Li Qingming closed the heart of the Ten Thousand Demons Mother Tree.

I wanted to leave directly, but I always felt as if I had forgotten something, so I circled around the tree stump platform a few times irritably.

He was rarely this upset.

He was sure that he must have missed something.

But after thinking about it and racking my brains, I can't remember what I missed!

"No, no, I must have forgotten something!"

The more Li Qingming thought about it, the more irritable he became, and he even had a vague urge to have a fight to vent his inner anger.

But more than anything, there was some kind of uneasiness.

"It was obvious that I would not be able to hold on any longer. There is no way I would wake up and feel like I have been remade from scratch."

"Pei Zhinan!"

"Pei Zhinan must have been here!"

"Or maybe she has been secretly doing this all along?"

"What on earth did this witch hide from me?"

Inexplicably, Li Qingming began to worry again, worried about Pei Zhinan!

"Why do you always have to follow your own temperament? Can't you just discuss it with me?"

Perhaps out of some kind of sixth sense, or perhaps because of Pei Zhinan's unknowing expression of his desire to die before, Li Qingming became even more convinced that the witch had done something without telling him.

The changes in her body were definitely made by her.

Even more...

"Isn't it like leaving the little guy to me to raise, and then going off to do something alone? Or is it something extremely dangerous?"

Li Qingming thought for a while and could only make some guesses based on Pei Zhinan's temperament.

"No matter what, we have to get out of the Ten Thousand Demons Tower first."

As Li Qingming walked up the spiral steps, he discovered that all the ghosts that were everywhere in the tower had disappeared.


Every time he stepped on a step, the entire step would suddenly become brighter.

It seemed to be convenient enough for him to see the way down clearly.

The walls inside the tower also glowed with a faint light. Although it was still a dark red like blood, it had a little more unspeakable vitality.


It made Li Qingming feel a little closer.


Li Qingming paused and confirmed several times to make sure it was not his illusion.

This huge, sky-high tree felt as close to and dependent on him as a child, and could vaguely convey some vague thoughts to him.

Li Qingming tried to communicate with him and received a vague response.

Ignorance is purely like a clean white paper.

Also like...

He has an extra child?

Gradually, he became more enlightened. As long as he wanted to, he seemed to be able to control the entire Tower of Ten Thousand Demons.

As Li Qingming thought, the stairs lit up layer by layer, illuminating the entire body of the Ten Thousand Demons Tree in the blink of an eye.

He moved his fingers, and the steps under his feet rolled automatically, like an elevator at the subway entrance, sending him directly to the bottom of the tower.

"This tower..."

"Became my magic weapon?"

Li Qingming came up with this idea in disbelief, and at the same time, he became more and more confused.

When he landed at the bottom of the tower, Li Qingming also met the same group of fellow disciples who entered the Ten Thousand Demons Tower.

"Qing, senior brother Qingming..."

One of the kind-faced male disciples showed a bit of surprise on his face and bowed.

Li Qingming nodded and asked, "Why are you gathering behind the door and not going out?"

The male disciple explained: "For some reason, we can't open the door even if we use the token... Moreover, Senior Brother Bai and Senior Brother Qingming haven't come down yet, so we'll just wait here." "

can not go out?

Li Qingming frowned, and now his heart moved slightly. Originally, the Ten Thousand Demons Tower was an ownerless thing, and he could still enter and exit with the token. Now that he has his own master, it is naturally impassable.

"Yuan Hui, do you have anything to explain?"

At this moment, a beautiful female disciple spoke impatiently and glanced at Li Qingming with a hint of hostility in her tone.

"Senior Brother Bai is now our senior brother. He is the only one we are waiting for here. We hope he will find a way to lead us out of the Ten Thousand Demons Tower..."

"But I think it will take some time for Senior Brother Bai to come down. He wants to win the first place in the Hundred Peaks Competition this time, right?"

"Only a hero like Senior Brother Bai is worthy..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Qingming knew what was behind her.

Don't you just dislike him, who was once the 'number one' and is now a useless person, unworthy of being called senior brother by a group of proud men from all over the world?

Li Qingming was really too lazy to pay attention to this kind of girl who was already a big girl but had a mind like a little girl's. He had already gotten used to these words and even wanted to laugh in his heart.

Bai Yuanzheng won the first place.

There is no ashes left, but still number one?


The next second, the branches above their heads suddenly seemed to come alive, like being touched by a spiritual snake, instantly locking her limbs and pulling her up into the air!

The sudden change caused the female disciple to become frightened and call for help in a hurry.

When those fellow disciples saw it, they also took out magic weapons and talismans, but they couldn't even leave a trace on the branches.

In just an instant, the female disciple, who just looked like a delicate flower, was tortured into a bloody and tragic state.

Li Qingming saw it with gusto. The Mother of All Demons tree was indeed alive. Seeing that he was angry, he couldn't bear it for a second.

But that’s where it stopped.

Li Qingming received some vague thoughts, which probably meant how to deal with her, whether to put her in a cage or...

There are also thoughts like 'It's...dangerous outside' and 'It's late, I'll go out later...'.

Li Qingming responded silently, and the bloody man fell to the ground with a plop.

"Junior sister!"

"Junior sister!"

Everyone gathered around and quickly investigated the other party's condition.

He would not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If he wanted to kill people just like that, he might have to kill most of the disciples and elders in Jiuzhou Palace to avenge the injustice he had suffered over the years.

But he's not some virgin bitch,

Disaster comes from the mouth.

You are innocent and have no relatives, no one outside will follow your wishes.

After suffering such a serious injury, this female disciple may also have to experience the ups and downs of human relationships.

Elephants really don't care about ants.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry to go out. Li Qingming also looked up and looked at the withered tree crowns, and found that in just a short period of time, those branches had become green and sprouted buds.

Even the cages looked brand new.


Li Qingming opened his eyes slightly and found that there were still little green fluorescent lights floating among some tree trunks.

Where did these fireflies come from?

Li Qingming woke up curious, but vague thoughts came to his mind, refuting him.

"No, it's not..."

"all these are......"


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