Get Stronger By Being Beaten

Chapter 206: my **** won the bid

69 net 69, the fastest update can become stronger by being beaten! at this time.

Fu Yi smiled, a little helpless and a little headache.

"Envoy to the country, this seat is just here to see you, why do you have to stay in this seat?"

Things were beyond his imagination.

This guy has a segment.

It's a little hard to run.

He had already calculated it, and if he opened a certain distance, no matter how he ran, he could run away. Who would have thought that this kid's speed was even more terrifying than he imagined, that he had already escaped to the limit, and who would have thought that he was still blocked.

"Come if you want, leave if you want, have you taken care of my face, let you say the position of the heaven, it's like wanting your life, I don't like people who don't give face, and your behavior It has seriously provoked me." Lin Fan said.

Fu Yi was helpless. Hearing these words, he just wanted to say that your mother-in-law is really careless.

He can't imagine now, what kind of segment the other party is relying on. In the blink of an eye, he appears in front of him. This speed is absolutely beyond his imagination.

Observe the surrounding environment.

Extend in all directions.

If he wanted to escape, there were many routes, but he was not sure. The key was the feeling Lin Fan gave him, which was too scary and a little mysterious.


Fu Yi didn't want to continue entanglement with Lin Fan, and suddenly, using a movement technique, four figures exactly like him appeared, and then these figures quickly ran in all directions.

He thought to himself, see how you chase him, but if you find the wrong way, it is basically impossible to catch up with him.

"What a powerful movement, it's really hard to find."

Lin Fan is willing to give people a high degree of compliment. He is obviously very powerful. This kind of paragraph is something that ordinary people can't do. Although he doesn't know how to do it, in his opinion, it is not a very important thing.

He looked at several figures in the distance.

He stood on the spot with no expression on his face, not in a hurry, watching quietly.


"It's scary, this kid looks like a ghost."

Fu Yi muttered to himself, this time he didn't stop, but kept attacking into the distance, and the movement speed was extremely fast, enough to be described as shifting.

It's normal for them to display such a body technique with their heights.

"The Emperor of Heaven said that this son should not be underestimated, but I didn't take it to heart. Now, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven is still far-sighted."

Quietly, even if the Heavenly Emperor was not around, he still flattered fiercely.

Very comfortable.

Running, running, Fu Yi stopped as if thinking of something.


He looked around, looking for the figure. The kid could keep up with his pace, which showed that his ability was extremely strong, and the opponent's strength was very strong. Even if he used such a movement technique, he might not be able to hide it from the opponent.

Now that the other party has not appeared, is it because he wants to follow his trail back to Heaven?

Thinking of this, Fu Yi was shocked.

Luckily thought of this.

Otherwise, it can really lead the other party there.

"Come out, I know you've been following me all the time. Don't think about me taking you to heaven. Even if you go, you may not be able to see it."

Fu Yi stood proudly, his eyes swept across the surroundings. Don't look at how calm he is now, but he is actually panicking. He hoped that what he said just now was just a guess. In fact, Lin Fan was really thrown away by him.


There was no movement.

Fu Yi looked around, frowned, and muttered to himself.

"Really kicked out by me?"

If nothing else, he is relatively confident in his own strength. Few people can keep up with such a feat of light art, and those false shadows can also confuse the other party.

He was still a little worried.

Stay where you are and wait a moment.

After confirming that the other party hadn't followed, he shook his head and smiled at himself, lamenting that he was getting more and more timid, and he actually had no confidence in his own strength.

"Looks like I'm overthinking it."

Then turned to leave.

But after Fu Yi left, he saw a little movement on the ground, and saw Lin Fan slowly float up from the ground, looking at the figure who had gone away, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and he slowly sank to the ground again, directly facing the Chase in the direction he left.

He just wanted to know the location of Heavenly Court now.

I can guess in my heart that what is happening now is definitely the result of Heavenly Court, otherwise who would have such ability.


Demon Sect.


