Yao Qianyu knows that Gu min's sudden change must be because of Feng LAN. Before Feng LAN dropped out of school, Gu min suddenly changed like a person. She thought her opportunity was coming again.

Who knows, Gu Min has become very strange. His temperament is completely like a changed person.

In the face of good women, she didn't refuse to come. She finally ran away one after another, which upset her.

When gong xi got married recently, Gu min stopped for a while. Unexpectedly, Feng LAN came back.

Yao Qianyu couldn't swallow it.

She blocked the door of Gu min's company and waited for Feng LAN to come out.

Yao Qianyu saw Feng LAN coming out alone. She immediately rushed up.

"Feng LAN, don't go too far. When you walked quietly, did you think everyone was waiting for you? Wishful thinking! I tell you, Gu min and I are going to get married. You'd better get away as far as you can."

Feng LAN frowned. She thought everyone should know that she is a man now. How can she be pulled together with another man?

Feng LAN still doesn't speak.

Yao Qianyu sneered and said, "do you think you can just stop talking? You can't come back to Gu min. I won't let you go."

Feng LAN waved and ordered his mouth to tell Yao Qianyu that he couldn't speak.

Yao Qianyu sneered, pushed her away, turned and left.

Feng LAN stood in place and looked at some familiar Yao Qianyu, but he couldn't remember what had happened in the past.

When she was abroad, she had a serious car accident. When she woke up, only her grandfather was with her and told her that everything was over.

But grandpa didn't let her recover her daughter, but let her continue to live as a man and let her stand at home.

Feng LAN didn't know why, but vaguely, she felt that the reason for this was probably because of her uncle.

Grandpa doesn't want to tell. Maybe he doesn't want to lose another child.

Feng LAN didn't want grandpa to be sad, so she didn't go deep into the cause of the car accident.

But over the years, she always felt that she had forgotten the most important thing. She remembered what she seemed to have promised.

Unfortunately, now she even has a problem expressing her ideas.

Feng LAN returned to the place where she lived. She was tired all day and felt sore all over.

After eating something, Feng LAN lay down and slept.

In the middle of the night, I heard someone knocking at the door. She lives here. Only Gu Jingshu knows. What is she doing so late?

Feng Lan's sleepy eyes, as a result, a dark shadow pressed down heavily.

Feng LAN smelled a strong smell of wine before she could see each other clearly.

A drunken word came from his ear: "what are you doing back? What are you doing, you have to come back!"

Since it's Gu min!

Feng LAN holds Gu min back to the living room. Gu min falls on the sofa and is still talking.

Feng LAN shook him. He could only give up if he didn't wake up.

Gu min should know her address from Gu Jingshu.

What happened between them in the past? Why did Gu min see her angry?

Although her temper is not particularly good, she is definitely not the kind of person who annoys others at will.

How could she have a grudge against Gu min?

No, look at what Yao Qianyu said. It seems that there is some secret between him and Gu min.

Unfortunately, she can't remember anything now.

Feng LAN stares at Gu min and doesn't know who to call. It seems that he can only stay here today.

She came forward and pushed Gu min. Gu min just frowned, then opened her eyes and looked at her.

"Didn't you promise to tell me everything when things passed?" Gu Min said.

Feng LAN paused because she didn't know what she was going to tell Gu min or what happened between herself and Gu min.

She turned to pour a glass of water and put it in front of Gu min. after watching Gu min quietly for a long time, she still had no memory to recall.

When she couldn't hold up her sleep and was ready to go to bed, Gu min reached out and grabbed her. "Where are you going? Do you want to run again?"

With that, Gu min pulled her hard, pulled her into his arms, and even pressed her with his hand.

"HMM..." Feng LAN made a low voice.

"You can't run. I didn't expect you to develop when you went abroad."

After listening, Feng Lan's face turned red.

No one will wrap his chest in bed.

She struggled a few times, and Gu min released her so that she could escape smoothly.

She looked at Gu min angrily and raised her hand to fight. At last, Gu min is his own boss. Don't do such a thing.

In desperation, Feng LAN can only go back to his room and continue to sleep.

This night, she had many strange dreams. She always felt that she knew Gu min a long time ago and played tricks on Gu min.

People feel very tired when they wake up.

She sat by the bed thinking about things for a long time, but she didn't have a clue, but she heard a voice outside the door.

Feng LAN immediately ran out and saw Gu min come out of the bathroom. He was quite comfortable. He didn't look like living in someone else's house with a hangover.

Gu min looked at Feng LAN when he heard the sound, and then wiped his head.

"There's nothing in your refrigerator. I ordered takeout and had some together."

Who is the master of this family? Is Gu min too casual?

"Are you okay? I didn't scare you yesterday?" Gu Min said while eating.

Feng LAN shook his head, then took out his pen and paper and wrote a paragraph.

"Is it because of my amnesia? Do we really know each other?"

Gu min looked at this sentence and looked up at Feng Lan's face that didn't know anything. He couldn't express his anger in his heart.

"It doesn't matter now," Gu min replied.

Feng Lan was very disappointed when she heard this.

But she was not qualified to say that, so she just nodded.

The two men cooked breakfast together and didn't say a word for half a day.

Gu min suddenly asked, "where's your father?"

Feng Lan was stunned and wrote: "dead."

Gu min was stunned and asked, "didn't your father go with you?"

"Car accident, car accident with me," Feng LAN wrote.

Feng LAN doesn't remember the situation at that time. She only knows that when she woke up, her grandfather said that her father was found in the co pilot.

But Feng LAN always felt that this was not the case.

"Do you have anything else to ask? Apart from the impression of the car accident, I don't remember many things," Feng LAN wrote again.

"What else should I ask?" Gu min didn't have a good airway.

He was very angry, but when he was angry, he was just angry with himself.

Feng LAN wrote, "can I ask you a question? Were we close before?"

"Who told you?" Gu min felt a little embarrassed.

Feng LAN saw Gu min and knew that there must be something between them.

"Can you tell me?" Feng LAN wrote.

"Didn't my sister say you're not someone I know? You're still trying to hit the window. Aren't you afraid of my plot?" Gu Min said.

"You won't." Feng LAN wrote quickly.

Gu Min has nothing to say now. Thinking of being teased by Feng LAN before, he decides to tease him back.

"Since you talk about intimacy, I won't hide it. We are in a dormitory, and then a lot of things happened. Then you say you like me. Yao Qianyu can also testify that you told her yourself."

Feng LAN held her pen in her hand and made a long cut on the paper. She didn't know what else to write.

She and Gu min as a boy... Is Gu min willing?

"Don't you believe it? Alas, you said you wanted to tell me an important thing, but you ran away. I really didn't find you so timid." Gu min pointed out.

Feng LAN closes the pen.

"Why don't you write it down and tell me what's the important thing you want to say to me?"

Feng LAN doesn't know how to write. If she really has a close relationship with Gu min, she should want to tell Gu Min that she is a girl.

But what if Gu min likes boys?

Feng Lan thought for a long time before writing: "do you... Do you like boys or girls?"

Gu Min wants to roll his eyes angrily. What is this?

He said angrily, "I can do anything. Are you satisfied?"

Feng LAN is in trouble again. Is that all right? How should she answer that.

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