Jiang Nian doesn't know how to deal with the huge amount of money. Gong xi is worried that she has too much psychological pressure and teaches her some simple financial management.

They are all guaranteed financial management. Jiang Nian likes it very much. After dividing the money, she still gave part of the money to gong xi.

Gong xi was very strange and said, "you can do whatever you like without my consent or giving me the money."

"I'm really enough. I'm always worried about too much money. Otherwise, I'll use it for Lele's reading in the future? But... It doesn't seem to use so much." Jiang Nian sighed.

"You don't have to worry about Lele's money. In addition to what I prepared, my parents prepared it. It's enough." gong xi smiled.

"Oh, I'm going crazy. What if I lose this money accidentally? I'm not good at business. I'm afraid of losing money." Jiang Nian gave up.

"I'll help you invest in your name. You can see what you make." gong xi said.

"Good." Jiang Nian nodded and gave gong xi money to rest assured.

After this was handled better than the huge sum of money, Jiang Nian received another building collected by Gong Shen.

Gong xi said that her father knew that she was afraid of losing money in business, so he gave her a building to rent, so that she wouldn't lose money. If he was afraid of losing money, he would give her a few more buildings.

Jiang Nian didn't dare to say any more. He resolutely didn't mention money.

Gong xi felt better when she saw Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian continues to go to school. He doesn't know if it's because of his second child. His stomach is big and fast.

Zheng Shen saw it and said, "the palace guy has good food. You see, you've gained so much weight."

"Not fat, but pregnant, two." Jiang Nian whispered to Zheng Shen.

Zheng Shen was stunned and said, "are you pregnant? Is this... Is it a little..."

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Jiang Nian asked.

"It's not a big problem, but it must be gossip." Zheng Shen explained, "others don't know you're married or with young master Gong. If you hide it like this, you'll have a big stomach in the future. You'll say you mess around, and there's no pregnant woman in school."

When Zheng Shen said this, Jiang Nian became a little worried.

Children and studies are important to her.

This matter is pressing on Jiang Nian's mind. He is a little out of breath.

After gong xi saw it, she asked her what happened.

"Something on your mind?"

"I still won't go to this school," Jiang Nian said.

"Because pregnant? Or because of something else?" gong xi asked.

"Both." Jiang Nian dared not say, because their relationship was not open, so he was afraid that others would slander him.

"Take you to a place." gong xi looked at her assistant.

The assistant nodded immediately and took them elsewhere.

There have been too many surprises recently. Jiang Nian has been unable to deal with it. I'm afraid gong xi will have another surprise.

Unexpectedly, gong xi was frightened in addition to surprise.

"Where is this?" Jiang Nian looked at the solemn church in front of her.

"The place where my parents get married will also be the place where we get married," gong xi said.

"Get married?" Jiang Nian raised his voice.

"I owe you a ceremony. I didn't forget. I'm just looking for a suitable place. I don't think there's anything more suitable than here." gong xi stared at the church.

Jiang Nian saw that he was going inside. She grabbed him and said, "do you really want to marry me? No, I mean we really want to tell the world, or... We just know. In fact, I don't mind that."

"Do I need to lie to you?" gong xi continued, "tell the world what's wrong? Or do you want to continue to be so secretive? Your stomach is big in the future, do you still want to go to school?"

Jiang Nian listened and looked at gong xi.

Sure enough, gong xi still saw it and knew that she had been worried about it.

"Am I distracting you? I wanted to solve this by myself, but I thought about it. I really can't find a better way except suspension."

"And let everyone know that you are my wife. My parents and I have discussed this matter. They agree that you don't need to have too much burden," gong xi said.

"You've thought of everything for me. I don't know what to say." Jiang Nian really doesn't know what else to say except excitement.

"You don't have to say anything. You just need to wait to be a bride. Do you like it here?" gong xi asked.

"Yes." Jiang Nian felt lucky to meet gong xi.


Jiang Nian continued to go to school, but his stomach still couldn't cover it, and some rumors rose again.