Qiu Jiuzhong practiced in seclusion. Ever since he had seen Lin Fan's strength, he was very dissatisfied with his own strength. He used to think that he was one of the world's peak martial arts.

Now he will not have such thoughts.

I have to admit that there is a gap between him and the other party.

at this time.

Qiu Jiuzhong suddenly opened his eyes, "Come on, come out, don't pretend to be a ghost."

He didn't expect that someone would dare to come to the forbidden area. No one in the sacred religion dared to come here. It can only be said that the person he discovered now is someone else.

"Cult Master Qiu, long time no see."

A figure appeared.

"It's you."

Qiu Jiuzhong didn't expect it to be Xiaobatian, who was attacked by him at the beginning.

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Xiaobatian, who was defeated and fled, dared to appear in front of him, which made him very puzzled, but soon, he found the aura emanating from Xiaobatian's body, Somewhat unusual.

Much more tyrannical than before.

"That's right, it's me, I wanted to come to you a long time ago, but I didn't have enough time, so I could only wait, but now that I appear in front of you, for you, it will be the moment when you say goodbye to this world already."

Xiaobatian looks very excited. He is very strong now, and he is trembling even when he is strong. After more than half a year of hard work, he cultivated the unique skills that Heavenly Court gave him, and even took various medicinal pills. He felt that he had reached the A very high level.

Using the words of the people in the heavenly court, your progress is obvious to all. We didn’t expect it. We thought about it for a year, but we didn’t expect you to cultivate to this level in just over half a year.

It shows that you are a real martial arts wizard.


Xiaobatian is addicted to touting, and it is difficult to extricate himself. No one has even told him for a long time that you are a martial arts wizard, and more importantly, this is a strong, truly terrifying strong.

Qiu Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and stood up slowly, "You are very confident in yourself."

He knew that Xiaobatian had come prepared, and without absolute confidence, he would definitely not come here.

The other party will definitely not do anything that is not certain.

Now it seems that he has met outside, cultivated successfully, thinks he has the ability, and wants to wash away his shame.

"Nonsense, today I will show you the section of this seat."

Xiaobatian scolded him angrily, and an extremely strong zhenqi burst out from his body, and the entire forbidden area was constantly shaking violently by the impact of this zhenqi.

Qiu Jiuzhong's complexion changed slightly, and he felt the breath emanating from the other party.

Strong, stronger than he imagined.

I didn't expect Xiaobatian, who I haven't seen for half a year, to be so tyrannical to this extent.


"Did he show me around, or is this where Heaven is?"

Lin Fan, who followed Fu Yi all the way, frowned slightly and was a little uncertain. With his cultivation base, it was a very simple matter to follow the other party without being discovered by the other party.

at this time.

Fu Yi actually took him to a cave, and he saw Fu Yi standing at the entrance of the cave, looked left and right, and hurried in.

For Lin Fan, he was a little suspicious. Could this cave be the hiding place of Heavenly Court?

How does it feel like it doesn't look like it.

The force is not high, and it can't be compared with a high-profile name like 'Heavenly Court'.

Lin Fan appeared from the ground, pondered for a moment, and then walked inside, wanting to see what was going on.

Walking into the cave, I heard the sound of dripping water, tick, tick, the sound was a little far away, I didn't take it to heart, but went all the way in in the direction.

Walking, walking, without encountering any danger.

Nor did he come across anything he wanted to see.


He came to the end, and there was no other way out. It was a circular open space, which made him a little confused. How could it be such a place? It was obvious that Fu Yi came in from this side. Even if there was no way out, where would he go? Well, it can't suddenly disappear from here.


The roar of the distance came.

I saw that the passageway was blocked by the stone door, and I could feel the weight and thickness of this stone door by listening to the sound.

"Good guy, I really fell for you."

Lin Fan didn't expect the other party to be such a thief that he would be tricked.


I saw a lot of water inlets on the wall above my head, and a large amount of water flowed in, trying to drown him here.


"Fu Yi, what the **** are you doing." A young man with a paper fan frowned.

