The end of the story was once again beyond Pei Zhinan's expectations.

She had heard too many men's flattering words, but she found them boring and dull, not half as interesting as this story.

Listening to the giggle of the little guy next to him, Pei Zhinan's complexion unconsciously softened.

Whether she wanted to admit it or not, in the few days since Li Qingming, Pei Zhulu had laughed far more than when he was around her.

Saying "Baby, go to bed quickly" really coaxed the little guy to close his eyes and sleep, which Pei Zhinan had never done before.

It seemed that Li Qingming had a reassuring temperament, and she slept extremely comfortably that night.

But when he opened his eyes the next day, Pei Zhinan clenched his fists again.

She was obviously lying on the outermost side, but now she was lying in Li Qingming's arms, pillowing on his arm.

As for the latter's two hands, one was grasping her chest and the other was pinching her buttocks.

"Li, Qing, Ming!"

"Oh, you woke up."

Li Qingming, who was woken up by a shout, yawned. He was still a little sleepy and was too lazy to pay attention to the witch who seemed to be going crazy. "It's not my fault, you got into my arms yourself."

Pei Zhinan was lying on his side, with his black hair spread out in a beautiful arc. His face was cold and silent, but his cheeks were gradually turning pink.

Just because, Li Qingming didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but he grabbed it with both hands again.

"Li Qingming!"

A soft drink brought endless frost, and Li Qingming's remaining sleepiness disappeared in an instant, "Why are you making so much noise so early in the morning!"

"Haha, look at your stinking look. Do you have the nerve to say that you are a righteous young swordsman?"

Pei Zhinan was a little crazy. Regardless of whether she took the initiative to get into Li Qingming's arms and let him hold her, she would only think it was Li Qingming's fault, let alone how dare he act so boldly!

"A good man never mentions his bravery."

Li Qingming reluctantly gave her one last kiss before letting go. After losing all his cultivation, he lived a very relaxed and comfortable life, without having to worry about his demeanor at all.

In the past, when he was high-spirited, he was just like the little boy in front of little girls, he had to take image and face into consideration.

How can I have any freedom now?

"Stop talking about me, when you thrust into my arms this morning, you still have the nerve to say that you are a demon witch?" Li Qingming changed his position and lay down again, "The little guy is not as clingy as you."

Pei Zhinan stretched his legs and sat up straight, his waist instantly revealing the slim curves, but his chest felt slightly swollen and painful with anger.

How can she be compared to a little baby who is still drinking milk!

"Li Qingming, do you really want to die?"

As soon as he spoke, Pei Zhinan hung the sword on Li Qingming's neck again, his black hair flying slightly, with a little cold fluorescence lingering in the process.

"Ha, as long as you are happy."

Li Qingming turned over and changed his position to continue sleeping. This witch kept shouting that she wanted to kill him every day and asked herself if she wanted to die, but she never actually took action.

Acting with others is also very tiring.

"Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?! Don't forget, you, Li Qingming, are just my Pei Zhinan's plaything!"

Seeing that he was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Pei Zhinan's eyes gradually became sharper, and the cold air on the blade became more and more threatening.

"No, no, no, I'm scared to death."

Li Qingming's tone was very perfunctory, just like a husband and wife who have been married for many years and the husband makes a few grunts to deal with his wife.

When you reach middle age, you should be more considerate.

But usually after this happens, the husband will turn around and comfort his wife. After all, she still has to live her life.

Noticing that the temperature in the room was getting colder, and that his skin even had a faint feeling of being scraped by a knife blade, Li Qingming was also agitated, and then he remembered that a day had passed.

This witch is not something he can manipulate as he likes yesterday!

To die!

You witch didn't even remind me, and you still got into my arms? I think you are deliberately trying to find a reason to punish me!

Li Qingming's breathing paused, and his heartbeat quickened for a short time.

"What? Are you scared?"

This change was naturally captured by Pei Zhinan.



Is Li Qingming afraid?


But he doesn’t admit it!

Li Qingming rolled his eyes and suddenly said with a smile, "I actually had a story I didn't finish last night. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Haha," Pei Zhinan was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Do you think I'm Pei Zhulu's age? Can I be coaxed into spinning around by your stories?"

"Then why don't you listen?" Li Qingming spread his hands.

Pei Zhinan pursed his lips and said calmly: "Let's hear what childish and ridiculous story you are going to make up."

"Yes, yes," Li Qingming smiled, pretending not to notice that this enchantress's arrogant nature was full again, and slowly told the story: "Once upon a time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea wanted to recruit a 100-pound bastard as his son-in-law... . …”

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Pei Zhinan, "East China Sea? Dragon King? When did the East China Sea have a Dragon King? Thousands of years ago, there was a dragon making trouble, and he was killed long ago, skinned and cramped."

"Can you be quiet? I don't know that the basic etiquette for listening to a story is to stay quiet?"

Li Qingming scolded him angrily, causing Pei Zhinan to almost draw his sword again. His chest heaved before he suppressed the anger in his heart and listened to him seriously.

"A turtle came to my door and weighed ninety-nine pounds, so I left disappointed. I met a good friend on the road, a prawn.

“When it heard this, it decided to hide in the turtle’s ear and help it because it happened to weigh a pound.

"The turtle returned the same way and finally weighed one hundred kilograms! The Dragon King curiously asked him why he suddenly gained one kilogram.

"The timid turtle got nervous and dropped his friend from his ears.

“The Dragon King asked what the shrimp was doing hiding in the turtle’s ear.

"The shrimp said..."

Seeing Li Qingming betraying himself again, Pei Zhinan was a little annoyed and asked, "What did you say?"

"It said," Li Qingming leaned close to Pei Zhinan's ear,

"I'm telling a story to the bastard!"


After learning the answer, Pei Zhinan's breathing stopped slightly for a moment. She never expected that Li Qingming would dare to play with her again and again!

"Li Qingming!"

"What? Isn't this story interesting?"

Before the outcome of the dispute between the two could be determined, they were interrupted by a little guy pushing in the door.

"Dad, grandma, why are you still sleeping? The sun is shining down on your butts!" The little guy looked at the two people on the bed with a disgusted look, "I have already practiced my morning lessons!"

Don't underestimate children's self-initiative ability. With appropriate encouragement, they can often do very well.


Li Qingming, who was still in bed just now and wanted to go back to sleep, turned over and got out of bed, rubbing Pei Zhulu's head and praising him, which made Pei Zhinan feel a little unhappy for no reason.

——Why does this man always have such two faces?!

I really want to stab him to death with a sword!

After accepting Li Qingming's compliments happily, the little guy jumped up and down in front of Pei Zhinan, "Aniang, Aniang."


"I want to drink grandma," the little guy just said, causing Pei Zhinan's finally calm state of mind to become unstable again, and his body became stiff naturally.

Seeing Pei Zhinan's silence, the little guy turned to Li Qingming and blinked, then got into the familiar arms of her and said in a sweet voice: "Mommy, can I call daddy to drink grandma together?" "

"One person per side!"

After finishing speaking, the little guy was extremely proud.

She, Pei Zhulu, is not stingy at all. She will split with her father, Li Qingming, if she wants!

——I, little one, do what I say!

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