She doesn't care.

Anyway, he is gong xi's wife, which will not change.

"Are you pregnant? Whose?" Qingqing asks Jiang Nian secretly.

Jiang Nian didn't speak.

"Young master Gong's? It's all like this. Doesn't he have anything to say?" Qingqing asked.

Zheng Shen immediately interrupted, "can you stop talking so nonsense? Why do you care so much about other people's privacy?"

"I'm just curious. Others say that mother is expensive. Why didn't I find anything about her?" Qingqing still sarcastically said.

Jiang Nian just smiled and didn't say much.

Zheng Shen said angrily, "I think you haven't had enough lessons."

Just then, there was a sudden commotion at the door. Jiang Nian looked at the sound and saw gong xi's assistant for the first time.

Jiang Nian doesn't understand. He looks at the assistant who comes in. Why is he here?

Did gong xi explain something?

Before Jiang Nian got up to speak, she found that gong xi came in later.

Gong xi looked at Jiang Nian, with a smile on her lips. Her handsome face was like a spring breeze, very relaxed.

"Today is mainly about one thing. I know you are curious about whether Jiang Nian is pregnant or not. I can accurately tell you that she is pregnant. In addition, this is our invitation. You are her classmates. I will send a car to pick you up."

Gong xi's words were as brief as ever, but she scared others.

Even Jiang Nian thinks it's too ostentatious. Qingqing who was laughing at Jiang Nian just now can't say anything.

After getting the invitation, everyone dared to believe that Jiang Nian and gong xi were really husband and wife.

Jiang Nian came forward and took gong xi away from the classroom.

"Young master Gong, I really can't read like you."

"I won't stop you, but I'm not like you. In the face of gossip, you choose yourself." gong xi said.

Jiang Nian can't cry or laugh. Where is this choice? It's clear that she has chosen it for her.

"Don't you want me to continue reading?"

"No, I just think you're too dangerous now. I can't see you. I'm not at ease," gong xi said.

"Well, I'll suspend school," said Jiang Nian.

Gong xi looked at Jiang Nian and wondered if she was joking.

"Is that true?"

"Well, the doctor also told me to have more rest. If you make trouble like this, my future life will only be more lively, and I don't want to make trouble for the school. My behavior is not advisable," Jiang Nian said.

Gong xi was jealous when she heard that Jiang Nian thought of others everywhere.

Jiang Nian continued, "besides, I know you are worried about me, so I can't distract you."

Gong xi's face looked better.

"I'll help you discuss it with the headmaster."

"No, it's my own business. I'll say it myself." Jiang Nian affirmed.

Gong xi felt that Jiang Nian was really mature, so she let go and let her do it by herself.

Soon, the news of Jiang Nian's marriage to gong xi spread all over the world. Jiang Nian also dropped out of school on the cusp of the storm and raised her baby at home.

Unexpectedly, when she felt that all life was calm, Michelle came to the door.

"Are you pregnant?" Michelle still doesn't seem to believe Jiang Nian's pregnancy.

Michelle should have read the gossip and said that gong xi accompanied her to the hospital for prenatal examination.

"I thought you knew," Jiang Nian said.

"It's really good. I can't wait to get pregnant after driving away Mo Shimin," Michelle said sarcastically.

"I've said everything I can. What else do you want? If you find it hard to talk to me, you can talk to young master Gong about it." Jiang Nian said powerlessly.

Michelle said fiercely, "I tell you, don't think you can do whatever you want when you have a stomach. You don't know our family at all. The position of wife can be changed at will."

"You should know better than me that young master Gong can't do this. If he doesn't like it, he doesn't even have the idea of marrying me."

"Like? Yes, I've seen a lot of butterflies around me. I'm afraid flies feel fresh."

"You... I won't quarrel with you." Jiang Nian touched his stomach and said.

"Wait for me, I can't let you succeed." Michelle said and turned away.

Jiang Nian didn't take it to heart. After all, the cooperation between the two countries continues. It's hard to be a man when there is a quarrel.

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