This is one of their Heavenly Court branches. They usually gather here to discuss things. When he saw Fu Yi coming back, he still wanted to tell him something. Who would have thought of this guy, he didn't even think about it, he just pulled As he left the secret passage, he also locked the secret passage when he left.

Doing these things means that this place will not be of any use in the future.

Fu Yi said solemnly: "I met Lin Fan, the national patrol envoy. He is a bit powerful. When I came back, I always felt that someone was following him, but I couldn't find any trace of him, so I could only lure him here."

"You didn't even notice, why are you so sure that he's following you." The man with the fan said solemnly.

It's not easy to find a place to rest, Madd.

Fu Yi said: "No matter if you're not sure, it's worth taking a gamble. The roads inside have been blocked by me, and the water flow is irrigating. Even if he is a great master, what can he do? This cave is 100 meters below the ground."

"Is he really that strong?" the man with the fan asked.

"Well, it's very strong. If you meet him, you will hardly survive."

"I'm not a master cultivator."

"That's right, your accomplishments in customs are unmatched, and it is indeed a must."

The man with the fan is very useful, and likes to be praised by others for his ability.

"Only after experiencing it in person can I understand what Lord Tiandi means. His strength has reached an extreme. Maybe only Lord Tiandi is right for him."

"Ah, so powerful?"

"Well, it's so powerful, don't underestimate it, otherwise there will be endless trouble." Fu Yi hopes that the people in the heaven can understand

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Bai In this case, don't feel invincible by staying in the heaven, if you really want to meet Lin Fan, if you don't take the other party seriously, you must pay a lot of pain. cost.

"Yes, it makes sense."

"That's natural, it's all me..."

Fu Yi answered half of the answer, and when he heard the tone was a bit unfamiliar and familiar, he turned around abruptly, and saw Lin Fan standing there, smiling with his shoulders folded.

Like a ghost, he pointed at Lin Fan, "You... how did you come out."


When the exit was closed, he saw Lin Fan appear inside with his own eyes. He clearly had nowhere to go, so why did he appear here?

He was full of doubts.

Lin Fan said: "When you left, there was an exit that was not closed. I saw the water flowing in that direction, so it came out."

If he didn't tell the truth, he just casually talked to the other party.

Fu Yi thought about it, slapped his thigh sharply, and felt extremely regretful, "Oh, how could I be so negligent."

He obviously believed what Lin Fan said.

Lin Fan felt that the other party had no meaning at all, and it was too easy to deceive.

"He's Lin Fan." The fan-wielding man looked at Lin Fan from head to toe, um, the whole thing looked ordinary, but he didn't expect to have such ability.

It's really unbelievable.

Fu Yi said: "Lin Lin, you are amazing, I didn't expect this to be able to hold you down, but I want to persuade you that there are some things, you'd better not worry too much."

"I don't understand." Lin Fan shook his head.

The man holding the fan slammed the fan and said, "The meaning is very simple, since you have discovered us, you also know about the heaven, some forces, some things, you can't control, you are good, but your country patrol So, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke us, you are safe, that's what it means."

Fu Yi looked at the man with the fan with relief, and he said it well and explained it very clearly.

But now, what he has a headache for is how to run away.

With the opponent's ability, he is not sure to win. If there is no Lu Kai by his side, he really wants to try to continue to run.

no solution anymore.

You can only bite the bullet and fight the opponent.

Lin Fan said: "I think you obviously don't want to tell the truth, but it's okay, it's also a way to take you back and ask slowly."

The voice just fell.

He stretched towards Fu Yi and grabbed it.

In the face of the sudden five fingers, Fu Yi was shocked and hurriedly avoided, but Lin Fan's palm was extremely flexible, his wrist turned, and a palm grabbed towards his arm.


moment of being caught.

Fu Yi shouted angrily, his arm shook, and a wave of vibrations rose, but even with such a unique skill, the one that grabbed his arm still remained motionless.

The shocked Fu Yi's face changed in shock.

"Lu Kai, run first."

He knew that this battle was inevitable, and Lu Kai's cultivation was not as strong as his, so staying here might be a burden.

