Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 977: The G imperial army is dispatched!

The night marching players couldn't resist the dragon player's invasion at all, and the Thousand-Man Group was instantly dispersed.

Of course, they didn't want to stop the dragons either.

Soon, Xing Tian led people to Zhulong.

"I know you still have a chance to be resurrected."

Xing Tian said to Zhulong: "It's just that you have to be clear about your own position, associating with the ghost clan, and opposing the dragon clan. If this continues, the ghost king will not be able to save you unless you have an infinite resurrection."

Zhulong smiled indifferently: "You are too confident to say this."

"Are you dragons great?"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian already knew: it's useless to say more.

It seems that this candle dragon has to be killed several times to extinguish his spirit!

Xing Tianjian pointed to Zhulong: "At least it is more than enough to deal with you."

"Then you have to see, who is better than the Dragon Race or the Ghost Race!"


I saw that the candle dragon took out a black token from his waist.

This token could not help but make the nightcrawler next to him shine.

Because he knows: This is the commanding order of the Ghost King!

Unexpectedly, the ghost king handed this command to Zhulong again!

The candle dragon held the command order, and suddenly bursts of black energy bloomed from the token!

The next moment, there was a stir in the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of fighting from behind the crowd.

On Xing Tian's side, he heard a shout: "The Guizu Forbidden Army has appeared!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Several powerful black sword lights flashed, knocking the dragon players in a large area in front of the candle dragon to the ground.

Explain that countless sharp arrows fell from the sky, and a dense rain of arrows covered those dragon players.

One by one, tens of millions of injuries continued to jump from the top of those people's heads.

In an instant, the dozen or so dragon players who were knocked to the ground were all killed in seconds!

Moreover, their bodies were lying on the ground, and they did not turn into white light to refresh.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of golden armored soldiers followed the breach and stepped over from the corpses of those dragon players!

They immediately formed an encirclement, firmly guarding the candle dragon in the middle!

Ghost Race Forbidden Army!

Seeing that it is so easy to break through the dragon clan circle and kill so many dragon clan players, these golden-armored soldiers who just entered the dragon clan circle.

Next to Xing Tian, ​​the Dragon Race immortal said in shock: "This is the forbidden army released by the Ghost King!"

"It seems so."

Xing Tian said: "The ghost king is very likely to be around here!"

"These bans are very strong, their strength can reach the level of the lord monster at the same level, and they have a certain sense of operation, so be careful!"

Bingzhu together with the idea of ​​killing these ghost imperial troops and candle dragons.

After that, Xing Tian was the first to kill the Forbidden Army!

Around, Dragon players also started their actions!

More than ninety forbidden troops.

One third of the fighters, one third of the archers, and one third of the assassins.

What is surprising is that they know how to cooperate with the formation!

The banned soldiers of the warrior system directly fought at close range and exchanged fire with dragon players.

The assassin-type banned soldiers guarded the archer-type banned soldiers, protecting them, while beheading the surrounding dragon players who tried to approach them.

Taking this opportunity, the banned soldiers of the archer system draw their bows and release arrows, launching long-range shooting.

The dragon player's formation was broken.

Warrior knight players and those warriors are forbidden to fight at close range.

Those assassin players who tried to sneak around and attack those archer-type banned soldiers with strong offensive ability and weak vitality were directly killed by the explosive and super-fast assassin-type banned soldiers on the way!

There is no chance to get close to them at all!

Archers ban soldiers, is their output core.

The damage played out is maintained at 12-15 million.

The most important thing is: all their attacks can be scattered, and one sharp arrow can be transformed into several, attacking multiple or even dozens of targets at the same time!

At this point, more than 30 archers have played a posture of at least 300 archers!

Their damage is not at all what a dragon player with a blood volume of forty to fifty million can withstand.

Under the cover of the rain of arrows, the dragon players fell to death in large swathes!

On the banned side, casualties were minimal.

The ratio of casualties on both sides is almost 100:1!

That is to say, the Dragon Clan can only kill a forbidden soldier with a hundred casualties!

Soon, the ground was piled up with the bodies of dragon players.

Even if the enemy you are facing is killed by them, it is very likely that the ghost monster will directly lead to permanent death.

People of the dragon race are also fearless and fearless.

Because of them, trust each other.

For those killed by the banned soldiers, the life beads that fall out will be picked up by the teammates seen around them immediately.

If this teammate also dies unfortunately, the life orb will be picked up by others again.

In this way, those who die in the end can be resurrected!

With the banned soldiers dragging the dragon clan.

The candle dragon continued to hunt down the skeletons.

His goal is to open the seventh-story city gate as soon as possible!

At the moment, the Skeleton Cemetery is full of people, and dragons are everywhere in the periphery.

Those skeleton monsters did not have a place to refresh, almost all of them concentrated on the open space next to the candle dragon to refresh.

On the contrary, it creates a better environment for the candle dragon to hunt and kill the skeletons!

Coupled with the help of the forbidden soldiers, the skeletons, almost as soon as they climbed out of the ground, were immediately broken into pieces, turned into gray rays, and flew to the city gate...

But there are many dragons.

Thousand-thousand regiments against a hundred-man banned army, even if these banned soldiers are one enemy to one hundred, they will not be against the dragon clan.

Just when the dragon clan's advantage gradually expanded.

Suddenly, darkness struck in all directions.

Accompanied by a strong sense of oppression that seems to come from hell.

In a blink of an eye, the entire cemetery of skulls fell into a burst of pitch-black darkness!


Xing Tian, ​​who beheaded a remnant blood imperial soldier with one sword, frowned: "The ghost king is here, everyone, be careful!"

The voice just fell.


A blood-colored spear pierced Xing Tian's chest impressively.

Xing Tian suddenly felt that the power in his body was being emptied, and the blood bar on the top of his head was quickly draining.

The whole person is in a state of being unable to move!

Just now.


A flash of lightning fell in the air.

The moment that illuminates the night, Xing Tian sees:

One was wearing silver armor, his skin shrank extremely, like a few corpses. On his dry cheeks, a pair of monsters with icy blue eyes glowing, appeared in front of him riding a skeletal war horse!

And the spear that pierced Xingtian's chest came from the hand of this silver armor general!

Ghost King——


A sense of fear that I have never had before, instantly hit Xing Tian's body and mind!

at this time.

A shout of the King's Glory came from my ear: "Support the deputy team!"


The immortal dragons, and the King of Glory Storm Angels, came to rescue Xingtian one after another.

And at this time.

From the mouth of Ghost King Buye, there was a soft snort: "I'm looking for death."

The voice just fell.

Zi Zi Zi...

The blood spear that pierced Xing Tian's body suddenly burst into the surroundings with dozens of lightning bolts, directly penetrating the bodies of dozens of dragon players approaching.

Everyone was unable to move under the continuous erosion of lightning, and their heads quickly jumped up with tens of millions of continuous damage.

Including the two deputy captains of the Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Xing Tianxia.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen dragon players were all killed!

This situation stunned the surrounding dragon players.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the scavengers immediately sent a message to Zhang Yi: "Brother, the ghost king has appeared!"

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