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Chapter 901: The third stage: Pursue the Corrupted Dragon King

Saw the message from the Angel of the Storm.

I thought that the second stage task of [Vulcan's Last Wish] had been completed.

Zhang Yi didn't hesitate, and responded: "Stopping is necessary. I'll talk about it when I get back."

"Captain, you don't need to come back, you just do your task!"

The storm angel said: "Their night marching strength level has not yet reached the level of 130 rank five for all members. The strength gap with us is still relatively large. Before this, we can still easily defeat them."

"In the past few days you were outside, we have developed nearly 10,000 people. Now our Dragon Clan has a power of 110,000."

"Just waiting for your order from the captain, we can act at any time."

Hearing, Zhang Yi said: "Okay, then this matter is left to you."

With that said, Zhang Yi contacted the Xialong Clan Immortal, Long Xing Tianxia and Scavengers and other officials in private, and confessed about dealing with the night march.

Then, with full authority, give them this task.

Originally, Zhang Yi's plan was to stock the Night March for a while, and wait until the dragon clan grows up in the later period, and then completely block them.

At that time, the dragons can use the least loss as a price to eliminate the night march.

But I didn't expect to let them take this opportunity to grow up again.

Hearing Zhang Yi's announcement of the news brought by Storm Angel, Yiqi Juechen said solemnly, "What is the origin of this two-sword warrior?"

Xing Tian noticed a very important question: "Devil Warrior..."

Could it be that he is the demon warrior who surpassed Xingtian and now occupy the first place on the streamer city demon clan list, hiding his ID?

For Zhang Yi, these are secondary.

The most important thing is that it was this two-sword warrior who helped the Night March to open the entrance to the gods.

How did he know how to open the entrance to God Capital, and how did he know so many maps and missions with opportunities?

Although he hasn't seen each other yet, Zhang Yi can faintly feel: This person is very unusual!

Zhang Yi also believes that with the current strength of the Dragon Clan, there is no problem in dealing with the Night March.

After all, before that, the 40,000 people of the dragons were defeated by the 160,000 overnight march.

But now, the dragon clan has grown to 110,000 people, and the night marching does not advance and retreats. According to statistics, there should be only about 150,000 people.

And most of the people in the night march did not complete the fifth turn.

As long as the two sides meet, the night march will be defeated!

Reassuringly hand over the Night March to the Dragon Clan Immortal.

Zhang Yi's mind was completely focused on the task at hand.

With the help of Xing Tian Yiqi Juechen and the others, it took two days to kill all the dragons around the Dragon Mountain Range.

Five people re-entered the mountains.

In that cave, find Hurricane Dragon Emperor Fengyao.

"Your strength is really strong!"

A low voice came from Feng Yao, who was lying on the ground deep in the cave:

"Such a powerful Dragon Army can be easily annihilated by you, this kind of strength is indeed powerful!"

"Thank you for opening the exit of this mountain range for me."

With Feng Yao's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi came to the giant dragon and said, "Where is the corrupt dragon king? Let's go over and kill it together!"

Zhang Yi knew that he could not be the opponent of a signed Tier 4 Dragon Emperor. The next task must be completed by Feng Yao.

The Hurricane Dragon King said: "This group of day-to-day war dragons suppressed me for too long. I need some time to adjust my state."

"I know the hiding place of the Corrupted Dragon King. I can tell you where it is. You can contain it first. When my state is adjusted, I will help you."


On Zhang Yi's side, he heard a system prompt:

"Ding~Congratulations on completing the second stage of [Vulcan's Last Wish]. The third stage (final stage) mission has been opened. Please proceed according to the mission instructions!"

Open the task list.

The core mission of the third stage, 150,000 difficulty:

While being chased by the Vulcan and Hurricane Dragon King, he corrupted the Dragon King's hands and made four punches and was severely injured and escaped.

Later, with the help of the Dragon King Chi, he repelled the Hurricane Dragon King, and the Corrupted Dragon King, who was already seriously injured, also fled into the [Dead Dragon's Lair] to recover.

Please follow the guidance of Hurricane Dragon King Fengyao to [Dead Dragon Lair] to find the Corrupted Dragon King who was seriously injured and kill him.

The final goal is really to kill the Corrupted Dragon King!

Zhang Yi was a little excited.

If he could kill the Corrupted Dragon King, Zhang Yi would be able to obtain more than just the sublimation of the Vulcan Scepter.

There is also a reward for signing the fourth-order dragon king of the dark race!

So, after activating the third phase of the task.

Apart from anything else, Zhang Yi and Xing Tian bid farewell to Hurricane Dragon King.

Riding the minibus, leave the Dragon Mountain Range and rush to 【Dead Dragon Lair】.

Streamer City.

In the middle of the night, the Nightcrawlers assembled an army, left the main city, and rushed to the wild.

The army of 150,000 players marched out of the city along the north gate of Streaming City, with an aura like a rainbow.

Such a magnificent scene is shocking.

en route.

Through these days of development, the wizard [Night March, Dictator], who has reached level 130 and completed Rank 5, yawned and said:

"Captain, the task during the day is only the last step. Can we go and finish it tomorrow? Why do we have to do it in the middle of the night..."

"Do you know what Ye Chang Meng Duo is?"

Level 131 Rank 5 Assassin Nightcrawler, touched the scar on his face, and said:

"Complete the task early, and sleep more steadily at night, lest you have to think about whether they will be ruined by their dragon clan then."

It turned out that during the day of the day, the night marching player had all completed the first part of a team task under the opportunity arrangement brought by the double-sword warrior.

Only a small part can be completed later.

However, due to insufficient fatigue at the time, they withdrew to the main city in the evening, originally intending to perform the remaining part of the task tomorrow.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, the nightcrawlers will assemble an army in the middle of the night to do the task.

With the aid of the mount, the army hurried to the mission location.

Just when passing through a forest.


A strange movement came to my ears.

The nightcrawler who was walking in the forefront immediately became vigilant: "What sound?"

The voice just fell.

Whoosh whoosh...

Countless sharp arrows flew from the dense jungles on both sides!

"There is an ambush, brothers be careful!"

Only when the nightcrawler came to consciousness, it was too late.

Densely densely packed, thousands of sharp arrows gathered into a rain of arrows fell directly into the night marching crowd!

The night marching players were unprepared, and the players on either side had been shot into a sieve.

Along with the screams from the crowd, white lights burst into the sky!

The night marching players immediately fell into panic. In the darkness, they didn't even know where the enemy was. Many players were killed by random arrows before they had time to draw their swords!

Just when the players on the night march were frightened.

Accompanied by a sudden burst of overwhelming shouts of killing.

In the woodlands on both sides, countless players with the [Dragon Race] logo on their heads copied the guys and attacked and killed them!

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