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Chapter 975: The arbiter's invitation!

Vice Captain of Nightcrawler: Night March and Ice Method are the people who were killed by the ghost king some time ago when they went to the ghost king's appointment.

He hated the ghost king and the candle dragon very much.

However, he didn't understand the purpose of the nightcrawler's arrangement, so he asked, "Why do you tell the dragons?"

"With our strength, how can we fight against the ghost race?"

The Nightcrawler said: "The Dragon Clan is our only hope. We use this opportunity to sell the Candle Dragon to the Dragon Clan. Not only can we destroy the Candle Dragon's mission, but we can also take the opportunity to ease the relationship with the Dragon Clan."

The night march ice method instantly understood.

It turned out that the captain wanted to form an alliance with the dragon clan!

"But we used to be so against the dragons, repeatedly against them, and helped the ghost king to kill a lot of them. Will they believe us..."

The Nightcrawler said: "They know who their real enemy is."

"They will believe us, go and do what I say!"


Turn off the conversation.

On the side of Nightcrawler, continue to pretend to be nonchalant and help Candle Dragon kill monsters.

At the same time, the fifth floor of Skeleton City.

They are on a five-level mission with the Dragon Clan Immortal, hunting and killing the skeleton Xing Tian.

Suddenly a young dragon assassin ran by his side and said to Xing Tian: "Deputy Captain, the night marchers, please see you! He said that there is something very important to report to you!"

"Night march?" The dragon clan frowned, "This bunch of doglegs, come to find death?"

Everyone in the surrounding dragon clan, hearing the name "Night March", was furious.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a 153-level robe man in a silver robe [Night March, Ice Technique] was already alone and came here!


The Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xing Tianxia both pointed their swords at the ice technique at the same time: "Are you looking for death? Do you dare to go to the party alone!"

"Don't get excited about the big guys!"

Before they could take advantage of the immortal dragon clan, Bing Fa quickly said: "I'm here to bring you a news that interests you!"

The King of Glory snorted and said with disdain: "Interested? Your old sow gave birth to octuplets?"

"Stop talking nonsense, since you are here to die, don't blame me for being polite!"

With that, the King of Glory pulled the bow and arrow.

Bing Fa suddenly said, "I can tell you where the candle dragon is!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised.

Since the ghost king released the ghost clan forbidden army, Zhang Yi has been tracking the ghost king and the candle dragon during this period of time.

However, what they hide is so good that they have not been able to find where they are all the time.

After the King of Ghosts got the Forbidden Army, he never carried out any action and kept lurking in the dark.

As if waiting for an opportunity.

And Candle Dragon, even if he knew he was in Skeleton King City, but the map was too big, trying to find him was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Bing Fa's "surrender" is strange.

The immortal dragon asked: "Why, don't you give the candle dragon a dog leg? Come and tell us where he is, what does it mean?"

Bingfa is blunt: "He and the ghost king have been using us all the time. We are not fools, and we will no longer be willing to sacrifice our lives to them."

"I know that you are also tracking down the ghost king and Zhulong, and I have brought you the news."

Bingfa said: "He is currently painting the picture in a mass grave called the Skull Cemetery on the sixth floor. After he has scanned the picture, he will be able to open the seventh floor."

"When he enters the seventh floor and helps the ghost king find the last thing, it will be too late!"

"Think about it yourself!"

After speaking, Bing Fa turned straight and left, and the people of the Dragon Clan did not stop him either.

Just wait for Bingfa to leave.

Long Xing Tianxia said suspiciously: "Can you believe it if you are marching in the night?"

After hesitating, Xing Tian said, "Let's check it out first."

Therefore, as the vice captain of the Dragon Clan, Xing Tian immediately ordered to convene the Dragon Legion...

Ruling Temple.

Zhang Yi and the others have been killing monsters since they came out of the palace where they were born.

The number and density of monsters in the ruling temple is beyond everyone's imagination!

However, the monster experience and money drop in it are twice as much as the monsters of the same level outside!

The equipment exploded is also a 26-star skeleton suit!

Ordinarily blame the 26-star skeleton suit, if this is said, it is estimated that this hidden map will soon be smashed by countless players.

Zhang Yi and the others overcame obstacles and gained a lot of good things along the way.

For ordinary players, if they have the opportunity to enter the hidden map of the Judgment Temple, taking advantage of the limited time, they can kill more monsters in this map, get double experience and money, and explode a few more 26 stars. Go out with skeleton equipment or a few high-star treasure chests, and you will be satisfied.

And the facts have proved that this was indeed the case in the previous life.

When Zhang Yi and Fatty came in later, the monsters in it were almost killed by other players, and there were not a few monsters, not to mention the current situation of being surrounded by monsters and difficult to move.

Thanks to Zhang Yi's deployment of the team, in addition to being a pastor, but a fat man who is a controller, there are also two top pastors, Han Yarou and Yue Sheng.

Under the superb treatment of their two sisters, Zhang Yi, the Warcraft Group and Yiqi Juechen were able to cope with the siege of the strange group.

But Zhang Yi's purpose is not to blame for these welfare.

Follow the guidance of the map in Fatty's hand.

Soon, not far in front of the line of sight, a huge golden palace appeared!

"It's almost at the destination."

Looking at the big hall in front and the dense monsters on the way between the hall now, Zhang Yi said, "Hold on! Kill it in one go!"

So, several people continued to kill towards the main hall.

Not far away, there have been several pairs of cold blue eyes, staring at Zhang Yi and the others...

Soon, Zhang Yi and the others slammed into the majestic and majestic hall.

This hall is located in the blazing fire, surrounded by four huge iron chains.

It can be seen that this should be the [Sanctuary of Ruling]!

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly stopped.

Said to the fat man: "We **** you here, and then, you can only rely on yourself."

The voice just fell.

Yiqi Juechen approached the main hall thoughtfully, before getting close to the past, he received a system prompt:

"Ding~ Players who have not received permission from [Arbiter] are prohibited from entering [Judgement Temple]!"

The adjudicator's permission should refer to the letter of the adjudication in Fatty's hand!

When the fat man approached the hall, the prompt he got was different:

"Ding ~ [Letter of Ruling] has taken effect, you have obtained the approval of the ruling, and you are allowed to enter the ruling temple!"

The fat man looked back at Zhang Yi and the others. He didn't know when his cheeks began to become somewhat rounded, revealing a look of unconfidence.

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "Go, believe in yourself."

Yue Sheng also gave a thumbs up to the fat man, and said with a smile: "We all believe in you!"

The fat man nodded vigorously, then turned and entered the ruling temple!

The fat man in the last life also entered the ruling temple alone after he came here.

Since he was able to complete the adjudicator transfer alone in his previous life, Zhang Yi firmly believes that this time, he can too!

Following the fat man entered the ruling temple.

Yiqi Juechen said: "We only have time for fatigue. Taking advantage of this, we will kill more monsters nearby to expand our revenue."


Zhang Yi said, "Before that, there is one more thing to do."

"What's the matter?" Yiqi Juechen, Han Yarou and Yue Sheng were puzzled.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly mentioned the scepter of the fire that hadn't been put down for a long time.


Turn on the body of flame, and the purple-red flame burns all over.

Zhang Yi suddenly pulled out to cast the spell in one go, and released a stream of light toward the "air" behind!


The silver streamer fell from the sky, and spread a shock wave toward the surroundings.

In an instant, three golden armored soldiers in stealth state were hit by the streamer, and they were overturned to the ground!

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