Yu Baiwei didn't get the answer to this question.

Pei Zhinan did not open his mouth to answer this question.

But both of them seem to have gotten their own answers. Sometimes, it is really difficult to distinguish right from wrong, let alone separate the skin, flesh and bones like a specimen. Skin and flesh are skin and flesh, and bones are bones.

But fortunately, things always develop in the direction Li Qingming wants.

As a light rain fell at night, the aftermath of last night's fight seemed to be taken away by the clearing sky after the rain.

It's just that the sky was sunny this time, and it only lasted for half an hour. Then it started raining heavily again.

The rainwater flowed down the eaves, beating the wind chimes under the eaves slightly.

Yu Baiwei stood here quietly for the whole night, without taking a step into the house. She just silently felt that Li Qingming's breath in the house changed from weak and messy to gradually calmer, and then she exhaled.

From the beginning to the end, she was most concerned about Li Qingming's safety.

In other words, she has been caring about his safety all her life.

Ever since she was traveling in the mortal world and picked up Li Qingming with his big eyes in the barrel that day when she was a child, she seemed to have focused her entire heart on this frail baby.

She still remembers what Uncle Fu asked her at that time: "If Miss decides to take him back, she will never abandon him again. She will also have to shoulder all the responsibilities that his parents should have fulfilled but failed to fulfill."


"Even if the young lady has fun, she will share it with him, and if she has delicious food, she will share it with him. Whatever she has, she will miss him."

Yu Baiwei, who was only five or six years old, didn't understand this. She was instinctively afraid, but when she saw him reaching out towards her, she took a step forward.

Let that tender little hand hold you.

This pull has brought us to the present.

It was cold, but it made her feel a little warm, so she turned to Uncle Fu and asked, "Then can I keep a little bit for myself? I'll give him the fun stuff, but I'll keep a little bit, and I'll give him the delicious stuff too. , but still leave a little for me.”

But just after she asked, she suddenly shook her head like a rattle, "If he likes it, I, I'd better give it all to him..."

"Miss, are you really willing to give up?"



"Hmph, if he disobeys me in the future, then I, as the master, will have to teach him a lesson!"



The lesson she vowed to say at that time, when Li Qingming got older, she, Yu Baiwei, became the one who was taught the lesson.

"Yu Baiwei, I told you that the steamed fish is not yet cooked, why did you steal it for me?"

"Yu Baiwei, you are the master of a peak after all. Can you stop leaving all these things to your apprentice me to do every day?"

"Yu Baiwei, don't sleep. The palace master has called you to attend the apprenticeship ceremony!"

"Yu Baiwei..."

As a master, she has no face at all in front of her disciples, but she is always taken care of by her disciples.

"Xiao Lizi, I want to wear new and beautiful clothes for my teacher."

"Xiao Lizi, my master is hungry again. Go and cook quickly. I want four dishes and one soup, two meat and two vegetables."

"Xiao Lizi, I want to see the fireworks you mentioned..."

"Little plum..."

Li Qingming said to her Yu Baiwei,

It is responsive to requests.

And she had gotten used to this a long time ago. She had always been happy to be a lazy master who had no airs and only knew how to sleep in, eat, drink and have fun. It was best to be a lifelong master.

It wasn't until that year when she saw Li Qingming, who had no trace of cultivation left on him and was in a state of utter disarray...that she realized how incompetent she was as a master!

During this period, no matter how deep the crisis was in the secret realm, Yu Baiwei never had any thoughts of giving up.

"He is my disciple. If I don't love him and protect him, who will?"

At this time, it seems that new people can do this.

These random thoughts in her head made Yu Baiwei feel that she seemed even more stupid. Even the fresh air after the rain fell into her mouth and nose, which was a pain that made her suffocate.

She raised her head and looked around under the eaves.

Everywhere she looked, there were shadows of her and Li Qingming's past. There was no place in the huge Ziyun Peak that their master and apprentice had not been before.

But why has she become so strange after being away for more than two years?

On the contrary, the courtyard in Lin'an City is more like what a home should look like.

After thinking about this, Yu Baiwei's body swayed and she was already standing in front of Li Qingming's courtyard in Lin'an City, wondering what the difference was.

Before she even took a step, she heard a surprise sound of milky milk.

"Sister Bai Wei!"

There was a cute little guy in his eyes, and Yu Baiwei's mood became sour and unspeakable.

Such a cute little girl is the child of her disciple Li Qingming, and also her disciple and grandson. After thinking about this, Yu Baiwei's brain fell into confusion again.

Not even Pei Zhulu's voice of concern was heard.

"Hey, sister, why are you crying?"

"Sister, don't cry. I have a gift for you!"

When she came to her senses again, the little guy in front of her was already stained with some rainwater, and there were even a few beads hanging from her forehead.

"Sister, look, sister, look!" Pei Zhulu spread out the drawing paper in his arms and unfolded the gentle and smiling pretty face in front of Yu Baiwei.

"Daddy painted my sister so beautifully!" The little guy's voice was a little artificial, but it only made people feel extra cute. Even Yu Baiwei had a little smile on her face.

"Is this... your father's painting?" Yu Baiwei stared blankly at herself on the drawing paper, as if she was no longer so stupid.

"Yes, yes," the little guy nodded, hitting the track while it was hot, "Sister, do you know what this means?"

"Wha, what?"

"It means that my father has a sister in his heart!" Pei Zhulu's tone was quite mysterious, mixed with some excitement, but he accidentally dropped another roll of drawing paper in his arms.

Yu Baiwei held it up and handed it to her. The little guy wanted to praise his father a lot, so he opened the drawing paper and showed off: "Sister, let me show you, this is the whole family that my father drew. Pot! Doesn’t it look good?”

Yu Baiwei's expression froze, her heart clenched, and after a while she asked: "Little guy, what did you just say the scroll represents?"

"It means that my father has a sister in his heart!" Pei Zhulu answered quickly, thinking that he was afraid that he would be praised severely by his father again, "Sister, come and be a family member with me!"

But it still took a long time before she got a reply from Sister Piao Niang.

"But there is no sister in our family, little one."

Yu Baiwei responded softly and softly, with bright smiles but a little tear in her eyes.

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