When Lu Kai heard it, he almost exploded on the spot. From this simple sentence, he could hear Fu Yi's distrust of him.

"What are you running, you and I are linked, the odds of winning are higher, what's there to be afraid of, I think that the founder of our Lu family was very powerful back then, and even today's Tangmen's hidden weapon skills were learned from my ancestors. ."

When it comes to here.

Lu Kai held his head up and looked very high, as if the whole person had been sublimated.

Lin Fan glanced at the man with the fan, but he didn't expect to have such an identity.

Exactly as he said.

That was really great.

Fu Yi didn't have time to speak, Lin Fan's moves were too violent, falling like a violent storm, but he had a feeling that he couldn't resist. When the power was transmitted, the blood in his body was constantly boiling.

This situation was something he had never encountered in years.

If you have such a feeling, you have to go back a few decades.

Lu Kai said the most domineering words, but he was constantly wandering. What he meant was to find the best angle, to find a meeting, and not to come out rashly, otherwise it would be difficult to meet his own requirements.

"So strong..."

Seeing Fu Yi being crushed and beaten, he was shocked. He was also a member of the Heavenly Court. He naturally knew Fu Yi's strength. The elephants were suppressed by the opponent with absolute strength.

See his eyes tremble.

Heart beat back straight.

Until now, he understood what Fu Yi said before. It was not to underestimate him, but to hope that he could really run and run faster.

at this time.

Fu Yi really felt aggrieved and couldn't resist. He felt that his true qi was restrained in various ways, and it was difficult to display it, and even made him feel that the other party was playing with him.

He glanced at Lu Kai in the distance.

I want to scold my mother.


Said to stay and help.

Then help now.

Didn't you see that Lao Tzu's situation was very bad?

It's just that he didn't call out, in case Lin Fan prepared it in advance, so he was still waiting, hoping that Lu Kai would really be able to help him. Mother Beite couldn't help at all, so he just stared at him. .

"Have you been making fun of me?

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^. "

Fu Yi roared angrily, looking at Lin Fan, his eyes were full of raging fire, he was really angry. He found that Lin Fan could hit him a few times, but every time he attacked, he didn't fall, and he was shocked. Resist, but block every time.

As Lin Fan came out, he said, "Yeah, let's see how strong your Heavenly Court really is."


Chi Guoguo's humiliation made Fu Yi look ugly.


Lin Fan smashed Fu Yi away with a punch, and the terrifying force swept through the mountains and the sea, and Fu Yi began to doubt his life.

He never thought he was so vulnerable.

Right now.

Lu Kai, who had been paddling all the time, lit up, as if he had found a meeting.

"I am coming."

He caught it.

Seeing him waving his arm towards Lin Fan, there was a hidden weapon with a complicated structure hidden in his wide open cuff.

call out!

call out!

call out!

A few cracking sounds came.

The speed of this hidden weapon is very fast, faster than any hidden weapon. Lin Fan looked at him, his eyes changed slightly, but he didn't expect that this guy's Duan was indeed a bit domineering.

The speed of the hidden weapon attack is so fast that it forms a kind of air wave barrier. In his opinion, even the grandmaster can't stop it, and the great grandmaster may suffer.

"how is this possible……"

Lu Kai was very confident in his hidden weapon, but in the blink of an eye, he saw the other side's fingers pinching the hidden weapon he threw, which made him completely dumbfounded. It is said that it is the cultivation of the great master, and it is difficult to react without paying attention.

But now the other party not only reacted.

Also special mother clamped.

"Yes, the power is much stronger than Tangmen's, and even the speed is amazing."

Lin Fan's comment is very It can be regarded as a very high evaluation for the other party.

"But equipment is equipment after all, it's better to see how manpower is."

Then, he moved his wrist.

call out!

The hidden weapon caught in it flew backwards.


Lu Kai exclaimed, turned around and ran.


The sound of piercing flesh.

"Ah, my ass..."

He felt his **** bloom.

Still very sticky.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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