"Tsk~ Li Qingming, in your writing, I am actually a stupid woman who only thinks about love and love?"

"Hey, why don't you show some respect? You have to be the heroine when you read a book?"

Li Qingming didn't show any guilt, but he didn't dare to get too close to Pei Zhinan, and he was lying if he said he wasn't worried.

This witch has occupied the table and chair where he used to rest in the store. He has been reading the series "The Witch of the Demon Gate" for a while, laughing and commenting on the various behaviors of the female characters.

"I thought I was his world, but I didn't expect that he is my world...Li Qingming, don't you feel disgusted when you write such words?"

"I only like you a little bit, and I will like you a little less tomorrow. I'm very good, and I won't make trouble... Do you really think I have to be you... ugh, Li Qingming As a man, can you stop being so pretentious?"

"It's already the beginning of autumn in the sixth year, so why bother clinging to the midsummer of that year...Li Qingming, are you actually so boring?"

"What you wrote is a bullshit witch~"

Pei Zhinan read and read while Li Qingming sat on pins and needles.

He may not admit that he wrote the book, but he cannot say that the book was not sold in this store. Whether he believes it or not is not up to him, only what Pei Zhinan thinks.

Anyone who reads the character of the demon witch in the book can tell that she created it as a template. The reason why this book has become a popular bestseller in his store is mostly due to this character.

The mortal monks here have seen and heard too much about fairies and so on.

On the other hand, the story of the Demonic Demon Girl is even more intriguing, not to mention the highly contrasting story of the Demonic Demonic Girl pursuing the righteous little transparent monk.

Don't think too highly of practitioners, they are just ordinary people who live longer.

And this kind of plot mixed with some real experiences gives readers a natural sense of involvement and is often more empathetic.

The words of books often reflect the author's character, thoughts, and related experiences, from classics to reading materials for entertainment.

Pei Zhinan read the latest volume with gusto, raised his eyes and looked at Li Qingming, who was slightly restless, but did not reveal any of the latter's worried emotions.

"Li Qingming," she suddenly shouted.

"Why are you shouting so loudly!" Li Qingming responded impatiently, "I'm not deaf!"

"You must have been thinking about me all these years, right? You even changed your name to write a story, but you still want to make me look so miserable?"

Faced with this question, Li Qingming just sneered and said with a proud face: "Can't you see that I am deliberately humiliating you?"

Now that the matter has come to this, it doesn't matter whether he admits it or not.


Hearing these two words, Pei Zhinan smiled instead of getting angry, and Yingying asked with a smile: "Then why don't you write her as a weakling, like a butterfly in the demon gate? Instead, you pursue that humble man wholeheartedly?" But that man talks about what he is doing, but he is soft-hearted from time to time. "

Li Qingming was silent for a moment, "What do you know? This is called art."

"I see you are reluctant to part with it, right?"

"Why are you reluctant to give up? You don't understand even if I say it."

"Hehe, hehe"~

Pei Zhinan smiled happily, stepped forward, and stroked Li Qingming's face with his palms, "You are such a mean man. You want to humiliate me, but you are reluctant to write me down."

Li Qingming opened his mouth to speak, but for a moment nothing came out.

When he first conceived this story, he really had the intention of disgusting Pei Zhinan. When he started writing, he grinned, as if he was filled with energy when he started writing. He was already enjoying this witch and seeing that witch, how much he must have felt. Too bad.

But as he continued to write, he found that the witches he wrote became more and more heart-warming and lovable, and it was impossible to write any plot that was not suitable for children but that everyone liked.

Although she is a demon witch, she is purer than any fairy.

They were not similar to the Pei Zhinan in front of him at this moment, but they had some things in common.

When Pei Zhinan said this, Li Qingming felt inexplicably embarrassed. He even forgot to push away the witch who was extremely resistant to his body and mind, and allowed her to play with his earlobe like a pet.

Witch, stop the fuck!

That's my sensitive point!

"Li Qingming, do you like me, or do you prefer the witch in the book?"

"Me or her, which one do you choose?"

Li Qingming didn't know why this good witch always liked to ask questions like other women, comparing herself with other people or things.

"Oh, why do you think I will like you two?"

"Who said I have to choose?"

Li Qingming raised his hand and held Pei Zhinan's restless wrist.

Seeing his attitude, Pei Zhinan temporarily suppressed the slight tenderness in his heart, and put on his coquettish and indifferent face again, "Li Qingming, don't forget, you are just my plaything!"


Li Qingming read it again, with a cheerful smile that had been suppressed for a long time, "Pei Zhinan, you don't really think I forgot what day it is, do you?"

"What day?"

Pei Zhinan's expression did not change, and her eyes did not even flicker, but Li Qingming saw the slight panic she was hiding.

"Of course it was the day we first met," Li Qingming said with a smile, but pressed forward step by step.

Pei Zhinan frowned, and within a few steps he was forced to the table by Li Qingming. His words were cold and embarrassed, "Li Qingming, don't force me!"

"Then come here." Li Qingming had already stretched out his arms to hug Pei Zhinan's waist and pressed her on the table. "The skills you practice will always make you no different from ordinary people on this day every year. That year I thought You had a hidden illness, and you realized something was wrong only later. It just so happened that you had to drag me to the street today, didn't you just want to cover it up?"

Pei Zhinan stopped saying anything and just stared at Li Qingming, "Li Qingming, if you dare to touch me..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Qingming had already sealed her lips.

They separated after a while.

"I've just touched you, what can you do to me?" Li Qingming smiled brightly.

"Li Qingming! I want to kill you, I must kill you... ugh!"

Pei Zhinan's words suddenly stopped again, and instead came Li Qingming's teasing laughter: "Kill me, are you, Pei Zhinan, willing?"

"I swear......!"

"I swear......!"


Li Qingming interrupted Pei Zhinan unscrupulously. He had had enough of being suppressed by this witch every day.

Resist, he wants to resist!

This time, he Li Qingming,

——I want to overtop this damn witch!

This high-quality and valuable rosewood spiritual wood table suddenly developed some cracks, and the table legs were no longer as stable as before.

Offensive and defensive reversal!

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