Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 898: The boss goes all the way!

There are hidden tasks here!

The nightcrawler who triggered the rare-level hidden task [collecting corpses] from the NPC [Lu Qi] without a question mark above his head was overjoyed.

Apart from anything else, he immediately received the task.

Then I found out: Although this hidden mission is restricted to each person can only receive it once, there is no limit on the number of people to receive it, and multiple people can receive it at the same time!

The condition to trigger the task only requires a corpse core.

As a result, the Nightcrawler immediately sent an order on the team channel to let all the Nightcrawler players go to the Burial City to scan the corpse core, and then return to the city to receive the task.

After receiving the mission, go back to the city of buried corpses to continue killing the dead and collecting corpses!

And Zhang Yi's side.

Having reached level 133 and equipped with a 15-star demon suit, Zhang Yi is going to start the task of sublimation of the artifact today.

After breakfast, Zhang Yi summoned Xingtian, Yiqi Juechen, Yuesheng and Fatty.

Because the Vulcan Scepter sublimation task can only be completed by a maximum of five people.

Han Yarou knew that she was not as powerful as Yue Sheng, so she didn't compete with Yue Sheng for a position.

Each of the five people completed the replenishment at the pharmacy.

Zhang Yi took out the Vulcan Scepter and manually activated the mission.

The system prompt will drop accordingly:

"Ding~You have obtained the exclusive artifact sublimation task of [Vulcan Scepter] [Vulcan’s Last Wish]. Please perform the task according to the task guide!"

Zhang Yi immediately opened the task list:

[Vulcan’s Last Wish] (Exclusive artifact sublimation task of Vulcan Scepter):

Task progress: the first stage (a total of three stages)

Difficulty factor: 8w

Description: One of the nine great demon gods of the demon clan, Vulcan·Zhi fell behind, and the Vulcan scepter left behind was restricted and unable to exert its full power. Players are asked to follow the guidance of the Vulcan Scepter to find the fire that remains near Stream City, complete the first phase of the mission, and activate the second phase.

Task execution/participants: Yinuo Qingcheng, Yiqi Juechen, Xing Tian, ​​Yue Sheng, Fat Dun'er (confirmed, no helper is allowed)

Time limit: 1 day

The first stage is still relatively simple, with only 80,000 difficulty, even if Zhang Yi is alone, it can be completed.

After all, so far, the highest difficulty Zhang Yi can accomplish personally exceeds 120,000!

After activating the mission, the Vulcan scepter in Zhang Yi's hand immediately issued a cursor guidance.

Zhang Yi directly summoned the minibus and mounted the dragon's back.

"Zhang Yi!"

Han Yarou shouted to Zhang Yi, with a touch of worry, and said: "I am waiting for you to triumph!"

Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "Don't worry, no problem."

With that said, Zhang Yi confessed that the Dragon Clan is immortal: "When I am not there, the team will be handed over to you."

The immortal dragon made an ok gesture: "There are still many brothers in the team who don't have the gods suit. I will take the brothers to continue to clean the gods."

"Boss, don't worry!" Long Xing Tianxia waved his hands and shouted, "Boss, go all the way!"

Around, a group of Dragon players followed and shouted: "Captain go all the way!"

Zhang Yi: "..."


The third-order dragon king Babu spread out his wings, carried Zhang Yi and five people, and flew away from Streamer City.

At this moment, in a corner not far away, a pair of eyes glowing with blue cold light quietly stared at Zhang Yi who was flying into the sky...

The dragons never destroy them, unaware of the figures hidden in the corners.

Just wait for Zhang Yi and the others to leave.

The immortal dragons gather one hundred thousand dragons and march into the city of God!

Zhang Yi's side.

Under the lead of the Vulcan Scepter, riding a minibus with a speed bonus of up to 210%, he flew for more than an hour before finally reaching a forest burning with raging fire!

Five people are located outside the forest.

What you see is the lv137 Flame Forest, which is also the mission location guided by the Vulcan Scepter, and the place where the fire is buried!

Based on the detailed description of the task, Zhang Yi learned:

It turned out that Vulcan was in the Phantom City, before he was killed by the black dragon and fell, he was performing a task commissioned by the bright dragon family:

Dark Dragon Tier 4 [Corrosive Dragon King·Chew], invaded the territory of Bright Dragon Tier 4 [Hurricane Dragon King·Feng Yao], and killed the two Tier 2 Dragon Kings of Hurricane Dragon King while Hurricane Dragon King was not in the territory. Class cubs.

And before that, in a territorial battle a hundred years ago, [Corrosive Dragon King·Chew] also led the Black Dragon Legion to slaughter the people of the Demon Vulcan tribe, and avenged the Vulcan.

Here, 【Hurricane Dragon King·Feng Yao】and 【Vulcan·Zhi】have joined forces to chase down and kill the heinous 【Corrupt Dragon King·Beat】.

Unfortunately, before killing the Corrupt Dragon King, Vulcan fell on the way.

Failing to avenge the people who died at the hands of the Dark Dragon a hundred years ago is also the biggest regret of Vulcan before his death.

Therefore, although the current [Vulcan’s Last Wish] task is in the first stage, I don’t know how it will develop in the later stages.

Zhang Yi probably can already guess the ultimate goal of this mission. It should be Zhang Yi to fulfill Vulcan's dying wish: to assist the Hurricane Dragon King and deal with the Corrupt Dragon King together!

At the same time, it was linked to the role of the Demon God and the Dragon King. This task was really a bit unusual.

The hunting battle between Vulcan and the Hurricane Dragon Emperor chasing and killing the Corrupting Dragon Emperor has spread to many main cities and places, and the fiery forest in the border of Streaming City is also one of the battlefields.

In the process of chasing and killing the Corrupted Dragon King with the Hurricane Dragon King, Vulcan lost a fire and buried it in the Burning Fire Forest during the battle.

As long as players find the fire, they can sense the breath of [Hurricane Dragon Emperor Fengyao] who once fought side by side with Vulcan based on the fire!

After arriving in the Fire Forest, the guidance of the Vulcan Scepter disappeared.

Seeing that I wanted to find the kind of fire hidden in the raging fire forest, I had to fumble for it myself.

The mission time is only one day.

Without negligence, Zhang Yi and the others immediately entered the blazing forest.

Just stepping into the forest of flames, a system reminder passed down——

"Ding~ You have received [Vulcan's Blessing], you will be immune to fire damage in the blazing forest!"

In the blazing fire on the ground, several people were unscathed as expected.

It is conceivable that this is also a limitation that is destined to be carried out by only five people.

When other people enter the blazing forest, they will be directly burned to death.

This is a 137-level map, and it's a dragon map!

It was the black dragon that was killed in the forest by Vulcan and the Hurricane Dragon King in that hunting battle.

Their bodies have been burned by fire all the year round, and now they have been reborn from the ashes, becoming a dark dragon!


Zhang Yi and the others have just entered the blazing fire forest.

In front of the line of sight, there are two huge dark fire dragons, leaping out of the fire!

"The level 137 dragon monsters can probably reach the level of 140 ordinary monsters. Be careful."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Next to them, Yiqi Juechen Xingtian and Fatty Yuesheng immediately entered a fighting posture.


With two dragons crying, the two fire dragons approached at the same time, spraying dragon flames towards this side...

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