Gu min hasn't made it public that he wants to get married. Unexpectedly, he has let many people know.

However, due to Feng Lan's identity, Gu min didn't make it clear. He just said that he had married someone.

Others couldn't ask. Finally, they had to move their goal to Feng LAN, who was close to Gu min recently.

Feng LAN fortunately can't speak. She just needs to deal with everyone with a piece of paper with three words I don't know.

Finally, Feng LAN had no choice but to find Gu min directly and write a large string of words on the paper.

"Gu min, do you really want to marry me? If you just want to save me, you don't have to. Or we can sign a contract. I promise I won't delay your future affairs."

"I see your news. It seems that I can't wait to disagree. My mother managed to deal with Yao Qianyu. Don't think so much. When the time is ripe, I'll announce our affairs."

Feng LAN thinks Gu min is serious.

Finally, Feng LAN didn't say this again. Gu min worked seriously and really felt like starting a family.

Gu min showed Feng LAN the design draft and asked Feng Lan's opinion.

"What do you think?"

Feng LAN nodded, indicating that he was very beautiful, and asked him who he was wearing it for.

"I originally ordered a model, but I don't think I designed it for her, so I lost her. I'm going to use you."

Feng Lan was stunned for a moment and was sweating in his heart. This design draft is a skirt.

Did Gu min finally realize that she was a woman?

Feng LAN looks at Gu min.

Gu min thought that he thought that men could not wear skirts, so he began to popularize science for him.

"There is no distinction between men and women on the show. The essence of being able to wear clothes is a good model. My inspiration is you, so you are sure to wear them, or do you think you wear skirts... Don't you say you are a model? Are you in the end?"

Generally speaking, models don't have such doubts.

Feng LAN pursed her lips and shook her head. Gu Jingshu just wanted to find a place to hide for her. She just thought of Gu min and realized the nature of Gu min's work, so she arranged a career for her.

She has never been a model.

Gu min really overestimated Feng LAN. Looking at his figure, he already felt like a model. Unexpectedly, he was cheated.

"It doesn't matter. I'll ask someone to train you and try to walk on the stage at the press conference. It's not so unprofessional."

Feng LAN stared at Gu min in surprise, and then wrote quickly.

"Do you really want me to go to the aisle? I'm afraid I can't wear this dress."

"If you're afraid, I'll give you a guarantee. I'll be responsible if you go." Gu Min said directly.

Feng LAN is flattered and can't refuse any more.


A show in a foreign show ended. The models in the backstage were celebrating. One of the models with a pure face stood in the middle holding champagne in his hand.

"Anna, your performance is really perfect this time. It's right to ask you for the finale." the designer praised, "I have two more shows next month. Are you interested?"

"Sorry, I have promised min to be the finale. Thank you for your love." Anna smiled.

"Min, it's really enviable to have a loyal model like you. It's beautiful and has strong professional ability."

"You're so flattering. I'm sorry I have to catch a plane later." Anna took a sip of champagne and left.

After changing her clothes, she got into the car with a smile. As soon as she closed her eyes, the assistant behind her said to her.

"Miss Anna, master Gu called and said you didn't have to go to his show."

"What's the matter? Did Gu min delay the draft again and prepare to postpone it? That's what he is."

Anna looked at her assistant with disapproval.

The assistant's face was like a dish. He trembled and said, "no, I inquired. This time, master Gu didn't delay the draft, but... Just... Someone else."

"Replacement?" Anna looked at her assistant in disbelief and said with a smile, "it's impossible. No one knows him better than I have done with min he for so many years."

"Miss Anna, there's nothing wrong with what you said, but you've been working after all. You don't want Yao Qianyu to stick every day. Now you say you want to change people. I always feel a little strange. I'm afraid you're not worth it."

"No, you dare to compare with me with a woman like Yao Qianyu? I despise her who thinks about how to benefit from men all day." Anna said proudly.

She always depends on herself, so she doesn't pay attention to Yao Qianyu.

The assistant was embarrassed again and said carefully, "there has been no news of Yao Qianyu for a long time, but there are many women around master Gu. What if he has a new favorite?"

"You don't understand. Although he plays, he never delays his work. It's two different things. You think too much. You arrange the itinerary for me and I'm ready to go back." Anna said.

The assistant nodded. In fact, she also knew that Anna had liked Gu min for a long time, but Anna was also a proud person. She didn't want to entangle like Yao Qianyu. She would rather do it well by herself and wash the clothes to Gu min's attention.

The cooperation between the two over the years has indeed made Gu min feel good about Anna, but it's not love, it's just a tacit understanding at work.

Anna asked someone to arrange the schedule and hurried back. It was false to say that she was not nervous, but she was naturally confident, so no matter what happened, she would never let herself panic.

After getting off the plane, she first went to the hotel to freshen up, put on makeup and change clothes, and then asked her assistant to inquire about Gu min's news.

But the assistant went for a long time and Anna was in a hurry.

Anna got up and walked to the door. Just then the assistant ran back. Panting, she saw that the mineral water on the table was filled immediately.

Anna said anxiously, "what are you doing in a hurry? Explain it to me. What's going on?"

"Miss Anna, it's really a big deal this time. I heard... It's said that master Gu is getting married, and even the wedding room is being prepared."

"Marriage? Impossible!" Anna's expression was ferocious. Without asking clearly, the assistant took her bag and ran out.

When Anna arrived at Gu min's company, the people at the door were surprised.

"Miss Anna, why are you here?"

"Where's master Gu?" Anna asked, "you don't have to say. I'll go in and find him myself."

"Miss Anna, master Gu is busy now. You'd better not go."

"What are you doing? No more women are getting in?"

Anna knows Gu min's virtue and always follows many women around her, so there must be women sticking to her at the moment.

"Miss Anna, no..."

Anna couldn't listen at all and rushed in.

When I open the door, I see Gu min seriously in a meeting. Where is this like Gu min's nature?

Gu min is not a serious person. He uses his brain to do things. He is absolutely independent of hard work.

Gu min is not a serious person who sits at his desk. He likes freedom and doesn't like being bound.

This is the first time Gu min works with his head down like this.

Anna was a little afraid to recognize Gu min and coughed gently.

"Oh, when did you take things so seriously?"

"You? Why are you here? I heard your schedule is scheduled for next year. Why are you here?" Gu Min said politely.

Anna just wanted to speak and felt that she couldn't be too direct. She could only smile and say, "I've heard that I don't want to show. Isn't this my leisure?"

"It turned out to be this thing. I just found a more suitable person. You are an old hand and should have met it. I didn't have time to explain to you, but don't worry. I'll give you the reward as usual."

"In your eyes, am I the one who comes to ask for reward?" Anna sajiao said, glancing left and right, and asked, "why don't you see the Yao Qianyu sticking to you?"

"Why did you mention her? Didn't you want to mention her last?" Gu Min said.

Anna asked casually, "I'm not thinking about who is so capable to marry young master Gu. Think about it and think that Yao Qianyu won't conquer you?"

"Are you kidding?" Gu min smiled and said, "I didn't make it clear to you before. I have someone in my heart."

"Someone? Who?"

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