Wen Nanzhi didn't expect that Xu Feiyan's mother-in-law and Mrs. Gu Wang Yushan were friends, and this party was also prepared by Xu Feiyan's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wu.

Wen Nanzhi stood behind Wang Yushan and secretly looked at Xu Feiyan and Mrs. Wu.

On the way, Wang Yushan was worried that Wen Nanzhi would make a mistake and told her a few words before getting off the bus.

Mrs. Wu and Wang Yushan used to be college classmates. Several women have always been very good. Even if they married their husbands, they are not unfamiliar and will come out to get together regularly.

Mrs. Wu's husband's family is engaged in building materials business. Although it is not as extensive as the palace family and the Wen family, it also occupies a place in the industry.

It can be regarded as a person with head and face.

"Nanzhi, you don't have to pay attention to her mouth. After spending a long time with her husband's family, there are no rules."

When getting off the bus, Wang Yushan said something.

Wen Nanzhi nodded without taking it to heart, but when she saw Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu herself, she roughly understood.

Mr. Wu looks very rich and superficial. He is almost as good as a woman. He wears gold and silver. He has a loud voice and has nothing inside.

Mrs. Wu and Wang Yushan are college classmates. Naturally, they should be more self-restraint, but they are also full of jewelry. They are deeply afraid that others will not know that she is living very well.

Compared with Wang Yushan, Mrs. Wu is obviously inferior in temperament.

Several other women of the same age were well dressed and flattered Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu enthusiastically walked up to Wang Yushan. "Yushan, you're here. I'll wait for you. Why are you so plain today? We'll clean up for the party."

Wang Yushan smiled faintly, "it's good to be clean and tidy. It's so familiar that you don't have to be fancy."

Mrs. Wu touched her lipstick and sipped it. The corners of her mouth twitched and showed a wrinkle.

What's high in front of her?

If it's hard, just say it.

When Mrs. Wu was young, some people liked to compare her with Wang Yushan. They looked outstanding. She was lively and eloquent, while Wang Yushan was quiet and quiet.

According to the truth, Mrs. Wu thinks she should be more liked by men, but most men like Wang Yushan.

Fortunately, she married well, her husband's business went well, and she gave birth to another son.

Unlike Wang Yushan, who said she married a doctor and now has to move to the countryside to have a son or a doctor.

Mrs. Wu smiled and pulled over Xu Feiyan. "This is my daughter-in-law. She graduated from a famous foreign school. She is still the top level of the Gong family. What do I say women want such a good career for? But Feiyan has high ability and can't bend her talents. These two are..."

Mrs. Wu pointed to Wen Nanzhi and Gu Yanyi.

Wang Yushan didn't care about Mrs. Wu's complacency. She simply introduced, "Yan Yi is my son, and Nan Zhi is the wife of her adopted son."

"Tut Tut, you are just too selfless. You don't live well and raise children for others. Last time I heard you say, did your husband and wife adopt two sons?" Mrs. Wu tut included all contempt.

Only Xu Feiyan was stiff after listening to Wang Yushan's introduction.

Xu Feiyan has always heard Mrs. Wu say that she has a nemesis, Wang Yushan. She is compared with her everywhere. Fortunately, she is not as good as her. She can twist this point to poke Wang Yushan's pain every time.

But Xu Feiyan thinks Mrs. Wu is simply short-sighted. Wang Yushan said that Wen Nanzhi's adopted son's wife, isn't that

Is Gong Shen Wang Yushan's adopted son?

Xu Feiyan immediately pulled Mrs. Wu's sleeve and motioned her to stop.

Mrs. Wu pulled her sleeve and stared at Xu Feiyan.

You want to take care of your mother-in-law before you enter the door?

Xu Feiyan hurried to speak in front of Mrs. Wu, "Mrs. Gu, please come inside."

"Thank you." Wang Yushan takes Wen Nanzhi and Gu Yanyi inside.


Outside, Mrs. Wu glanced at Xu Feiyan, "you really know how to be a man!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm here for you. Do you know who Mrs. Gu's adopted son is? It's my boss, Mr. Gong." Xu Feiyan hurriedly explained.

"What?" Mrs. Wu's eyes hung and her face was somewhat sour. "How could it be? How could she know Mr. Gong?"

Xu Feiyan didn't understand either. She only knew that Gong Shen and Gu Yanyi knew each other. Unexpectedly, so many relationships were involved.

"Mom, if you go in later, you don't know. People are polite. We should be polite. Anyway, it's just an adopted son relationship. It shouldn't be difficult for you."

Xu Feiyan comforted Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu patted her chest with her hands wearing two rings. "That's right. Her biological sons are just doctors. No matter how good the adopted son is, it's not her. You didn't remind me earlier! Really!"

