that they will target us and kick us out of the dungeon first."

The scavenger said: "Apocalyptic madmen, a 9th-level team, with 50,000 people, ranking eighth in the streamer city team list."

"The Avengers, a tier 9 team, with 70,000 people, ranked fifth in the streamer city team list."

"The first family in Stream City, marching at night, 120,000 people."

"These three are big bosses, we really need to pay attention."

Take the words of the scavengers.

The glory of the elite king of the team said with a grin:

"What are you afraid of? Our Dragons are not foolish, it's just that there are fewer people. Whoever bullies us, let's do it! But after two days, Brother Cheng will come and let Brother Cheng overwhelm their team alone!"

"Brothers, come on, the team upgrade order, be sure to win!"

Everyone agreed: "Come on!"

It's eight and fifty.

In the southern part of Streaming City, on a huge woodland, there is a flood of people.

Countless players gathered here, and they all came to participate in the ancient dungeon copy of Nine-Star difficulty.

The dungeon teleportation array is the light beam in the middle of the woodland.

Soon, with the arrival of nine o'clock, the teleportation array was activated.

The copy is officially opened.

Countless players swarmed towards the teleportation array...

According to the team that has been organized in advance.

On the Dragon Clan's side, the core members of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan Indestructible Scavenger Fatty, and others, replaced some of the dragon clan's main force, and the group of hundred people formed through the teleportation array also entered the dungeon.

They are the core group of one hundred members of the Dragon Clan, and they are also the Dragon Clan's greatest hope.


Hundreds of white light spilled.

They teleported to the ancient underground city of Jiuxing.

A huge ancient capital was gradually desolate under the cover of wind and sand.

Darkness enveloped the capital, making the underground city exude a breath of death.

According to the reminder of the system:

The rules of the Jiuxing Dungeon are to find [Soul Suppression Order] by killing monsters.

A team that gathers 1000 soul-relief orders can clear the dungeons, and calculate the ranking according to the order of the dungeons.

The soul-relief order is not allowed to be traded, but it can be exploded by killing players in other teams in the instance.

According to the group of one hundred people as a whole.

The same team can only obtain a maximum of 100 soul-suppressing orders per day by killing players.

Apart from anything else, after entering the Jiuxing Ancient Underground City, the man wore a Zhenguo ring.

Everyone in the Dragon Race immediately began looking for prey in the city.

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