Mrs. Wu looked at Xu Feiyan reproachfully.

Mr. Wu also frowned and said in a rough voice, "now I say, if Mrs. Gu doesn't feel comfortable and goes back to say something to Mr. Gong, how can we stand in the future?"

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. I'm not considerate." Xu Feiyan can only admit her mistake.

Her parents' business failed. She now lives on her mother-in-law's family. She dare not offend the Wu family.

Xu Feiyan sent Mrs. Wu and Mr. Wu first, and then immediately found a hidden place to call.

"WAN Xin, have you arrived?"

"Not yet, but soon, what's the matter?" Lin Wanxin's voice was impatient and thought Xu Feiyan was urging herself.

Xu Feiyan said bluntly, "Wen Nanzhi and Mrs. Gu are here. Even Gu Yanyi is there. Look..."

Lin Wanxin immediately braked, "I can't show up if they are all here, otherwise we will be found."

"What should I do now?" Xu Feiyan told Mrs. Wu and Wang Yushan about the holiday. My parents in law are angry with me for fear of offending Mr. Gong. "

Xu Feiyan suddenly had no idea.

Lin Wanxin paused and made an idea for Xu Feiyan.

"Mrs. Gu is very polite, so she doesn't like people who don't obey the rules and lose discretion in front of others. I'll teach you a way to get rid of Wennan trifoliate orange and help your mother-in-law earn her face. You just have to..."

"That's a good idea. You wait for news at the bottom of the villa, and I'll let you know." Xu Feiyan couldn't wait to hang up.

After entering the villa, Xu Feiyan went to Mrs. Wu and took out her mobile phone to whisper to Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Wu stared at the news she never cared about on her mobile phone. Her eyes lit up and covered her mouth with a smile.

"I think she's still proud."

"Mom, after all, where can your friends compare with you? Just relax." Xu Feiyan flattered.

"Yes." Mrs. Wu was at last relieved.


Wen Nanzhi sat down with Wang Yushan and poured a cup of tea for Wang Yushan.

Each chatting, Xu Feiyan's fiance came late.

Xu Feiyan took her fiance in her arm and followed Mrs. Wu around.

"Wu Tao, come and see your mother's best friend. You shout Aunt Wang." Mrs. Wu dragged her son to Wang Yushan and Wen Nanzhi.

"Aunt Wang." Wu Tao shouted foolishly.

Wang Yushan frowned slightly, nodded with a smile, "you're welcome."

Mrs. Wu pointed to Wen Nanzhi and Gu Yanyi, "this is your Aunt Wang's son and daughter-in-law."

"No, No." Wen Nanzhi shook his head in panic, "Mrs. Wu, your introduction is easy to misunderstand."

"That's true." Wang Yushan was also a little unhappy. "Yan Yi is my second son, and Nan Zhi is my youngest son's wife."

Mrs. Wu laughed and attracted several chatting little sisters around.

"So I was wrong? But I read on the news that Wen Nanzhi and Gu Yanyi are a couple? I thought I heard wrong just now, so I introduced them." Mrs. Wu said innocently.

"What news?" Wang Yushan vaguely noticed the difference and glanced at Wen Nanzhi and Gu Yanyi.

Mrs. Wu took out her mobile phone and clicked on the news. Instead of directly showing it to Wang Yushan, she circulated it to the people around her first.

"I was surprised to read the new news. Your daughter-in-law can share it? Hehe."

Mrs. Wu made a mockery without any obscurity.

Wang Yushan saw that the mobile phone had not yet reached her hand. She took out the mobile phone directly from her bag and clicked on the news.

As soon as she looked at the picture above, Wang Yushan's face suddenly turned blue, and her elegant look disappeared.

"You two..." Wang Yushan stared at Wen Nanzhi.

Wen Nanzhi and Gu Yanyi both look at their mobile phones. They are all photos of them going to dinner yesterday.

From the way Gu Yanyi helped Wen Nanzhi when they met to the way they talked by the sea.

"Mom, listen to me." Gu Yanyi noticed Wang Yushan's anger and immediately stepped forward.

"Oh, boy, what you do is not kind. Your brother's wife can also do it?" Mrs. Wu said sarcastically.

"There are still such things, but... Delicious but dumplings, fun but sister-in-law, no, sister-in-law, is that right? Ha ha."

Wu Tao, Mrs. Wu's son, was so brazen that he joked with Gu Yanyi about Wen Nanzhi.

The complexion of Wennan orange is very white.

Gu Yanyi looked cold and punched Wu Tao.

"Ah! My baby son!" Mrs. Wu cried.

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